Funding K-12 Public Education | March 2019

In  March, you have several opportunities to become informed, and advocate for K-12 education funding. Events are happening at local schools, in communities, with the school district, the borough assembly, at town halls, and with hearings of bills in Juneau.
2019 March Budget opportunities for public
Monday, March 4, 2019

  • Board of Education Finance Committee meeting: 2:00 p.m., Redoubt conference room, school district offices
  • Monthly school board meeting: 6:00 p.m. Assembly Chambers

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

  • Board of Education worksession: FY20 Budget, 10:30 a.m., Soldotna Prep School Professional Development Room
  • Joint Board of Education and Borough Assembly worksession:  2:00 p.m., Borough Assembly Chambers
  • Borough Assembly meeting: 6:00 p.m., Borough Assembly Chambers
  • One minute public testimony to Senate State Affairs: 6:00 p.m.*

Thursday, March 7, 2019

  • One minute public testimony to Senate State Affairs: 6:00 p.m.*

Thursday, March 21, 2019

  • Board of Education Special Meeting: FY20 Budget: 6:00 p.m., Borough Assembly Chambers, public testimony invited

*Public opportunity to testify to the Senate State Affairs committee

  • Tuesday, March 5, 2019, starting at 6:00 PM
  • Thursday, March 7, 2019, starting at 6:00 PM
    about SB24 and SB23, both related to the PFD.

To balance the FY20 state budget, the Governor has proposed the State of Alaska cut $20.9 million in funding to Kenai Peninsula Borough School District schools.

Public testimony limited to one minute:
1. In person: at the Capitol, 2nd Floor, Butrovich Room
2. Legislative Information Offices: Anchorage, Eagle River, Wasilla, Fairbanks, Kenai
3. Call in: you may call in starting at 5:30 PM to get in the “queue”
From Juneau: 586-9085
From Anchorage: 563-9085
From all other locations: 844-856-9085
more info., and link to listen online:
2019 How to contact your state legislator
2019_02_18_State Reductions and proposed FF cuts FY20

News Release: Attend a KPBSD Budget Forum

KPBSD responds to an unprecedented budget challenge.
Attend a community forum to get facts.

Soldotna, February 14, 2019—Do you understand how the KPBSD school district budget will affect what KPBSD can offer in schools to educate our youth? With drastic state budget cuts to education proposed by the Governor, attend a budget forum in your community.

2019 February Budget development forums

Learn: KPBSD faces an unprecedented deficit of over $20 million dollars or more if the Governor’s proposed FY20 state budget is passed.
Get Facts: The district is building its FY20 budget, and needs your help. Participate online, or in person, to ask questions about revenue, expenses, funding, and cuts that potentially impact the classroom, teachers and support staff, sports and programs, and class sizes. Become involved so as a community we can make informed decisions that will affect our schools. Parents, staff, students, business partners, community members, and elected officials—it’s time to participate:
Community Budget Forums


  • Wednesday, February 20, 6:00 PM: Soldotna High School Library
    Videoconference from Soldotna High School forum to: Cooper Landing; Homer Flex; Hope School; Moose Pass; Nanwalek; Ninilchik; Port Graham; Sterling Elementary; Susan B. English; Tebughna; and Tustumena schools



Be informed so you can advocate for the 2019-2020 school district budget which will define opportunities and offerings in August, 2019.
“Our annual budget is one of the most important things we do each year, and it’s more important than ever with the potential funding cuts we face,” said Dave Jones, assistant superintendent of instructional support. “We want to give our parents, staff, students, and community members a chance to learn about our budget, participate in the process, and ask questions.”
“Over the past several years the district has been able to gather valuable feedback and input through the budget development process,” said Sean Dusek, superindent. “This year will be especially important as we work to become more efficient while maintaining our priority of small class sizes. We look forward to community participation in the process, especially as the State and Borough deal with economic issues that directly impact school funding.”
Action ideas

  1. Attend a community budget forum; KPBSD school site council meeting, school board meeting; Borough Assembly meeting; Alaska legislative opportunities with elected officials
  2. Communicate with your school, friends, neighbors, legislators, and elected officials
  3. View short videos and documents located on the KPBSD Finance Department webpage

If the future success for our KPBSD K-12 students depends on a quality education so graduates will be prepared for college or a career, funding public education is crucial. KPBSD asks everyone to attend a public budget meeting, and become involved in the financial solutions for our school district and state.
2019_02_14_State Budget cut 20.5 million

Twenty-two schools to host district budget forum

Creating district and school budgets is a foundation for quality instruction and school culture. How will you be involved?

Budget Development with every KPBSD site council
22 KPBSD school sites, Tuesday, October 30, 6:00 PM
2018_10_30 BUDGET SITE-COUNCIL meeting
Soldotna, October 22, 2018—The process is rolling forward for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget planning, and decisions must be made with the best information available. At 6:00 PM on Tuesday, October 30, 2018, KPBSD school principals will meet with site-councils and the public after a live video-streamed presentation from the district to 22 school sites.

“We are entering a critical time in our district’s financial life,” said Superintendent Sean Dusek. “For several years, KPBSD has been forced to utilize savings to mitigate deep cuts to the classroom. The time for sustainable, adequate funding from the state and borough is upon us. As we begin this year’s process, we are asking all of our stakeholders to be engaged to help prioritize programs and services offered in our district. We have had to make many difficult decisions in the last few years, as our funding has not kept up with costs, such as healthcare. We hope this process will help inform our state and borough leaders of the needs our students and communities have to continue to provide an excellent education. I look forward to beginning this discussion and supporting all stakeholders to participate in the district, borough and state budgeting process.”

*Site-Councils, together with everyone who is interested—parents, staff, students, business partners, community members, and elected officials—are invited to participate.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018, 6:00 PM, at 22 KPBSD schools:

Aurora Borealis Charter School – KCHS Library; Chapman School – Homer Middle School; Connections Homeschool – Soldotna High Library; Cooper Landing School – Cooper Landing Library; Fireweed  Acacemy – Homer Middle School; Homer Flex – Homer Middle School; Homer High – Homer Middle School; Homer Middle – Homer Middle School; Hope School – Hope School Mrs. T’s room; K-Beach Elementary – K-Beach School; Kachemak-Selo – Voznesenka School; Kaleidoscope School of Arts & Science – Kaleidoscope Library; Kenai Alternative – KCHS Library; Kenai Central High School – KCHS Library; Kenai Middle School – KCHS Library; McNeil Canyon Elementary – Homer Middle School; Moose Pass School – Moose Pass Library; Mt. View Elementary – KCHS Library; Nanwalek School – Nanwalek School, Mr. Beck’s room; Nikiski Middle-High School – Nikiski Middle-High Library; Nikiski North Star Elementary – Nikiski Middle-High Library; Nikolaevsk School – Room 111; Ninilchik School – Ninilchik Library; Paul Banks Elementary – Homer Middle School; Port Graham School – Mr. Way’s room; Razdolna School – Voznesenka School; Redoubt Elementary – Soldotna High Library; River City Academy – Soldotna High Library; Seward Elementary – Seward El PD Room; Seward High School – Seward El PD Room; Seward Middle School – Seward El PD Room; Skyview Middle School – Skyview Library; Soldotna Elementary – Soldotna El Library; Soldotna High – Soldotna High Library; Soldotna Prep – Soldotna High Library; Soldotna Montessori – SMCS room 411; Sterling Elementary – Sterling El Library; Susan B. English – SBE School Commons; Tebughna School – Tebughna School; Tustumena Elementary – Tustumena Library; Voznesenka School – Voznesenka School; and West Homer Elementary – Homer Middle School.
*KCHS is Kenai Central High School
Creating district and school budgets is a foundation for quality instruction and school culture. During this October 30 meeting, an opportunity to learn about reductions which have been considered in the past—some implemented, some not—as well as potential new or additional revenue will be explored. When you attend this meeting, you will learn about district and school level considerations, and potential scenarios going forward, as the budget process begins. Although this is primarily for site councils, everyone is encouraged to participate.*

“Our annual budget is one of the most important things we do each year,” said Dave Jones, assistant superintendent of instructional support. “We want to give our parents, staff, students, and community members a chance to learn about our budget, participate in the process, and offer input. The meeting on October 30 is an important step in the process to develop the FY20 budget. We hope to see a large turnout at all our schools across the district.”

Participant input will be synthesized and presented to the KPBSD school board during future board meetings and work sessions.
KPBSD Finance Department