Caution: student safety traveling to and from school

PrintSoldotna, November 12, 2014—This morning, November 12, 2014, an elementary age student was taken to Central Peninsula Hospital with what appears to be a non-life-threatening injury, after being struck by a passenger vehicle near K-Beach Road in Soldotna, while walking to a bus stop.
Student safety is always the district’s top priority. In response to this accident, KPBSD will review what took place this morning and then as necessary, take corrective action. If you have concerns about other bus stops and routes to schools, please contact either KPBSD transportation at 907-714-8824, or First Student, our bus transportation provider, at 907-260-3557.
SAFETY REMINDER: With the late sunrise and early sunset, many of our students are traveling to and from school in the dark. The lack of light and snow may make it difficult to see students. Parents: safety and reflective tape is available from Kenai Peninsula Safe Kids—please make sure your child is visible at bus stops and while walking or riding a bicycle. Reflective tape on jackets, backpacks, and caps is helpful! Drivers: please watch out for students, and slowdown in school zones.
TIP: Contact Jane Fellman with Kenai Peninsula Safe Kids if you would like to receive free reflective tape or a reflective zipper pull tab for your child’s jacket, backpack, or cap. The reflective tape increases visibility. Call 907-714-4539, or email

Walk your child to school KPBSD

When a bus stops…

Do you know what to do when a bus is stopping or stopped on a road? Alaska State Law lists eight “Stops Required” for motorists. Number seven is: 

School bus — “Stop when red flashing lights are in operation, and stop arm is extended. Drivers meeting and following bus must stop.”

Please drive with caution during our dark winter months, in winter driving conditions, especially while busses travel their routes and stop frequently. 
We all appreciate seeing children wearing reflective clothing alongside the dark roads, and adults waiting with children at bus stops. It would be nice if moose could wear reflective vests or caps too!
KPBSD busses travel 7,725 miles every day, transporting 2,500 plus students throughout the school district.

PSA: Safety Precaution Reminder

October 14, 2011: PSA: Safety Precaution Reminder

Parental supervision requested for children at bus stops, and while walking and biking to and from school.

KPBSD reminds parents and guardians not to leave young children unattended at bus stops. Ideally, children should walk and bike to school in groups. Children are reminded to report any suspicious behavior to their parents or an adult in charge, who in turn should contact their respective school. The safety of our students is paramount.
On October 3, a group of students from K—Beach Elementary School reported that they were approached at a bus stop after school, and asked if they needed a ride. As a precaution, this incidence was reported to the school administration and the State Troopers. KPBSD alerted First Student bus transportation on October 4.
On October 14, school administrators at Mountain View Elementary School were informed by students that they were approached by an adult at varying times both before and after school, during prior days. The Kenai Police department was contacted October 14, and determined the stories to be false and unsubstantiated.
Please contact the Kenai Police Department or the State Troopers if you have questions about either of these reports.
As a school district, we are committed to maintaining safe schools. This is a team effort between parents, students, schools, the community, and law enforcement. Providing all students with a safe learning environment is our top priority.
Read: PSA: Parental Supervision requested for young children at bus stops
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