Caring for the Kenai 2019 Competition raises the bar

“What can I do, invent or create to better care for the environment of the Kenai Peninsula or improve the area’s preparedness for a natural disaster?”

In the 29th year of the competition, on April 18, 2019, Homer High student Austin Cline took first place honors and a $1,600 cash award in the annual Caring for the Kenai environmental and natural disaster preparedness contest.
1 HHS Austin Cline IMG_3270
Austin’s proposal to recycle plastic waste into 3-D printer filament wowed the crowd and judges at the Kenai Central High School Little Theater. Cline explained:

“It’s a simple process that I already have grants for … it’s to turn plastics into 3-D printing material.”

Taking second place and earning $1,100 was the team of Lindy Guernsey and Akilena Veach from Seward High School. Lindy and Akilena demonstrated a working drone which they had built at school, using 3-D printers. The girls use the drone to survey Seward’s floodplains. The girls’ work has supplied the Seward Flood Board with crucial data to help prevent property damage during flooding events.
Lindy said:

“We worked with our outward bound program and built the drone then we heard about Caring for the Kenai and our science teacher encouraged us to enter.”

Akilena added:

“We learned how to fly the drone on a computer simulator after we built it, we’ve flying for three years we’ve been working with younger students so the program will continue after we graduate.”

2 Seward Lindy and Akilena IMG_3106
In third place and claiming a $900 prize was Connections home school student Anna DeVolld. Anna will be visiting local Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club meetings to share information about the role of pollinators in our ecosystem. As part of her presentation, Anna shared a ‘Pollinator Pack’ she has developed; a cluster of plants which support pollinators like bees and bats. These packs of plants will also be distributed to Chamber of Commerce and Rotary Club members, “I’m also giving educational programs about pollinators to increase awareness of how important they are to our community, our salmon runs and food production. I’ll be using my prize money to fund my pollinator packets. I learned a lot of my computer skills because of my CFK idea,” said 13-year-old DeVolld.
3 Anna DeVolld IMG_3094
Taking fourth place honors and $750 was Homer High student Vianne Sarber. Vianne used her incredible skills in art and graphic design to create a children’s storybook titled ‘Sophie Saves the Sea.’ Vianne plans to publish the book through Kindle. “I’m incredible grateful to Mr. Stineff for assigning CFK to me. I allows me to learn and use my skills to make a difference,” said Sarber.
With a catchy (and original) rap, Jacob Topp took 5th place with his rap to remind people about ‘Nice Ice Safety.’ The rap, set to Vanilla Ice’s ‘Ice, Ice Baby,’ is designed to be played over the radio and promote a Facebook page with regular ice safety updates.
The team of Landon Vyhmeister and Josiah Nunn won 6th place and a $550 prize with a video game they developed. The project, titled ‘R.I.S.E. U.P.’, challenges students at different age levels to survive various natural disasters. The boys are working to have their game included in school curriculum.
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Finalists who earned $400 each for making it to the final 12 out of 400 plus entries are:

  • Dylan Duniphin, Kenai Central High School, Nutrient Runoff
  • Melita Efta, Kenai Central High School, Coloring On the Kenai
  • Olivia Ferguson, Rebecca Okonek, & Autumn Calabrese, Ninilchik School, Worms Are Sexy
  • Riley Graves, Kenai Central High School, Magnetic Beach Rake
  • Justin Hansen, Soldotna Prep, The Trails Initiative
  • Shawna Hudson, Kenai Central High School, Solution For Pollution

“Caring for the Kenai is a special opportunity for our students to showcase their ingenuity, problem solving skills and creativity,” said Superintendent of Schools Sean Dusek. “This year’s competition was another wonderful year of our students showcasing these talents in extraordinary ways! I am very proud of the students and their teachers who worked hard to not only develop projects that extended their classroom learning, but who are also are having meaningful, positive impacts in their communities. I am proud to have been associated with such a fantastic program that supports our students in so many ways.”

The CFK essay prompt challenges high school students to respond to the question “What can I do, invent or create to better care for the environment of the Kenai Peninsula or improve the area’s preparedness for a natural disaster?” The contest, administered by the Challenger Learning Center of Alaska, was assigned this year in Kenai Peninsula freshman biology classrooms, with one home school student and at least two high school students entering voluntarily.
In addition to the $8,000 in cash awards for the finalists, this year $20,000 will be awarded to the school’s science departments. Thanks to the CFK signature sponsor Marathon Petroleum Corporation and the community partners Kenai River Raven Lodge, Hilcorp Energy, Peninsula Community Health Services, ConocoPhillips, Sweeney’s Clothing, and Peninsula Radiation Oncology Center.
High schools using CFK as part of state standards curriculum were: Cook Inlet Academy, Kenai Central High, Homer High, Nikiski High, Ninilchik School, Razdolna School, Seward High, Soldotna Prep, and several home school students. Students can enter every year of their high school career, whether the contest is assigned in class or not.
Each school receives $750 for their participation and the remainder of the $20,000 will be allocated according to how the school’s students ranked in the CFK competition. Additionally, close to 20 students will receive special recognition awards from local businesses and individuals.
This year’s contest was noted for its unusually high scores and number of students who have already implemented their ideas.
In addition to cash awards the finalists receive the 2019 CFK hooded sweatshirt and beanie. On Saturday, April 27, 2019, finalists, teachers, and guests will attend the CFK V.I.P Awards banquet hosted in their honor by Marathon Petroleum Corporation at the Challenger Learning Center of Alaska.
COVER 2019 Caring for the Kenai
All the nearly 400 participants that entered the contest will receive a CFK beanie for their hard work and creativity. This year’s oral presentation judges included Dr. Nels Anderson (Mayor of Soldotna), Cameron Hunt (Marathon Petroleum Corporation), Pegge Erkeneff (Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Communications Liaison), Dan Nelson (Kenai Peninsula Borough Office of Emergency Management), Marnie Olcott (Challenger Learning Center CEO), Dick Erkeneff (Kenai River Raven Lodge), Robin Barry (ENSTAR Southern Division Manager), and Carlee Rizzo. Caring for the Kenai is administered as part of the Challenger Learning Center of Alaska educational programs.

Caring For the Kenai

2017 Caring for the Kenai Competition

“What can I do, invent or create to better care for the environment of the Kenai Peninsula or improve the area’s preparedness for a natural disaster?”

Watch Live Competition Video

When Caring for the Kenai stepped into its twenty seventh year, a new super hero was created by Soldotna Prep freshman Anya Hondel and it took first place honors and a $1,600 cash award in the annual environmental and natural disaster preparedness contest.
Anya Hondel First Place c4k
“I was trying to think of an idea but I was stuck. Science is not my best subject so I wanted to incorporate some of my passions into the idea. I love to teach and I love performing arts so my idea was to create a character that could raise environmental awareness by writing and performing a puppet show,” said Anya Hondel, student of Ms. McGlothen.
Taking second place and earning $1,100 was Angela Druesdow of Nikiski who invented a wolf yearn dispenser to keep moose off the highways. “My plan is to install my ‘Spook the Moose’ boxes along sections of the highways that have the highest incidence of road kills,” said Mr. Morin’s student.
Angela Druesedow 2nd place C4K
In third place and claiming a $900 prize was Bradley Walters another Soldotna Prep student from Ms. McGlothen’s class. Walters, a Snow Shoe Gun Club member and skeet shooter has a plan to make lead contamination inert. “We apply a phosphate base fertilizer that immobilizes the lead from seeping into the ground and harming wildlife.”
Bradley Walters 3rd place C4K
Taking fourth place honors and $750 was Hunter Beck of KCHS and Kristin Davis’s student. Beck plans to build an outdoor platform to protect streamside vegetation from erosion so the Stream Watch program can continue.
Coming in fifth and winning the $650 prize was Kimberly Trefon from KCHS of Ms. Grossl’s class whose idea is to protect city rain drains from road run off contaminants.
The team of Krysten Johnson-Gray and Daisy Terry of Seward, Shoshana Brasher’s students won sixth place and a $550 prize with a tsunami song that they wrote and performed.
In addition to the $8,000 in cash awards for the finalists, this year $20,000 will be awarded to the schools science departments, thanks to the CFK signature sponsor Tesoro Alaska and the community partners Kenai River Raven Lodge, Hilcorp Energy, Peninsula Community Health Services, ConocoPhillips and Peninsula Radiation Oncology Center.  High schools using CFK as part of state standards curriculum were: KCHS, Nikiski, Soldotna Prep, Ninilchik, Voznesenka, Homer, Seward, Cook Inlet Academy and several home school students. Each school receives $750 for their participation and the remainder of the $20,000 will be allocated proportionately to how the students ranked in the CFK competition. Additionally, twenty plus students will receive special recognition awards from local businesses and individuals.
Other finalists that earned $400 each for making it to the final 12 out of 400 some entries are:

  • Jacob McConnell of Soldotna Prep with his educational pamphlet on how not to get lost and what to do if you do.
  • Kylie Ness of Soldotna Prep wants to organize a fall community roadside clean up with contest incentives.
  • Giorgy Kalugin of Vosneszenka researched a way to deploy lady bugs to kill the aphid outbreak in the Southern Peninsula.
  • Brooke Nash of KCHS addressed the issue of mega food waste.
  • Chelsea Plagge from KCHS did an amazing research on a new triangle that produces electricity from footsteps called Pavegen. She is preparing to run an experiment using the triangles at her school.

“Caring for the Kenai is an excellent example of extending classroom learning into our communities,” said Sean Dusek, KPBSD Superintendent of Schools. “Student creativity and problem solving is on full display and I am very proud of what they have been able to produce from this experience. Our students continue to amaze me and clearly demonstrate that our future is in good hands.”

Eric Soderquist, KPBSD Director of Information Services, a former Caring for the Kenai winner, and judge this year said, “This year’s project ideas ranged from educational awareness surrounding topics such as food waste, energy conservation, and natural disaster, to Spruce Aphid control, and improving stream access for water testing projects. Anya Hondell, a 9th grade student in Mrs. McGlothen’s class at Soldotna Prep, along with her sidekick “Captain Conservation”, presented a portion of a melodrama “Captain Conservation: Saving Energy One Plug at a Time” coming this summer. Captain Conservation battles Killer Watts while educating children and adults alike about energy conservation. The Caring for the Kenai event was broadcast live to audiences around the world utilizing KPBSD’s Polycom platform. An on-demand recording is available at”
In addition to cash awards the finalists will receive the 2017 CFK hooded jacket. Saturday, April 29, 2017, finalists, teachers and guests will attend the CFK V.I.P Awards banquet hosted in their honor by Tesoro at the Challenger Learning Center of Alaska. All of the more than 400 participants that entered the contest will receive a custom battery pack for charging handheld electronic devices. This year’s oral presentation judges included Borough Mayor Mike Navarre, Tesoro Vice president Kenai Refinery Cameron Hunt, Brendyn Shiflea of ConocoPhillips, Marnie Olcott, CEO Challenger Learning Center, Eric Soderquist for KPBSD Supt. of Schools Sean Dusek, Dick Erkeneff, Kenai River Raven Lodge, Albert Wall PCHS CEO and Hunter Hanson CFK ’16 second place winner. Caring for the Kenai is administered as part of the Challenger Learning Center of Alaska educational programs.

From Great to Amazing : 12 students compete for $28K

Caring for the KenaiCaring for the Kenai logo 2017

Twelve student finalists will take their innovative projects from great to outstanding in a live competition, Thursday, April 20, 2017.

Four hundred entries culled to 120 semi-finalists when eight judges set the final 12 pick on March 8, 2017, in the 27th annual Caring for the Kenai competition. The final 12 will remain anonymous until the evening of April 20, and have a little more than a month to further research, create, and prepare, in order to dazzle a panel of industry experts for the opportunity to win a portion of $8,000 in cash awards plus funds for their respective school.
High school students from Homer, Kenai, Nikiski, Ninilchik, Seward, Soldotna, and Voznesenka responded to the prompt: “What can I do, invent, or create to better care for the environment on the Kenai Peninsula, or to improve the area’s preparedness for a natural disaster?”

Live competition – 12 teens present innovative solutions
Everyone is invited!
Thursday, April 20, 2017
6:00 PM
Kenai Central High School Little Theater

Be inspired, learn, and support the twelve teens who will present their original ideas!
Bonus: this year’s CFK competition will be streamed live over the internet by Soldotna High School technology students and has been viewed in the past in countries such as Canada, Colombia, El Salvador, Peru, Germany, Greenland and Japan. If you can’t attend in person, tune in on a device or online. KPBSD will post the link on social media.
In March, the panel of eight judges from the professional community selected 12 Kenai Peninsula Borough high school students, from 120 semi-finalists, to compete for over $28,000 in cash awards in the oral presentation phase of the CFK program, sponsored by Tesoro. Judges reviewed more than 120 entries in the Caring for the Kenai (CFK) environmental and disaster preparedness contest. “The District’s students greatly appreciate Tesoro’s generous sponsorship of this important annual event and all of the volunteers that make this educational partnership possible every year,” said Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Superintendent Sean Dusek. “The opportunity that Caring for the Kenai offers our students to showcase their creativity and ingenuity is excellent,” added Dusek.
Top 12 selection judges

Community Partnerships

The CFK educational partnership is part of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) science curriculum. This year $20,000 will be awarded to participating schools thanks to a matching grant from, Kenai River Raven Lodge, ConocoPhillips, Peninsula Community Health Services, and Hilcorp. The $20,000 in CFK grants will be divided proportionately to participating schools based on where their students place in the final oral presentation competition to be held Thursday, April 20th at the KCHS Little Theatre, starting at 6:00pm.

Student Recognition Program

In addition to the recognition and prizes that go to the 12 finalists each year, CFK’s Student Recognition award program continues to grow with over 15 local sponsors presenting special recognition awards to entries of the sponsor’s selection. Student recognition recipients will be announced in a Peninsula Clarion full page ad. The 12 CFK finalists will remain anonymous until after their oral presentations Thursday, April 20th.
CFK is being administered as part of the Challenger Learning Center of Alaska’s educational programs. Marnie Olcott, CEO said, “Challenger is thrilled to be part of such a valuable program, for our students, teachers and communities. Challenger shares the vision of growing the program not only within Alaska, but on a national level; we look forward to a long, successful partnership.”
The live feed, complete history and details of the CFK program are available at or visit
Contest Coordinator, Merrill Sikorski, 907-262-4949
2016 top 12 small

2016 Caring for the Kenai Finalists

Top 12 innovative ideas from KPBSD teens

KPBSD News ReleaseKPBSD logo 4c no tag SMALL

Teens respond: What can I do, invent, or create?

Soldotna, April 28, 2016—More than 300 KPBSD students competed in the Caring for the Kenai (CFK) competition this year, with $28,000 awarded to students and classrooms. The CFK essay prompt challenge is, “What can I do, invent or create to better care for the environment of the Kenai Peninsula or improve the area’s preparedness for a natural disaster?”

“I am very proud of all the finalists for Caring for the Kenai,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “This program allows the students and staff in our district to extend learning beyond the classroom in a meaningful way. These types of projects are the true measure of education in our district and exemplify what is happening on a daily basis in our classrooms. Congratulations to all of the participants and I look forward to the students taking the next step with their projects by making them happen in our communities.”

After several rounds of judging, the top 12 ideas were presented in a live competition, before a panel of community judges.

  • In first place, Evangeline & Marguerite Cox [Nikiski Middle-High School] claimed $1,600 with “Breath for Pets.” Their project places pet oxygen masks in the hands of first responders on the Kenai Peninsula. “Animals are a big part of our lives, not just domestic pets but wildlife as well, and these respirators can save both in emergency situations,” said Evangeline.
  • Second place and earning $1,100 is freshman Hunter Hanson [Kenai Central High School] who plans to put drones into service for environmental research, “My plan is to use drones to survey moose on the Kenai Peninsula using thermal imaging,” said Hunter.
  • Third place and claiming a $900 prize is Alicia Steiner [Homer High School] who is implementing a program at her school to reduce Styrofoam tray waste, “My project is to limit the amount of Styrofoam trays by implementing ‘Tray-less Tuesday’ which is one day of the week that we don’t use any Styrofoam only paper products,” said Steiner.
  • Fourth place and claiming $750 is Rowan Biessel [Homer High School], whose idea is to install algae photo bioreactors in buildings on the Kenai to combat climate change.
  • Fifth place and winning $650 is Victoria Giles [Soldotna Prep] who wants to convert common trash into energy with a bio-digester that could be used in homes or landfills.
  • Sixth place and winning $550 is Jacob Nabholz [Kenai Central High School] who is teaching the bio-cultural connection between people and nature by learning the meaning of ancient language of our host Dena’ina culture that reveals knowledge of local ecology.

2016 top 12 small
In addition to the $8,000 in cash awards for the finalists, this year $20,000 will be awarded to the schools science departments, thanks to the CFK signature sponsor Tesoro Alaska and the community partners Kenai River Raven Lodge, Hilcorp Energy, ASRC Energy Services, Peninsula Community Health Services, and Peninsula Radiation Oncology Center.
Other finalists that earned $400 each for making it to the final 12 out of over 300 entries were:

  • Robert McGinnis of Ninilchik with his mobile recycling unit
  • Elise Webber a Homer senior who has begun a program for disaster alert registration of cell phones
  • Chelsea Oberle-Lozano of Ninilchik with a project called “Facing your Feces,” an idea to provide poop-bags at trail heads
  • Samantha Graves from Homer has a plan to save more otters with volunteers
  • The team of Katelyn Moore and Drew Davis from Nikiski prepared emergency “To Go” bags for disaster preparedness
  • Owen Myer also of Homer is starting a sleeping bag drive to collect no-longer used sleeping bags to be used in case of an emergency

High schools using CFK as part of classroom curriculum are Homer High School, Kenai Central High School, Nikiski Middle-High School, Ninilchik School, Seward High School, Soldotna Prep, and Voznesenka School. Each school receives $750 for their participation and the remainder of the $20,000 was allocated proportionately to how the students ranked in the CFK competition. Additionally, twenty plus students received special recognition awards from local businesses and individuals.
On Saturday, April 30, 2016, finalists, teachers and guests will attend the CFK V.I.P. Awards banquet hosted in their honor by Tesoro at the Challenger Learning Center in Kenai. This year’s April 21, 2016, oral presentation judges included Borough Mayor Mike Navarre, Cameron Hunt, Tesoro vice president Kenai Refinery, KPBSD Superintendent Sean Dusek, Ray Chumley, ConocoPhillips LNG plant superintendent, Marnie Olcott, CEO Challenger Learning Center of Alaska, Monica Adams PCHS chief executive officer, Amanda Millay, Environmental Program Technician Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and last year’s CFK 1st place winner Keira Stroh. Caring for the Kenai is administered as part of the Challenger Learning Center of Alaska educational programs.
Questions? Contact Merrill Sikorski, contest creator and coordinator, (907)-262-4949


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Teens present innovative ideas in live competition for 25K in prizes

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
News Release
Twelve students present their innovative ideas in live competition, for 25K in cash awards

Soldotna, April 18, 2016—How can we improve our environment or prepare for a natural disaster? Three hundred KPBSD students entered the annual Caring for the Kenai (CFK) competition and put their forth their best innovative ideas. The top twelve students take to the live stage Thursday, April 21, 2016, 6:00 p.m., in the Kenai Central High School Little Theater before a panel of community judges, and the opportunity to win cash prizes, and ultimately implement their idea. The public is invited.

KPBSD logo 4c no tag SMALLCaring for the Kenai Live Competitionlogo
April 21, 2016, 6:00 PM
Kenai Central High School
9583 Kenai Spur Hwy
Kenai, Alaska 99611
Free, everyone is welcome

Now in its twenty-sixth year, the CFK community partnership offers cash awards to the best twelve proposals addressing the prompt,

“What can I do, invent, or create to better care for the environment on the Kenai Peninsula, or to improve the area’s preparedness for a natural disaster?”

More than 300 students from KPBSD schools including Homer High School, Kenai Central High School, Nikiski Middle-High School, Ninilchik School, Soldotna High School, Soldotna Prep, Seward High School, Voznesenka School, and Connections Homeschool submitted their entries online through the CFK website. “From simple but practical ideas to the use of hi-tech innovations this year’s proposals will challenge us all to do more for our environment and natural disaster preparedness. The oral presentations is an event not to be missed and is a tribute to our school district,” said program creator Merrill Sikorski.
“Caring for the Kenai is a great program that supports our efforts to have students apply their classroom learning in problem solving activities,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “This program is truly cross curricular and allows students to be creative and collaborate with their peers, teachers and the community. I appreciate the efforts of our teachers to integrate this program into their classes and am thankful that people like Merrill Sikorski have kept this opportunity alive for our students.”
The finalists will compete for over $8,000 in cash prizes for themselves, plus $20,000 in cash awards for their high school classrooms. Tesoro Alaska is the signature sponsor of CFK, administered by the Challenger Learning Center of Alaska. CFK Community Partners contributing cash for classroom awards include ASRC Energy Services, Hilcorp, Kenai River Raven Lodge, Peninsula Community Health Services, and Peninsula Radiation Oncology Center.
This year’s panel of judges includes Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor Mike Navarre, KPBSD Superintendent of Schools Sean Dusek, Tesoro Plant Manager Cameron Hunt, Jade Gamble ADEC Spill Response, Challenger Learning Center CEO Marnie Olcott and last year’s CFK winner Keira Stroh. The public is encouraged to attend the CFK oral presentations to experience personally the great ideas coming forward from our youth. All judging prior to the oral presentations is done anonymously with the student’s name and school not being revealed until after the final oral presentations.
The competition will also be streamed live over the internet, and easily available by going to and clicking on the home page banner.
Contact: Merrill Sikorski, Caring for the Kenai Coordinator, 907-262-4949
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
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