May 16, 2019: District Proposal to KPEA and KPESA

KPBSD_2017-2022_StrategicPlan_SealKenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) proposal to Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA) for three years: 2018-2019; 2019-2020; 2020-2021

This proposal is based on the Arbitrator’s recommendations, with applicability to everyone who is employed on the date of ratification. The May 16, 2019, proposal includes an additional modification beyond the Arbitrator’s Report recommendations.
Terms and conditions: the current negotiated agreement, items already TA’d in bargaining, and these changes:

What is the length of the contract?
Three years: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2021


What are the changes to the Health Care plan?
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) or Traditional Plan (TP)

  • A revised health insurance Article 27 for KPESA that sets forth the 70%/30% split over the cap, as recommended by the Advisory Arbitrator.
    The District portion of the current 50%/50% split above the cap increases by 20% to 70%. The employee 50% portion decreases to 30%, which is a 20% decrease to the employee.
  • 2018-2019 Traditional Plan retroactive overpayment refund of $920:
    For FY19, KPESA employees on the TP as of December 31, 2018, will receive a refund of health care contribution overpayment as a result of the new 70%/30% split in the amount of $920. FY19 retro payment will be made as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.
  • 2018-2019 HDHP retroactive overpayment refund of $600:
    For FY19, KPESA employees on the HDHP as of December 31, 2018, will receive a refund of health care contribution overpayment as a result of the new 70%/30% split in the amount of $600. The FY19 retro payment will be made as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.
  • District contribution to the healthcare cap increases by $50 per month
    This proposal is more favorable to KPESA employees than the Arbitrator’s Recommendation. Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, the district will increase its portion of the monthly cap by $50 for each plan. Therefore, the District’s contribution for the TP shall increase to $1781.45/month, and the District’s contribution to the HDHP will increase to $1695.61/month.
  • The Traditional Plan will no longer be an option for employees with an initial date of hire after May 31, 2019.

What are the changes to wages and working conditions?

Retroactive salary payments for 2018-2019 will be made as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.

  • Salary schedule increases in the amounts of:
    • .5 % in 2018-2019
    • 1 % in 2019-2020
    • 2 % in 2020-2021
  • If you are a KPESA employee eligible to receive an annual step increase which averages 4.98%, the district’s offer reflects an 18.44% average salary increase over the three-year duration.
  • KPESA employees not receiving a step increase will receive an additional .5 % in 2018-2019; 1 % in 2019-2020; and 2 % in 2020-2021, off the base salary in that year’s Column H.
  • Swing Shift and Graveyard Shift hourly pay increase
    A new shift differential for KPESA, for Article 17, Section A in the amounts of 40 cents per hour for swing shift and 60 cents per hour for graveyard shift.
  • KPESA support employees would now be eligible to receive extra curricular stipends.

KPESA rejected this proposal to settle the contract on May 16, 2019.
This proposal expires May 31, 2019.

KPBSD_2017-2022_StrategicPlan_SealKenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) proposal to Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA) for three years: 2018-2019; 2019-2020; 2020-2021

This proposal is based on the Arbitrator’s recommendations, with applicability to everyone who is employed on the date of ratification. The May 16, 2019, proposal includes an additional modification beyond the Arbitrator’s Report recommendations. Terms and conditions: the current negotiated agreement, items already TA’d in bargaining, and these changes:

What is the length of the contract?
Three years: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2021


What are the changes to the Health Care plan?
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) or Traditional Plan (TP)

  • District contribution to the healthcare cap increases by $50 per month
    This proposal is more favorable to KPEA employees than the Arbitrator’s Recommendation. Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, the district will increase its portion of the monthly cap by $50 for each plan. Therefore, the District’s contribution for the TP shall increase to $1781.45/month, and the District’s contribution to the HDHP will increase to $1695.61/month.
  • The Traditional Plan will no longer be an option for employees with an initial date of hire after May 31, 2019.

What are the changes to wages and working conditions?
Retroactive salary payments for 2018-2019 will be made as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.

  • Salary schedule increases in the amounts of:
    • .5 % in 2018-2019
    • 1 % in 2019-2020
    • 2 % in 2020-2021
  • If you are a KPEA employee eligible to receive an annual step increase which averages 2.67%, the district’s offer reflects an 11.51% average salary increase over the three-year duration.
  • KPEA employees not receiving a step increase at C+90/M-T will receive an additional .5 % in 2018-2019; 1 % in 2019-2020; and 2 % in 2020-2021, off the base salary at C+90/M-T.

KPEA rejected this proposal to settle the contract on May 16, 2019.
This proposal expires May 31, 2019.

Collective Bargaining Update: May 16, 2019

News ReleaseKPBSD logo 4c no tag SMALL
Collective Bargaining Update: May 16, 2019
Soldotna, May 16, 2019—The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) met with the Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA) and Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA) for collective bargaining on May 16, 2019.
The District did not accept the KPEA and KPESA May 13, 2019, last best offer, and proposed separate counter offers to each Association.

Each Association rejected the District’s May 16, 2019, counter offer.
No further bargaining has been scheduled.
Following bargaining this morning, the Associations distributed a quote to members and on social media attributed to the District’s bargaining team spokesperson. This is the accurate context of the quote, “…put up or shut up…” transcribed from the May 16, 2019, recording during bargaining.
Listen to the May 16, 2019 audio clip from collective bargaining:

“We have listened to Mr. Fischer and others talk about how the broker has been overly, well I don’t want to say excessive, in its recommendations to or analysis as to what the costs are going to be in the next school year. We think the broker has accurately, to the best of the information available to it, considered all of the factors that go in to a health care program. We believe that the request by the association that somehow, the district should accept your proposals and not have a cap, is not accurate.
We do not believe that what you’ve told us, that in your opinion the costs are going to go down next year to such an extent that even though the district may be giving up its cap, it’s not going to be impacted by that. We don’t believe that. We don’t agree with that.
But we do know, that if you agree with that, then your health care committee on the HDHP has the ability to set your members rates at whatever it wants. If you think the $367 rate that the hundred percent migration comes out to per month for the high deductible plan comes out to, and will not be what it’s going to be shown when it comes to June 30, 2020, or whenever, March of next year, set it at $200. Have every one of your members pay $200 per month. Have your health care committee going crazy for the first nine months of next year to see how it can reduce the cost. But if you believe the broker is not right, then put up and shut up or shut up on that. Do what you want the district to do. You want us to pay the higher cost if the broker is accurate–but why don’t you pay the lower cost while you think the broker is wrong, and you’ve solved the problem of your memberships costs next year.
So based upon our analysis, our review, we have a proposal for you. For each of the Associations. We have told you that we will not remove a cap, and we’re not removing a cap. We’ve told you that we respect KPESA’s determination that it wants to stick with KPEA, but our proposals remain separate.”


Collective Bargaining Update: May 13, 2019

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Collective Bargaining Update: May 13, 2019
Soldotna, May 13, 2019—Proposals were exchanged between The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD), and the Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA) and Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA) during collective bargaining on May 13, 2019. The Associations rejected the District proposals.

Collective Bargaining will continue on Thursday, May 16, 2019, beginning at 9:00 AM.
School district Collective Bargaining webpage, includes Advisory Arbitration April 2019 report to KPBSD, KPEA, KPESA documents, and most recent proposals.


Collective Bargaining: May 8, 2019 KPBSD proposals to KPESA and KPEA

News ReleaseKPBSD logo 4c no tag SMALL
Soldotna, May 8, 2019—The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) proposals to Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA) and Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA)
KPBSD proposal to KPESA*
Attached is the District proposal to KPESA that accepts the recommendations in the Arbitrator’s report.
The proposal was rejected by KPESA at bargaining on May 8, 2019.
KPBSD proposal to KPEA**
Attached is the District proposal to KPEA that accepts the recommendations in the Arbitrator’s report.
The proposal was rejected by KPEA at bargaining on May 8, 2019.
School district Collective Bargaining webpage, includes Advisory Arbitration April 2019 report to KPBSD, KPEA, KPESA documents.

*KPBSD proposal to KPESA

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) proposal to
Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA)
to settle the FY19, FY20, FY21 bargaining
The current agreement continues for FY 19-21 except for all previous TAs that modify existing language.  The Advisory Arbitrator’s Report is accepted as follows, with applicability to those employed on the date of ratification.

  • A change to the duration for July 1, 2018-June 30, 2021.
  • A new shift differential for KPESA, for Article 17, Section A in the amounts of 40 cents per hour for split shift and 60 cents per hour for graveyard shift.
  • A revised health insurance Article 27 for KPESA that sets forth the 70/30 split over the cap, as recommended by the Advisory Arbitrator.
  • For FY19, KPESA employees on the traditional plan as of December 31, 2018, will receive a refund of health care contribution overpayment as a result of the new 70/30 in the amount of $920. FY19 retro payment will be made as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.
  • For FY19, KPESA employees on the high deductible health plan as of December 31, 2018, will receive a refund of health care contribution overpayment as a result of the new 70/30 in the amount of $600. FY19 retro payment will be made as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.
  • The Traditional Plan will no longer be an option for employees with an initial date of hire after May 31, 2019.
  • Salary schedule increases in the amounts of .5 percent in FY19, 1 percent in FY20, and 2 percent in FY21.
  • KPESA employees not receiving a step increase will receive an additional .5 percent in FY19, 1 percent in FY20, and 2 percent in FY21, off base salary in that year’s Column H.
  • FY19 retro salary payments will be made as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.
  • Addition of Article 37 Extracurricular Programs, attached.

This proposal expires May 31, 2019.

**KPBSD proposal to KPEA

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) proposal to
Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA)
to settle the FY19, FY20, FY21 bargaining
The current agreement continues for FY 19-21 except for all previous TAs that modify existing language.  The Advisory Arbitrator’s Report is accepted as follows, with applicability to those employed on the date of ratification.

  • A change to the duration for July 1, 2018-June 30, 2021.
  • Salary schedule increases in the amounts of .5 percent in FY19, 1 percent in FY20 and 2 percent in FY21.
  • KPEA employees at C+90/M-T not receiving a step increase will receive an additional .5 percent in FY19, 1 percent in FY20, and 2 percent in FY21 based on the same year’s salary in the C+90/M-T.
  • The Traditional Plan will no longer be an option for employees with an initial date of hire after May 31, 2019.
  • FY19 retro salary payments will be made as soon as possible, but no later than Friday, June 28, 2019.


News Release: Arbitrator’s Advisory Report

KPBSD_2017-2022_StrategicPlan_SealSoldotna, May 2, 2019—the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) received the Advisory Arbitration Report. The two days of Advisory Arbitration took place February 26-27, 2019, with the Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA) and the Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA).
District administration and school board members are reviewing and analyzing Arbitrator Dorothy Fallon’s Report.
KPBSD, KPEA, and KPESA will meet to continue bargaining on May 8, 2019.
The Arbitrator’s Advisory Report can be viewed or downloaded from the KPBSD collective bargaining webpage, or via the KPBSD homepage from a link in the Community Interest section.

Collective Bargaining and Tentative Agreements (TA)

KPBSD, and KPEA and KPESA Negotiations Summary*
Tentative Agreement (TA) dates are noted; if new language is adopted that differs from the original proposals exchanged February 15, 2018, the new language is linked in a pdf, next to the TA date.
Proposals and counter-proposals still open for bargaining and exchanged after opening offers are linked in a PDF in the “Proposal” column.
Articles or sections still open to bargaining do not indicate a TA.
KPBSD Collective Bargaining Webpage
Opening offers:

October 17, 2018 package offers, expire October 31, 2018:

October 17, 2018: KPBSD Supposal MOA to KPEA and KPESA District exploratory effort at a Memorandum of Agreement to use one-time funds to increase employee compensation in current year FY19 without increasing salary schedule.
Proposal Cost of February 15, 2018 KPESA and KPEA offers to KPBSD
FY18 KPEA and KPESA Salary Schedules with percentage increases by steps and lanes

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD)
and Kenai Peninsula Education SUPPORT Association (KPESA)

District Proposal to KPESA Date of Tentative Agreement (TA)
Article 3 Association Rights
8.9.18 KPBSD Proposal
10.17.18 adopted TA language
Article 10 C 1 (b) Transfers
Article 16 Salary Schedule
Article 17 F Payment Conditions
Article 25A Donations of Sick Leave
Article 27 Health Care & Appendix A
Article 36 Contract Conditions and Savings Clause


KPESA Proposal to the District Date of Tentative Agreement (TA)
Article 3 Association Rights
8.9.18 KPESA counter-proposal to KPBSD
 10.17.18 adopted TA language
Article 10 N. Lunch Breaks
Article 10 P. Pay Warrants
Article 11 Discipline and Discharge 3.1.18 adopted KPESA language
Article 12 D Resignation
3.1.18 revised proposal to KPBSD
Article 16 Salary Schedule
Article 17 G. Longevity
Article 17 A. Shift Differential
Article 20 Personal Leave
Article 21 Association leave
Article 27 Health Care
Article 36 Contract Conditions Term and Savings Clause
NEW Article 37 Extracurricular Programs 3.1.18 revised proposal to KPBSD
Article 121 Extracurricular Salary Schedule


Section Not Proposed for Change by Either Party Date of Tentative Agreement (TA)
Preamble 2.15.18
Particle 1 Administration 2.15.18
Article 2 Definitions 2.15.18
Article 3 Association Rights 2.15.18
Article 4 Fair Practices 2.15.18
Article 5 Membership Rights 2.15.18
Article 6 Management Rights 2.15.18
Article 7 Personnel Files 2.15.18
Article 8 Safety and Liability 2.15.18
Article 9 Term of Employment 2.15.18
Article 9A Classification 2.15.18
Article 13 Reduction in Force 2.15.18
Article 14 Mileage Reimbursement 2.15.18
Article 15 Special Certificate or License Reimbursement 2.15.18
Article 17A Discretional Funds 2.15.18
Article 18 Leaves and Benefits 2.15.18
Article 19 Holidays 2.15.18
Article 22 Civic Leave 2.15.18
Article 23 Unpaid Leave of Absence 2.15.18
Article 24 Leave of Absence for Reserve of Auxiliary Members of Armed Forces (AS 39.20.340) 2.15.18
Article 25 Sick Leave 2.15.18
Article 25B Sick Leave Bank 2.15.18
Article 26 Physical Examinations Reimbursement 2.15.18
Article 28 Life Insurance 2.15.18
Article 29 Travel Insurance 2.15.18
Article 30 Worker’s Compensation 2.15.18
Article 31 In-service Training 2.15.18
Article 32 Other Dedications 2.15.18
Article 33 Career Development Program 2.15.18
Article 34 Grievance Procedures 2.15.18
Article 35 Contract Dissemination 2.15.18
Article 36 Contract Conditions Term and Savings Clause 2.15.18


Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD)
and Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA)

District Proposal to KPEA Date of Tentative Agreement (TA)
Section 105 Teachers’ Salary Schedule
Section 110 H Salary Conditions
Section 120 Extracurricular Programs
Section 121 Extracurricular Salary Schedule
Section 210 Health Care & Appendix A
Section 305 Instructional Leave 2.15.18 adopted KPBSD language
Section 306 Instructional Leave Bank 2.15.18 adopted KPBSD language
Section 343 Donations of Sick Leave
Section 470 Workday 8.10.18 adopted KPBSD counter-proposal to KPEA
Section 550 Dues, Fees, Deductions, Continuing Membership
8.9.18 KPBSD proposal
10.17.18 Adopted TA language
Section 650 Duration


KPEA Proposal to the District Date of Tentative Agreement (TA)
Section 105 Teachers’ Salary Schedule
Section 110 E Salary Conditions
Section 210 Heath Care
Section 305 Instructional Leave 2.15.18 adopted KPBSD language
Section 306 Instructional Leave Bank 2.15.18 adopted KPBSD language
Section 320 Personal Leave
Section 325 Personal and Sick Leave for Less Than Full Time Employees
Section 340 M. Sick Leave
Section 342 Use of Sick Leave for Bereavement 2.15.18 adopted KPEA language
Section 470 D. & E. Workday 8.10.18 adopted KPBSD counter-proposal to KPEA
Section 475 Teacher Preparation Periods
Section 550 Dues, Fees, Deductions, Continuing Membership
8.9.18 KPEA counter-proposal to KPBSD proposal
 10.17.18 Adopted TA language


Section Not Proposed for Change by Either Party Date of Tentative Agreement (TA)
Article 100 District Rights 2.15.18
Article 101 Association Recognition 2.15.18
Article 102 Contract Definitions for the Purpose of this Agreement 2.15.18
Article 115 Initial Placement on the Salary Schedule 2.15.18
Article 120 Extracurricular Programs 2.15.18
Article 130 Reimbursement for Physical Examination 2.15.18
Article 135 Mileage Reimbursement Rate 2.15.18
Article 140 Discretional Materials 2.15.18
Article 150 Vandalism 2.15.18
Article 220 Liability Insurance 2.15.18
Article 221 Worker’s Compensations 2.15.18
Article 230 Life Insurance 2.15.18
Article 232 Insurance During Approved Leaves 2.15.18
Article 307 Legal Leave 2.15.18
Article 310 Career Development 2.15.18
Article 325 Personal and Sick Leave for Less Than Full-Time Employees 2.15.18
Article 330 Civic Leave 2.15.18
Article 335 Sabbatical Leave 2.15.18
Article 339 Automated Substitute System 2.15.18
Article 341 Sick Leave Bank 2.15.18
Article 345 Unpaid Leave of Absence 2.15.18
Article 346 Leave of Absence for Reserve or Auxiliary Members of Armed Forces (AS 39.20.340) 2.15.18
Article 405 Additional Educational Employment 2.15.18
Article 410 Involuntary Transfers 2.15.18
Article 415 Student Discipline Procedure 2.15.18
Article 420 Duty Free Lunch 2.15.18
Article 425 School Closures 2.15.18
Article 427 Forced Absences 2.15.18
Article 430 End of Quarter Days 2.15.18
Article 431 Inservice Training and Workshops 2.15.18
Article 435 Job Openings 2.15.18
Article 436 Teacher Involvement in Selection of Administration 2.15.18
Article 440 Job Sharing 2.15.18
Article 445 Personnel 201 Files 2.15.18
Article 446 Due Process 2.15.18
Article 450 Academic Freedom 2.15.18
Article 451 Assignment of Student Grades 2.15.18
Article 455 Reduction of Staff 2.15.18
Article 460 Recall Rights and Tenure Acquisition 2.15.18
Article 463 Subcontracting 2.15.18
Article 466 Specialists 2.15.18
Article 474 Impact of Class Size 2.15.18
Article 479 Teacher Exchange 2.15.18
Article 480 Notification of Non-Retentions 2.15.18
Article 483 Teacher Rights 2.15.18
Article 490 Teacher Evaluation 2.15.18
Article 505 Information 2.15.18
Article 510 Release Time for Meetings 2.15.18
Article 515 Meetings 2.15.18
Article 520 Use of School Buildings 2.15.18
Article 525 Use of School Equipment 2.15.18
Article 530 Supplies 2.15.18
Article 535 Mail Facilities 2.15.18
Article 540 Non-jeopardy Clause 2.15.18
Article 541 Membership Rights 2.15.18
Article 545 KPEA Professional Leave 2.15.18
Article 553 IRS Section 125 Plan 2.15.18
Article 555 Other Deductions 2.15.18
Article 560 Conformity to Law 2.15.18
Article 565 School Board Agenda 2.15.18
Article 575 Bulletin Boards 2.15.18
Article 630 Agreement Dissemination 2.15.18
Article 640 Grievance Procedures 2.15.18



News Release: KPBSD, KPEA, KPESA reach Tentative Agreement

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictKPBSD schools map 2016
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

News Release
KPBSD and the KPEA and the KPESA reach Tentative Agreement

Soldotna, September 7, 2016—The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD), the Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA) and the Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA) reached a Tentative Agreement, for a three year contract with certified (KPEA) and classified (KPESA) employees, for the time period July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2018.
The three year negotiated agreement adopts recommendations from the Arbitrator’s report (August, 2016) as is, with the addition of the FY16 bonus for KPESA members as offered by the KPBSD in its April 15, 2016 offer, and other date changes related to the new health care plan.
When the Associations ratify the tentative agreements, they will be presented for final approval by the Kenai Peninsula Board of Education during a public school board meeting.
Sean Dusek, superintendent said:

“I am pleased that we have reached a tentative agreement with our staff. I appreciate the hard work that all of the bargaining teams put in throughout the process. We are now able to move forward together to continue to provide a high quality education for all of our students.”

KPBSD Collective Bargaining* webpage
*includes September 7, 2016 Tentative Agreement, and Advisory Arbitration August 2016 award to KPBSD, KPEA, KPESA documents
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:

News Release: Arbitrator’s Advisory Award

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictKPBSD logo 4c no tag SMALL
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, communications liaison, 907.714.8888

News Release
Arbitrator’s Advisory Award

Soldotna, August 24, 2016—the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) received the Advisory Arbitration report after two days of Advisory Arbitration, June 1-2, 2016, with the Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA) and the Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA).
District administration and school board members are reviewing and analyzing Arbitrator Gary L. Axon’s recommendations.
The Arbitrator’s Advisory award can be viewed or downloaded on the KPBSD collective bargaining webpage, or via the KPBSD homepage from a link in the Community Interest section.
KPBSD Collective Bargaining webpage

News Release: Collective bargaining impasse continues

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictKPBSD logo 4c no tag SMALL
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

Collective Bargaining Impasse Continues

Soldotna, January 21, 2016— Negotiations between the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD), and the Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA) and the Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA) remain at impasse. The January 13, 2016, KPBSD health insurance counter proposal to the KPEA and KPESA was not accepted by the Associations.
After an extended caucus on January 13, 2016, the KPEA and KPESA bargaining team comments—in response to the KPBSD proposal—made it clear that they will not accept any upper limit, or cap, on the amount of the District’s contribution to the High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) that they proposed in October 2015. That proposal requires the District to pay 100% of the costs of the HDHP. In January, the Associations’ comment that it wants the District to pay the first $1,700 per employee per month, plus 100% of an annual cost escalator, and then 85% of any additional cost, is not a cap on the District’s contribution to health insurance costs. It regresses from the current 85%-15% cost sharing for the existing health plan. As such, the Associations’ comments were non-responsive, and displayed no reasonable, economically feasible, or realistic effort to break the current impasse in bargaining.*
The Associations have not presented a written counter proposal to the District. As a result, another negotiating session has not been scheduled.
A two day advisory arbitration hearing before Arbitrator Gary Axon has been scheduled for June 1 and 2, 2016. He was jointly selected by KPBSD, KPEA and KPESA.
*January 20, 2016: KPBSD Response to KPEA and KPESA January 13, 2016 comments
KPBSD webpage: School District Collective Bargaining
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
Suggest or contribute a story online link:

News Release: Update – Collective Bargaining

News ReleaseKPBSD logo 4c no tag SMALL
Update: Collective Bargaining

Soldotna, January 16, 2016—On Wednesday evening, during collective bargaining, the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) negotiating team responded to a high deductible health care offer presented by the Kenai Peninsula Education Association (KPEA), and the Kenai Peninsula Education Support Association (KPESA). After thorough analysis, the District provided an 11 page response* outlining costs and reasoning, with the conclusion it could not accept the proposal because the district’s health care costs would increase by $1.1 million, among other reasons.*
In response to the KPEA and KPESA offer, on January 13, 2016, KPBSD presented the two Associations with a health care proposal** that also included a high deductible health care plan, but with a monthly cap on the employer contribution. The offer also included opt-out provisions for employees with alternate health care coverage. The District’s proposal was rejected by the KPEA and KPESA on January 13, 2016, and the two Associations did not present a formal counter proposal to KPBSD.
*January 13, 2016: KPBSD Response to KPEA and KPESA October 14, 2015, Health Care proposals
**January 13, 2016: KPBSD Health Care Proposal to KPEA and KPESA
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, Communications Liaison | 907.714.8888