KPBSD inspiration: Anna Devolld

KPBSD Inspiration: Anna DeVolld, Connections Homeschool Class of 2023

She’s 14, won’t graduate until 2023, and is buzzingly changing our world, one word, image, and seed at a time.

Meet Anna, a homeschool student, with an online teacher who inspires her to be a citizen scientist…

“My KPBSD Distance Education science teacher, Ms. Leslie, inspires me to set high goals and work diligently to reach them. She always encourages me to be a “citizen scientist” and to make a difference in our community by following my dreams. She has an amazingly kind and funny personality, and as my role model, she has shown me that curiosity and resiliency are important! Not only does she support my academic life, but she also cares about who I am and what I’m interested in. Because of the way she touches my life (even though we’ve only met in person a few times), I’m planning to go into the same profession: online education. I want to change students’ lives the way she has changed mine.”

Caring for the Kenai competition with educator Kim Leslie

Faced with Choices…

Recently, pollinators have been declared the most important creatures on earth by the Earthwatch Institute, and yet their numbers are declining at an alarming rate. In the U.S. alone, their numbers drop by 30% every year!

Last year, I decided to do something about this worldwide problem and I created a program to benefit pollinators here in Alaska: P.O.P. – Promote Our Pollinators! P.O.P. began as a Caring for the Kenai project and is designed to educate our community about the importance of pollinators and why their numbers are declining, while providing ways to promote their population growth and inspiring the next generation to be good stewards of our natural resources. I created a flier, activity book, Facebook page, Twitter account, and website to educate and inspire our community to take action for pollinators. I have designed promotional items like reusable tote bags, stickers, and buttons and distributed them at many community events like Industry Appreciation Day. I have given numerous presentations in schools, Rotary Clubs, and at the Soldotna Senior Center.

“When you are 14, it can sometimes be difficult and overwhelming to start a project like this, but I have the support of many individuals, organizations, and agencies who encourage me to pursue my passion for pollinators.” –Anna Devolld

Would you like a portable, pollinator garden?

“I created Pollinator Packs to address pollinator habitat loss. Pollinator Packs are six-pack pots that contain six different pollinator-friendly seedlings: the start of a pretty, portable, pollinator garden for anyone! My prototype year in 2019 ensured the plants would thrive and attract our indigenous pollinators. Next summer, I will be planting and freely distributing hundreds of Pollinator Packs, providing the easy to locate food source that pollinators need at frequent intervals in urban areas. The supplies needed to grow these packs and produce the promotional items are funded by grants from the Awesome Foundation, the Challenger Learning Center of Alaska, ENSTAR, and by donations from local businesses. The City of Soldotna and Soldotna Parks and Recreation have partnered with me to install permanent pollinator garden signs in five locations this spring.

Education and State Government

I am scheduling more presentations for this spring and creating an online P.O.P. class for 3rd through 6th graders. In addition, I am also requesting that the Alaska DOT implement section 1415 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, a law that encourages state governments to use best practices to support pollinator health along roadside rights of way.

“I’m a gardener, and I really like planting seeds, so here’s one for you to grow: find something that you’re passionate about, no matter how small, and see how you can use it to change our world.” –Anna Devolld

Fun counts too!

While I love dancing and playing my piano, many of my favorite activities take place outside. I always look forward to skiing at Alyeska. My dad taught me how to ski when I was two, and now I can almost beat him down the slopes! I also really enjoy camping in the summer: sitting around the fire, roasting marshmallows, and listening to the sounds of the lake. In addition to admiring the scenery, we get to meet quite a bit of wildlife. One year, a brown bear came sauntering through our campsite! We watched him investigate a little bit, but when he took special interest in our tent, Mom decided it was time to get a trailer!

Expanding horizons with travel

I love to travel! Every year, my family visits a different part of the United States to see famous landmarks and historical sites. We have been all across the country: from New York to California and Minnesota to Texas. Last summer, we drove along the Mississippi River from Minnesota to Louisiana; it was amazing how much the climate and culture changed as we traveled. I enjoyed all the amazing architecture and delicious food (Cajun food? Yes, please!).

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart…” Colossians 3:23a is Miss Devolld’s favorite motivational phrase, and it is abundantly clear that it is a guiding principle leading her vision and destiny. What grabs your heart of care in our world? What supports do you need, and what can your first step be to begin?

Want to learn more about pollinators? Connect online:


photos: 2015 State of Alaska winning essay for the Capitol Christmas Tree Lighting Essay Contest; Industry Appreciation Days booth for POP – Promote Our Pollinators; VFW Voice of Democracy Award Ceremony; Caring for the Kenai awards with educator Kim Leslie

KPBSD celebrates Anna Devolld who is proof positive of the KPBSD mission to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.

Do you have a story tip about a KPBSD graduate, current student, or staff member to profile in our weekly inspiration highlight?
Kindly email Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD director of communications, community, and government relations:

Rachel Davidson, Connections Homeschool #ClassOf2018

Class of 2018
Rachel Davidson
Connections Homeschool

Connections_Rachel_Davidson Graduation Photo
How many students graduate twice in three weeks? Rachel Davidson walked across the stage at Connections Homeschool graduation and received her high school diploma on May 24, 2018.  Fifteen days earlier, Rachel walked across the stage at Kenai Peninsula College’s graduation and received her Associate of Arts degree. Rachel started homeschooling during her freshman year and used a very focused, highly personalized approach to achieve this feat. Using Jumpstart, and her educational allotment, Rachel was able to get a head start on her goal of an associate and bachelor degrees in nursing with a specialty in obstetrics. Earlier in the year, Rachel became a certified nursing assistant (CNA) and is currently working in the health care industry.
Ms. Davidson is an active member of the community, and volunteers with the Safe Kids Kenai Peninsula Coalition, the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program, and the Kenai Watershed Forum. Additionally, Rachel volunteered at the Central Peninsula General Hospital at least once per week. Her three varsity letters for swimming at Soldotna High school demonstrate an accomplished young woman who contributes to her community, and the lives of others—family, friends, and strangers.
Rachel’s academic success coupled with her community focus point to a promising future. Congratulations Rachel Davidson!
Connections Homeschool
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

Patrick Napier, Connections Homeschool, #Classof2017

Class of 2017
Connections Homeschool
Patrick Napier
[Connections Homeschool]

Connections Homeschool Patrick Napier - Uganda

Using dual credit and Jumpstart opportunities at Kenai Peninsula College (KPC), Patrick Napier earned 33 college credits over the last two years. Approximately one third of Patrick’s high school credits were taken through our Connections Homeschool dual credit program. Patrick’s GPA while earning college credits was a very high 3.88!
While completing a full academic load, Patrick exhibits a friendly demeanor and approach to customers at his full time job at Safeway. He’s traveled to 20 countries, and works to become a good global citizen. For the past three years he pursued missionary work in Uganda and East Africa, working and living in the slums trying to better the lives of impoverished children.
Patrick Napier is an exemplary student that has made the most of his high school education.
Connections Homeschool
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

The 2017 Book Battles!

The winning KPBSD Battle of the Books teams will represent KPBSD at state battles the beginning of March!
#golden #AKlearns
Grades 3- 4: Connections Homeschool
Grades 5- 6, and Middle School: Cooper Landing School
High School: Voznesenka School

Soldotna Connections 3-4 Grade Team
Grades 3 – 4 – Soldotna Connections

Cooper Landing Grades 5-6
Grades 5 – 6 – Cooper Landing School

Middle School – Cooper Landing School
Middle School – Cooper Landing School

High School – Voznesenka School
High School – Voznesenka School

Voznesenka HS reading
High School – Voznesenka School


#iAmKPBSD Outstanding Students | Distance Learning


Meet #iAmKPBSD outstanding Distance Learning education students, Fall 2016

Annie Quinn, Soldotna High School
Annie Quinn
Soldotna High School
Distance Class: Computer Applications
Distance Teacher: Darren Jones
“Annie Quinn completed all three computer applications courses this year earning her six college credits from Kenai Peninsula College. Annie has a great work ethic, time management skills and has demonstrated outstanding computer skills.”
David Weisser
David Weisser
Connections Homeschool
Distance Class: Biology A
Distance Teacher: Kim Leslie
“David’s creativity and enthusiasm for learning shine through on all of David’s work in Biology. He moves through this rigorous course on pace, showing strong understanding and bringing a level of curiosity that honors the wonders of science.”
Caleb Rauch, Homer High School
Caleb Rauch
Homer High School
Distance Class: World History
Distance Teacher: Steve Cothran
“Caleb finished the whole semester of World History by the quarter mark, and more importantly, did so while maintaining the highest quality of work.  His assignments were always comprehensive and he looked for meaningful insights between the course material and his contemporary world.”

Gage Charlesworth, Connections Homeschool

Gage Charlesworth
Connections Homeschool
Distance Class: Health
Distance Teacher: Amanda Adams
“Gage has demonstrated true diligence in his first online course! Working continually to understand the material and remove roadblocks along the way. He responds to feedback by thinking deeper about the topics, and furthering his understandings.”
Kaitlyn Johnson, Nikiski Middle-High School
Kaitlyn Johnson, Nikiski Middle-High School

Kaitlyn Johnson
Nikiski Middle-High School
Distance Class: Language Arts 10
Distance Teacher: Amanda Adams
“Kaitlyn continually demonstrates diligence in her efforts to become a better reader and writer. Her work ethic is unwavering, always reworking assignments, clarifying with questions, and applying feedback. Kaitlyn allows her creativity to shine through into her writing, and she isn’t afraid to take risks in trying new things with the goal of expanding her ability.”
Olivia Delgado, Ninilchik School
Olivia Delgado, Ninilchik School

Olivia Delgado
Ninilchik High School
Distance Class: Pre-Calculus
Distance Teacher: Gabe Evins
“Olivia is doing outstanding in Pre-Calculus online and is seven assignments ahead of schedule.  Olivia continues to be one of my best students and shows exemplary work.  She is very respectful with her communications and is not afraid to ask for help if help is needed.”
Marissa Geissler, Homer High School
Marissa Geissler, Homer High School

Marissa Geissler
Homer High School
Distance Class: Italian 1
Distance Teacher: Emanuela Pokryfi
“Marissa has been a remarkable student with her positive and proactive attitude throughout the first quarter. She was very helpful by letting me know of errors or issues with the course and its content whenever she found one, suggesting possible solutions. Marissa also agreed to meeting with another student in her school who is enrolled in the same online course to help her in getting more grounded in the course.”
Learn more: KPBSD Distance Learning Department

The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to develop productive, responsible citizens who are prepared to be successful in a dynamic world.

Jayce Miller, Connections Homeschool #ClassOf2016

Class of 2016
Connections Homeschool
Jayce Miller [Connections Homeschool]

Jayce Miller [Connections Homeschool]
Jayce Miller [Connections Homeschool]
Jayce Miller was a valedictorian for Connections’ Class of 2016. His academic achievements, including a 4.069 GPA, graduating with 32.5 credits, and scoring a 35 on his ACT, only begin to describe Jayce’s successes. In addition to his academic accomplishments, Jayce has a passion for music. His passion and piano playing skills have led to his to providing accompaniment for community, church, and school choir practices and performances. He regularly accompanied the Homer High School choir, and performed as a soloist. He earned a “Superior” ranking at the State of Alaska School Activity Association’s competition for piano. Jayce enjoys tinkering with his collection of nearly 40 old computers. He and his friends like to take apart and fix the computers, create networks, and generally play with the devices. As an example of his diverse interests, Jayce names Les Miserable, Jane Eyre, and Pride and Prejudice as books he enjoyed reading.
Jayce is an enthusiastic, talented young man. In his Valedictorian address, Jayce offered a few tidbits of advice for his fellow graduates:

  1. Don’t beat yourself up about mistakes
  2. Stop dreaming and start doing
  3. Don’t let other people determine your definition of success

It is clear that Jayce follows his own advice. Next year, Jayce will pursue his dreams at the California Institute of Technology. Jayce is a fine example of what students can accomplish.
Connections Homeschool