Parents and Guardians: Prepare for a positive COVID-19 case in a school

link: COVID-19 in KPBSD Web Hub

Dear KPBSD Parents and Guardians,

This letter will help your family prepare should our school district or your school have a COVID-19 event occur. An event could be a positive COVID-19 case, outbreak (two or more positive cases in a school) or exposure to COVID-19 in a school. The health and safety of our students, staff, and families is our top priority.

Letter templates for if or when there is positive COVID-19 case exposure or spread in a KPBSD school

KPBSD works closely with local public health officials and they will provide support and direction to manage every COVID-19 related scenario that affects our school communities. If or when a COVID-19 event occurs related to your school, you will receive information via the usual school and district communication methods. Depending upon the situation and response needed by you, the contact may come via a phone call, email, alert, or general notification.

KPBSD honors HIPAA and FERPA privacy laws, so your name and your child’s name will not be revealed by the school, unless you give the school permission to do so. A dedicated webpage at is where to find the most up to date information.

If your child receives a positive COVID-19 test result, and they have been at school two days prior to the onset of symptoms, or the testing date that resulted in a positive test result, it will be helpful to begin contact tracing at their school immediately. So, we need your help when you learn of a positive COVID-19 test result for your child. Call Nurse Iris, KPBSD Nursing Supervisor to confidentially report a positive COVID-19 test result. You can reach her at 907-260-2391, Alternately, call your school nurse or administrator.

It is important for everyone in our community to protect themselves against the remarkably contagious novel coronavirus. These are some ways to protect your family:

  • Symptom Free School Protocol: keep children who are sick at home—do not send them to school

  • Teach your children to wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, and set a good example by doing this yourself

  • Teach children to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or by coughing into the inside of their elbow, Be sure to set a good example by doing this yourself

  • Time and distance: teach your children to protect your family bubble or their school cohort, and practice physical distancing of about six feet away from others

  • Mask up with a cloth face covering when appropriate, especially indoors in crowded public places, on the school bus, and in school hallways. Grades 3 and older in the KPBSD wear a mask at school when six foot physical distancing is not possible

When you have COVID-19 related questions, contact your school nurse, healthcare provider, local public health department, or visit the state DHSS or national CDC websites. You can find specific information for the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District on our dedicated COVID-19 in KPBSD Hub webpage that includes communication updates, safety protocols, 2020 Smart Start Plan, sports and activities, risk levels on the Kenai Peninsula, and the COVID19 Confirmed Case in School Response Matrix. Your school is always available to help, or you can reach out to the school district COVID-19 line at 907-714-8864, email, or visit

This year will require adaption, a flexible mindset, and we will get through this with both challenges and blessings. We promise to communicate often, be proactive and swiftly reactive when necessary, even when we do not have all the answers. Superintendent John O’Brien reminds us, “We will focus on and provide for the social, emotional, and mental health needs of our students, staff, parents, and community. I have no doubt that together we will not only get through this new school year but will also hopefully become more resilient and empathetic to the needs of others.”

KPBSD Summer Sports & Activities Game Plan

KPBSD Sports & Activities webpage

Dear KPBSD students, parents, and staff,

KPBSD is dedicated to the continuation of our various athletic programs for the physical and mental well-being of our students. We are mindful of the risks associated with these events to take place and are taking necessary steps to create as safe an environment as possible for student athletes, coaches, officials, organizers, and spectators. Therefore, additional requirements are in place as summer sports and activities resume in June.

We are working closely with local and state agencies, ASAA, and reviewing the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), to create standards and expectations to help lower the risk of COVID-19 exposure. We will implement safety measures during summer practices, camps, and conditioning that will make these sporting events safer for everyone. 

Some of the COVID-19 safety measures include requiring participants to sign in when they arrive at each session, take a temperature check, and to respond COVID-19 related symptom questions. Students are asked to follow their coaches or school guidelines, dress appropriately for their activity, bring their own water bottle, and cloth face covering that can be worn outside of practice. Our actions now will slow the community spread of COVID-19, and allow schools and sports to remain open.

We encourage every family to consider the risks to participate in sports and activities during a pandemic, and make the decision that is best for their family. Due to the risks associated with playing sports during the COVID-19 pandemic, KPBSD will require each family of a student athlete, as well as anyone participating in the sporting event, to sign an acknowledgement of the risks and a waiver of liability. This form is designed to assess certain risk factors, highlight the dangers of participating in sports, and ask that each participant not hold KPBSD liable for any harm that may result if a student athlete or participant contracts COVID-19. Make sure to read the sports waiver before you sign, as you will be giving up important legal rights.

We strive to continue our sports programs to the fullest extent practical and intend to take responsible measures to promote the safety of all participants, coaches, staff, and supporting families. KPBSD will monitor community spread of COVID-19, low-medium-high risk in our diverse communities, and potentially make updates as state health mandates and guidance updates are available. You can always find information on our new dedicated KPBSD Sports and Activities webpage.

Kind Regards,
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

Planning summer travel, and COVID-19 testing or self-quarantine health mandates

KPBSD All Staff Communication

Hello! This summer, many of us will travel within our great state, and out of state. While health guidelines and mandates do change, these may be helpful travel related resources for you:

State of Alaska Travel information and declaration forms:

Online Link to Travel Graphic

Current State of Alaska Health Mandates including two notes of interest:

  • Health Mandate 010: Interstate and International Travel
    • note: As of June 28, 2020, Alaskans returning to the state from a trip five days or less are not required to take a test before departing, and can upon return, take a COVID test at the airport, and quarantine until receiving a negative result. Plus, “The resident will receive a voucher for a second test that must occur within 7-14 days after arrival, and should minimize interactions until the results from the second test shows the resident is negative for COVID-19.” Alternately, if no test is taken upon return, Alaskans must quarantine 14 days. Details about this option are on the State Travel webpage, in the Travel Declaration Form options.

  • Health Mandate 018: Intrastate Travel
    • note: “Intrastate Travel Between Communities Located Off The Road System or The Marine Highway System Is Permitted, but subject to local travel restrictions.”

Tip: Follow the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) on Facebook, Instagram, and twitter for their informational posts and updates.

As our KPBSD SmartStart 2020 plans for reopening schools in August comes together, you will definitely receive more information later in July. Meanwhile, may your Fourth of July be safe and restful, while doing your part to keep community spread of COVID at bay, so we can open schools—and children and staff can be in buildings! | Twitter @KPBSD | Facebook KPBSD

KPBSD will inspire all learners to pursue their dreams in a rigorous, relevant and responsive environment.

KPBSD Smart Start plans for new school year

Work is underway for a smart start to the new school year

Soldotna, June 18, 2020—Superintendent John O’Brien assures parents, students, and communities that although it may be summer break, significant work is underway to plan for the August start of 42 schools, during a global pandemic.

Dear parents, students, staff, and Kenai Peninsula Borough communities:

A 20 person team has been designing the safe start-up plans for school in August when we will welcome all children and staff into the new 2020-2021 school year. Our sincere hope and planning goal is to open up all 42 schools for onsite and in-person teaching and learning.

The Alaska Departments of Education and Health and Social Services requested every school district in the state to develop alternative plans in the event it becomes necessary to provide for safe social distancing measures, or a more drastic return to remote learning if the COVID-19 virus makes a strong return in our communities. Part of the planning process includes how we will be able to accurately determine community and school risk levels, and our response. Information and guidance will come from both the state and public health. The risk levels and the implemented actions in KPBSD may include:

In a Green or Low Risk environment, school will open on a normal schedule, and be as typical as possible with increased health and hygiene measures in place

In a Yellow or Medium Risk environment, plans may require safe social distancing in schools and during bus transportation, smaller groupings of students, the possibility of wearing cloth face masks in some settings, and options for remote work or learning for higher risk students and staff

If we were experiencing community spread and transmission of the COVID-19 virus, this would trigger Red or High Risk plans to be implemented which will likely result in the closure of some schools, and the need to provide remote off site instruction in that region of the district

In July, the KPBSD Board of Education and the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development will receive our draft plans for final approval. I offer a special thanks to the hundreds of staff and thousands of families who participated in the survey that took place in May.

Our critical mission is to provide equitable educational support and opportunities for all students, all school year. For information and the latest updates about the KPBSD 2020 Smart Start team’s work, please frequently visit our KPBSD 2020 Smart Start web page at, or access it from the homepage.

Wishing you success and positive impact,
John O’Brien, Superintendent
