Free eBook! Inspiring New Ways of Learning at Nanwalek School

School principal authors free interactive eBook to showcase 1:1 iPad initiative

Nanwalek School ebook

Free eBook!
Inspiring New Ways of Learning at Nanwalek School

Learning leaders in Nanwalek, a small village on the southern tip of the Kenai Peninsula, across the bay from Homer, Alaska, published Inspiring New Ways of Learning at Nanwalek School. The free interactive digital book details and celebrates the journey and accomplishment to leverage iPads for learning across the classrooms and community.
The 33 page eBook Inspiring New Ways of Learning at Nanwalek School, showcases how Nanwalek School worked to capture and archive cultural stories, teach native language, personalize learning, and transform classrooms into places of deeper exploration and creativity.
In August, 2015, Nanwalek School became an Apple and ConnectED school, when a comprehensive 1:1 technology solution for every student and teacher kicked-off, and included Apple hardware, software, and services.*
kids running with iPad
“The process of transforming learning at Nanwalek School through technology has been an incredible experience for everyone, and I believe it is important to capture the beginning of what can only continue to grow and expand,” said author Nancy Kleine, principal of Nanwalek School. “Learning focuses on strengthening academic skills while treasuring cultural values and resources at the heart of our students’ lives. Nanwalek’s isolated geography accentuates the impact of our 1:1 iPad initiative through the Apple & ConnectED grant, for it truly unveiled the world and its possibilities to students. However, what we are doing is relevant to everyone.

We offer learning that is engaging, personalized, and place-based.

“I attribute our successes to the time dedicated to strategic planning in partnership with students, parents, community, and the school district. We have provided a model for transforming learning. Sharing our work to date is a way to benefit others, contribute to the collective imagination of the educational community, and most importantly to help all students expand their options to live happy, hopeful lives. This book was created as a gift to the students and community of Nanwalek—people I have come to love dearly—and to the educational world at large.”
“I am very proud of Nanwalek School and Principal Kleine for their work on a book describing learning and traditions at Nanwalek School,” said Superintendent Sean Dusek. “It captures the hard work the students, staff and community do every day to help everyone be a life-long learner to reach their fullest potential. Great work and I look forward to many more years of blending tradition and technology to inspire learning at Nanwalek!”



*August 17, 2015 News Release: 1:1 iPads bring dynamic learning opportunity to Nanwalek School through White House ConnectEd initiative
Inspiring New Ways of Learning at Nanwalek School book cover