Become fluent: KPBSD English Language Learner program

February 2015KPBSD 50 years logo
KPBSD’s English Language Learner (ELL) program has seen a 55 percent increase in the number of Limited English Proficient (LEP) students in the district since 2010. Currently:

  • 286 LEP students are enrolled across 34 KPBSD schools
  • 23 languages are represented in the following categories:
    • Eastern European-Russian
    • Asian-SE Asian
    • Northern European
    • Pacific Islander
    • Native Alaskan
  • 23 ELL paraprofessionals base their support activities on students’ specific academic needs

Administration of the annual English proficiency assessment, ACCESS, is currently underway. State and federal requirements include the administration of this annual test. The test:

  • Measures student progress
  • Determines students’ eligibility to be reclassified as non-LEP (LEP students who pass the test are exited from LEP status)
  • Gives educators valuable information to inform their teaching
  • Gives the ELL office information that can be used to determine relevant professional development and possible program modifications

This is the last year the assessment will be administered in paper-pencil format. Next year, the test will be taken online (with the exception of the Kindergarten test).