KPBSD FY18 Budget 101 ~ funding, expenses, links, facts

PDF: 2017 Spring KPBSD Budget Awareness

2017 Spring KPBSD Budget Awareness_Page_1

KPBSD FY18 Budget 101

Where does revenue come from?

KPBSD receives funding from three sources:

  1. State funding (this is a constitutional mandate)
  2. Borough, or “local” funding ($ linked to state funding)
  3. Federal and Grant funds (designated expenditure categories that are non-transferable to other expenses)

A school district does not have authority to raise its own revenue.

What is an expenditure?
Primary expenses are staff and classroom instruction. Like a business, planning and operations, information systems, utilities, etc. are also included.

How-to balance the budget?

  1. Align revenues and expenditure
  2. Request that the state legislature, and the Kenai Peninsula Borough fully fund education
  3. If available, use General Fund reserves (savings account) to fund deficit, in order to avoid staff reductions and increased class sizes

Balancing the FY18 Budget
Status Quo Revenue projects a deficit of  ($ 3.45 million)*
Projected FY18 Expenditure Reductions      
(2.48 million)
Use of General Fund Balance (savings)          1.13 million
*The Alaska State Legislature may recommend and vote to make additional reductions to education funding.
The Kenai Peninsula Borough has the ability to increase support to education funding, by contributing to the maximum allowable contribution, also called a cap.  

Go-To resources:

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KPBSD Fiscal Reality – Our challenge

“Alaska is addressing its ongoing fiscal challenges, and it is important that everyone is involved in the conversation to ensure a long-term fiscal plan is finally implemented.”
— Superintendent Sean Dusek, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

KPBSD Reductions:
For several years, budget reductions have come through efficiencies, Pupil to Teacher Ratio (PTR) increases, and reduction of staff.

The effects of these cuts have been kept as far away from the classroom as possible and most of the public do not realize these are already in effect. But, $8,550,530 has been reduced since FY15.
FY15 Budget Reductions        ($1,254,000)
FY16 Budget Reductions          (1,375,000)
FY17 Budget Reductions          (3,436,829)
FY18 Budget Reductions          (2,484,701)
Total Budget Reductions    ($ 8,550,530)

Further reductions to education funding in FY18 will increase the deficit, thus likely impact KPBSD staff, classroom instruction and support.

If the Alaska State legislature passes additional revenue cuts to state education funding, the KPBSD $3.45 million budget deficit will increase. And, state reductions can affect the Kenai Peninsula Borough maximum allowable contribution to KPBSD. This is the additional state funding impact to KPBSD:

  • 1% Reduction to BSA = ($ 1.05 million)
  • 3% Reduction to BSA = ($ 3.18 million)
  • 5% Reduction to BSA = ($ 5.29 million)

Ten KPBSD teachers equates to one million dollars.

What can you do? #ideas

KPBSD October Budget Development Meeting links


Districtwide Community Budget Development meetings – October 13, 2016
How to best prioritize programs and services in KPBSD?

LINKS for Community Budget Development meetings at KPBSD schools:

  • KPSBD online video channel: Budget

*link includes all videos & PDFs
Provide feedback:

  • Which areas of your school site budget could be reduced in 2017-2018 if there is a 3 to 20 percent reduction in education funding revenue from the State of Alaska?
  • What ways can KPBSD legally increase revenues?
  • Is there anything that KPBSD can provide that will help people understand the fiscal problem and help with solutions
  • What are your suggestions to legislators about funding shortfall solutions?


Parents, staff, students, business partners, community members, and elected officials are invited to attend the districtwide community budget development meeting on Thursday, October 13, 2016, 6:00 p.m.,* at these KPBSD school sites:

Aurora Borealis Charter School – K-Alt main meeting room;
Chapman – Mr. Sharp’s room;
Cooper Landing – Classroom 4;
Fireweed Academy – Big Fireweed;
Homer High School – Homer High Library;
Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science – Library;
K-Beach Elementary – Room 18;
Kenai Alternative – K-Alt main meeting room;
Kenai Central High School – KCHS Library;
Kenai Middle School – KCHS Library;
McNeil Canyon – McNeil Canyon School;
Moose Pass – Seward Middle Auditeria;
Mountain View Elementary – Library;
Nikiski North Star – Room 13;
Nikolaevsk – Room 11;
Ninilchik School – Library;
Port Graham – Room 2 – Secondary Classroom;
Redoubt Elementary – SoHi Library;
River City Academy – ELA Room;
Seward Elementary – Seward Middle Auditeria;
Seward High School – Seward Middle Auditeria;
Seward Middle School – Seward Middle Auditeria;
Skyview Middle School – Room B104;
Soldotna Elementary – Library;
Soldotna High School – SoHi Library;
Soldotna Prep – SoHi Library;
Sterling Elementary – Room 162A;
Susan B. English – Commons area;
Tebughna – Room #12;
Tustumena – Library;
West Homer Elementary – Homer High Library
October 13, 2016: Homer Flex
– 5:30 p.m.,  ELA Room; Hope – 3:45 p.m., Sandra Barron’s room; Nikiski Middle-High School – 5:30 p.m., Library; Paul Banks School – 3:15 p.m., Paul Banks Lounge
October 17, 2016: Homer Middle School
– 3:30 p.m., Conference Room; Nanwalek – 4:30 p.m., Room 110, Secondary Room
October 19, 2016: Kachemak-Selo
, Razdolna, Voznesenka – 4:00 p.m., Voznesenka School
October 25, 2016: Soldotna Montessori –5:30 p.m., Room 414

“As the State of Alaska works to develop a sustainable long-term fiscal plan, our district will continue to provide the highest quality educational experience it can within that state plan. We are asking all of our stakeholders to be engaged in the budget process to help prioritize programs and services to be offered in our district. Some decisions may be difficult, but there are many opportunities too. Ultimately, our budget process will help inform our state and borough leaders of the needs our schools have to provide an excellent education. I look forward to beginning this discussion and supporting all stakeholders to participate in the district and state planning process.” –Sean Dusek, superintendent of schools

Participant input will be synthesized and presented to the KPBSD school board during November and December board meetings and work sessions.
KPBSD Finance Department