Hope student shadows Alaska Governor

“In November I spent the day with the Governor of Alaska, Bill Walker. I was able to do this as part of his program that donates a day of shadowing the Governor to nonprofits around Alaska. My specific opportunity was thanks to Hope local resident, Jim Skogstad, who attended The Basics auction where he won this auction item. When I first heard about it I had no idea what to expect, nonetheless, I was looking forward to spending the day in the life of Alaska’s highest ranking political figure. My day started promptly at 8:00 a.m., and went nonstop with only one break for lunch until 4:30 p.m. In this amount of time I was able to experience the busyness and diversity of just one of the countless days in the Governor’s life.” – Liam Bureau, Hope School

A freshman at Hope School, Liam did his background work on Governor Walker before heading into Anchorage to spend the day, and was ready to ask some questions of the Governor. He said he enjoyed learning that Governor Walker was born in Fairbanks, Alaska, and that he too attended a relative small school (Valdez). Liam has attended Hope School since he was in second grade.
Story contributed by Liam Bureau, and Patty Truesdell, Hope School teacher
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Education Funding and KPBSD

Please contact Conference Committee members* and legislators to voice your opinion about the proposed reductions to education funding.

The Senate Finance Committee amended HB 72, with a 4.1 percent reduction to the Foundation Formula educational funding on April 2, 2015. The impact to KPBSD is:

  • Reduction of state contribution to KPBSD: $4,238,432
  • Reduction of local (borough) contribution to KPBSD: $977,007

Governor Walker proposed an operating budget reduction of educational One-Time Funding in HB 72.The impact to KPBSD is:

  • Reduction of state contribution to KPBSD: $2,262,989
  • Reduction of local (borough) contribution to KPBSD: $520,487

Potential 2015-2016 revenue loss to KPBSD: $7,998,915

  • Total possible reduction in state funding to KPBSD: $6,501,421
  • Total possible reduction in local (borough) funding to KPBSD: $1,497,494

KPBSD understands that difficult financial decisions have to be made. We have confidence in our legislators and Speaker of the House Chenault, who have demonstrated support and advocacy for public education on the Kenai Peninsula.
Over 80 percent of our 2015-2016 budget is related to staff (salary and benefits). An $8 million reduction translates into the potential loss of up to 100 positions and vital programs.
KPBSD is committed to deliver a quality education to our students and provide stability for our staff and communities. These unanticipated reductions, this late in the budgeting process, compromises our ability to prepare our students for their future.
It is a constitutional responsibility of the State of Alaska to provide and maintain a public school system open to every child.
*The HB72 Conference Committee comprised of Senate and House Finance standing committee members was announced April 7, 2015. The members are: Representative Mark Neuman; Representative Les Gara; Representative Steve Thompson; Senator Pete Kelly; Senator Anna MacKinnon; and Senator Donny Olson. These legislators are tasked to work together on the operating budget revenues, expenditures, and proposed reductions for a final budget by the end of the legislative session on April 19, 2015.


*HB72 Operating Budget Conference Committee Members

Kenai Peninsula Legislators

Connect with KPBSD on Facebook, twitter, our Mobile App, and website to follow updates. Contacts for Alaska legislators are noted in this announcement, and also on the Alaska State Legislature webpage.
Questions: Contact Pegge Erkeneff, Communication Specialist
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
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