Seward High students grow greens

Students at Seward High School are using their greenhouse to supply the school with healthy greens, which provides essential nutrients and supports the local student body. Greenhouse preparations began in November and planting started the first week of January. Seeds were planted a week apart in order to have a sustained yield, which means the students can harvest every week. The first batch of lettuce was delivered on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, and demand exceeded supply.
By utilizing the greenhouse, students can extend the growing season in Alaska throughout the winter. The project will conclude before the spring term ends. The greenhouse is an interactive way of getting greens locally, which is fresher, cleaner, and helps consumers know what is put into their food. This is project-based experiential learning. It helps students in finance with business planning, students in environmental science with agricultural understanding, and students in statistics with concepts and data.
–Story contributed by George Reising, Seward High School math and science teacher
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