Public Education Legislative Action Alert – HB 278

The House Finance Committee is sponsoring a public hearing to discuss House Bill 278. “Education: Funding/Tax Credits/Programs”

Two minute public testimony is invited on Tuesday, March 18, 2014, beginning at 5:30 PM.

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District:

  • SUPPORTS the need to increase public school funding through the Base Student Allocation (BSA). A $268 increase would provide a balanced Fiscal Year 2015 budget.
  • SUPPORTS the repeal and replacement of the High School Graduation Qualifying Exam (HSGQE)
  • BELIEVES the current process for charter school approval and school district oversight works well. (KPBSD school choices)

Read the letter Superintendent Steve Atwater sent to Representative Austerman, regarding HB278, on March 17, 2014. Click to see all KPBSD letters to legislators.
Please consider watching or listening online, or testifying from your local Legislative Information Office (LIO) when the House Finance Committee hears public testimony.
Link: LIO office locations
House Finance Committee
Co-Chair Alan Austerman  
Co-Chair Bill Stoltze              
Vice Chair: Mark Neuman  
Mia Costello                             
Bryce Edgmon                         
Les Gara                                     
David Guttenberg                  
Lindsey Holmes                     
Cathy Munoz                            
Steve Thompson                     
Tammie Wilson                      
PrintKenai Peninsula Borough School District  |  |  907.714.8888
Link: KPBSD and The Legislature webpage