Homer High School intensive needs classroom receives 2014 Inclusive Practice Award

Homer High IN Team 2014

“The intensive needs (IN) team at Homer High School is outstanding and goes to incredible lengths to make sure that our students have meaningful inclusion,” said Clayton Holland, director of pupil services. “Along with the other wonderful staff at Homer High School, they have created a school culture that accepts, includes, and is accountable for every student. The benefits of what this team has done extends not only to the students they serve directly in their classroom, but to every student and staff member in the building who has the opportunity to work and interact with students with disabilities on a daily basis.”

The 2014 winner of the Inclusive Practice Award is the Homer High School Intensive Needs Classroom. The Governor’s Council on Disabilities & Special Education established the Inclusive Practice Award to recognize outstanding educators who work to ensure students with disabilities have the opportunity for an inclusive education with their peers as part of the general education curriculum. The 2014 dynamic group includes:

Monica Stockburger (Intensive Needs teacher)

Bobby Creamer (Speech Language Pathologist)

Mary Cooper (Paraprofessional)

Sara Fischer (Paraprofessional) 

Michael Kelley (Paraprofessional)

Rhonda Owens (Paraprofessional)

Clayton Smith (Paraprofessional)

Michael Steen (Paraprofessional)

The team bases their support of students on the expectation that inclusion in all aspects of the school fits with the individual needs of the student. As a result, virtually the entire school staff interacts and works closely with the Intensive Needs students. These students are involved in functional skill training as well as regular education classes and extracurricular activities both inside the school and outside in the community.

“All of the special education staff working with our Homer High School intensive needs students are to be commended for their willingness to go beyond the norm of what is expected in their pursuit of helping their students have a meaningful and successful experience at school.” –Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent

The 2014 The Inclusive Practices Award is given by the Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education, and recognizes outstanding educators who work to ensure students with disabilities have the opportunity for an inclusive education in the general education curriculum. The nominations are based on the following activities that assure a positive learning environment for all:

  • Involving parents as equal partners in their child’s education
  • Encouraging student’s self-determination
  • Emphasizing inclusive practices amongst peers and others
  • Providing leadership in sharing the values of inclusion
  • Designing support services that enable access to the regular curriculum
  • Modifying programs or curricula as needed

This year’s award was presented Tuesday February 11, 2014, at a luncheon at the Hilton Hotel in Anchorage. It was attended by more than 200 special educators, administrators, parents and advocates from all over the state.
KPBSD Pupil Services
Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education
2014 Inclusive Practice Awards photo album

Homer Intensive Needs Team partial