Job shadow: a big, heavy project

March job fair
Seward High School students Marcus Sharamek and Kris Hettick spent Friday March 20, 2015, with Troy Hager and his heavy equipment class. The job shadow day was arranged through the Kenai Peninsula School District and John Clare. It allowed Kris and Marcus to see what AVTEC is like and to get a taste of the type of work a Heavy Equipment mechanic does. The guys had fun and it was “cool to see how the excavator came apart,” said Hettick. They enjoyed the new trucks, being in the shop, and getting hands on experience with the other students. It was fun to be involved taking the tracks off of the John Deere 135 Excavator and seeing how it actually works. Both Sharamek and Hettick feel this type of work is something they are interested in pursuing. They learned a little about shop operations, shop safety, and how to work with a team on a big heavy project. It was also good for the AVTEC students–they became the mentors and found out they learn more when they have to explain what is going on. AVTEC hopes to extend this type of opportunity to other high school students around the peninsula or state.
Story contributed by Kent Berklund
March job shadow

Twenty year partnership prepares students for their future

Kenai Central High School (KCHS) Job Shadow Day: helping students plan for the future
Nearly twenty years ago the KCHS Job Shadow program had its beginnings as a partnership between Kenai Central High School, the Kenai Chamber of Commerce, and the Peninsula Job Center to help students determine their plans after high school.
The annual job shadow day is in March. In preparation for the 2015 Job Shadow Day, juniors at KCHS spent several months researching careers and preparing business portfolios, including job applications, résumés, and cover letters. The unit culminates with individualized, first-hand workplace experiences with local business hosts across the Central Peninsula.

Joseph Gabriel, David Beck, Mikaela Salzetti, and Homer Electric Association (HEA) Jim Cross
Joseph Gabriel, David Beck, Mikaela Salzetti, and Homer Electric Association (HEA) Jim Cross

The Chamber of Commerce and its members have made arrangements to place 110 students into a “job placement” that matches a career interest they have selected. This pairing assists students in making decisions regarding career field, education or training required, as well as leading to possible intern or employment connections.
KCHS Principal Alan Fields points out, “The Job Shadow program is an opportunity the KCHS students get that is not available anywhere else in the state. This program demonstrates how much the community cares about our students. It takes a tremendous amount of work from all of the entities involved.”
KCHS students and staff extends sincere appreciation to all of the individuals, agencies, and businesses that helped to support this program and to make this such a positive experience for students.
Concluding lunch with business partners, student participants, and keynote speakers