Celebrate Jason Daniels, Alaska State Finalist for the PAEMST!

Jason Daniels, Alaska State Finalist for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching

 “Our children, to a greater and greater degree, will inherit a world full of STEM, which is all the more reason to set our students up for success by providing quality experiences in the STEM field, whether it be through career exploration, like Upstream Academy, or project-based learning in the classroom. STEM experiences are so important!”
–Jason Daniels, KPBSD teacher, and PAEMST finalist

A fifth grade teacher at Kalifornsky Beach Elementary School in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, Jason Daniels enjoys working with kids every bit as much today as he did when he first started teaching 20 years ago. Jason teaches English-Language Arts and Math, as well as Health, German language, and STEM. He graduated from the University of Alaska, Anchorage, with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Elementary Education and received his Masters in Educational Technology from the University of Alaska Southeast, Juneau.
Jason is an International Teaching Fellow and a National Board Certified Teacher, which highlights his interest in global understandings and pursuit of excellence in teaching and learning. His favorite subject is science. Jason enjoys interacting with students through hands on authentic learning experiences in and out of the classroom.
Every month he takes his class on the Adopt-a-Stream Program* where everyone becomes a custodian and caretaker of the local salmon spawning stream at Slikok Creek. He coordinated a NASA astronaut visit to his school, a visit from STARlab portable planetarium, and currently he takes part in Upstream Academy, whose mission is to increase STEM awareness among middle school students, especially those from under-served populations.
Staying active is an important part of Jason’s career. For the past 18 years he has coached wrestling, modeling good sportsmanship, perseverance, and character building. In 2012, Jason completed an Australian Teacher Exchange and taught in Australia for a year. He loves teaching, learning, and challenging himself in new ways. He also enjoys traveling and outdoor adventures with his wife.

“I have been fortunate to know Mr. Daniels for many years and have seen him in action with his students,” said Superintendent Sean Dusek. “He is one of our district’s finest educators, especially in the areas of engaging students, integrating technology in the curriculum and most importantly, demonstrating a high level of care for all of his students. I can give no higher praise than to say that I would have my own children in his classroom if given the chance.  He is truly exceptional.”

The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) is the highest recognition that a kindergarten through 12th grade mathematics or science (including computer science) teacher may receive for outstanding teaching in the United States. Up to 108 teachers are recognized each year.
Presidential Awardees receive a certificate signed by the President of the United States, a trip to Washington D.C. to attend a series of recognition events and professional development opportunities, and a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation.
* The Slikok Creek Adopt a Stream Program is a fifth grade program at K-Beach Elementary. Both Mr. Daniel’s class, together with fifth grade teacher Suzanne Klaben’s class participate. Daniels and Klaben coordinate to take their classes down once a month and work together for this interactive hands on program.
Jason Daniels-2

Celebrate Aaron Gordon, 2018 Kenai BP Education Ally

2018 Kenai Education Ally
Nate Crabtree, K-Beach Elementary was in on a secret, and made up a story to bring Mr. Aaron Gordon to the BP Teachers of Excellence celebration. During the evening awards, Mr. Gordon discovered he was the 2018 Kenai Education Ally when Superintendent Dusek began reading about him!
“Our Educational Ally works with young students in an intensive-needs, structured classroom.
The teachers who work with this ally say the individual is enormously patient and flexible when dealing with difficult personalities or situations involving conflict, refusals or multiple health impairments.
This ally is tolerant of the children’s differences and cool-headed in tough situations. What’s more, this person is also really fun to be around. A film major at University of Alaska Fairbanks, this ally runs an after-school film club that has become hugely popular and accommodates students affected by autism, enabling them to engage in positive social interaction with their peers.
Fluent in sign language, this person can often be seen carrying on conversations with hearing-impaired students, helping to broaden their vocabulary and simply adding a bit of laughter to their day with corny jokes or lengthy discussions of Pokemon.
For many years, our Educational Ally has been a counselor at the Royal Family Summer Camp, an intensive and successful opportunity for local foster children. Many of these children have very tough backgrounds, and when they return to school, they invariably seek out this person as a safe and positive staff member, and have better transitions back into the school routine.
This ally is so approachable and fun that staff and students alike are glad he’s at the school. This person was nominated for this award by the teachers he works with, perhaps the best evidence we have that he is truly an Educational Ally.”
“I believe Aaron Gordon makes a difference in public education because he brings in the experience and skillset of an award winning filmmaker to the classroom setting,” said Nate Crabtree, principal. “This is evident in the high quality videos he helps created to promote positive school culture, the after school film club that he started to introduce elementary students to film and using his expertise to enhance the educational experience for a homebound student.”
“I am very proud of Aaron Gordon,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “He ensures a strong, positive relationship with each and every student. Mr. Gordon is very deserving of this recognition and I look forward to his continued excellence and leadership in our district.”
Congratulations to Kalifornsky Beach Elementary’s Aaron Gordon, BP Educational Ally

Great Caribou Migration builds teamwork

The tradition continues! K-Beach Elementary participates in their annual Great Caribou Migration in early fall. Proudly donning their bright red t-shirts to record laps, the students stormed the field to support the PTO and school. This yearly event has become a tradition in which students, staff, parents and community members share in exercise, teamwork and school pride. Through diligence and perseverance, students worked together to walk, jog, or run over a thousand miles in a 45-minute time slot!
KBeach Jogathon fall 2017 (3)
KBeach Jogathon fall 2017
KBeach Jogathon fall 2017 (1)
KBeach Jogathon fall 2017 (2)

Mrs. Jeanne Duhan receives Golden Apple award

Jeanne Duhan Golden Apple KPBSD

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Golden Apple Award | June 5, 2017
Mrs. Jeanne Duhan

Mrs. Jeanne Duhan is an outstanding music educator, a tireless advocate for children, and a kind person. In the past five years at K-Beach Elementary School, Mrs. Duhan has gone above and beyond expectations to meet the unique needs of her students. For example, recognizing the need for more structured music learning activities for students over the summer, Mrs. Duhan cofounded and directed the band of the Con Brio Music Camp for two years. She spearheaded the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District adoption of SmartMusic, which is an innovative software application used to provide band students with individualized feedback on their performance.
Under the guidance of Mrs. Duhan, the K-Beach Elementary band program expanded to include grades four through six, three levels of band instruction, and close to 70 students studying a band instrument. “Jeanne inspires a true love of music and band in her students,” said Kent Peterson, Soldotna High School music teacher. “In addition to performing as a full band, she features many of her students in small ensembles and solos. These soloists and ensembles are sometimes performing at a level that is equal to and beyond what would be expected in grades seven and eight.”
“Additional contributions to our district and the wider music education community include adjudicating at a number of regional and statewide festivals; serving as guest conductor of the Aurora Music Festival Mass Band; serving as a student teaching mentor, as well as an informal mentor to a number of early career teachers in our district; designing and leading a number of professional development programs for our district music teachers, including training in instrument repair, music technology, and band teaching methods; and opening an instrument repair business,” said Jonathan Dillon, Mountain View Elementary music teacher.
In addition to the band program, the students at K-Beach Elementary are not just performing music, but learning how to perform music. The fundamentals of becoming a good musician are taught throughout her classes and will benefit her students and the schools for many years to come. Outside of school, Mrs. Duhan maintains an active performance schedule, and plays the French horn with the Kenai Peninsula Orchestra, the Redoubt Chamber Orchestra, and various chamber ensembles; Bari saxophone with the Peninsula Jazz Band; and guitar and vocals with the band, Recess Duty. Being so active in the community through music offers inspiration to her students and families.
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education is proud to recognize Mrs. Jeanne Duhan for her dedication to the students of the school district, past, present, and future.
Golden Apple recipients
Jeanne Duhan Golden Apple 2017 June
Jeanne Duhan Golden Apple

Dolphin's class names drug detective K9

As part of the Safer Alaska initiative, Governor Bill Walker  announced the names for the two new Alaska State Trooper drug detection K9s.  K9-B will be named Mak (short for Kachemak, as in Kachemak Bay) -that name was suggested by Hannah Dolphin’s class at Kalifornsky Beach Elementary School in Kenai!

Hannah Dolphin, 6th Grade Teacher, K-Beach Elementary said, “We’re excited! One of my students, Karley Johnson, was the one who came up with the name. When I asked her why she picked it she said, ‘I thought of it because my dad goes fishing a lot. He fishes in Kachemak Bay and I was thinking of some of the days I’ve gone fishing with him.’ My class also thought the name was fun because of the play on words with Kachemak, like “Catch ‘em, Mak!”
As 5th graders, K-Beach students have the opportunity to participate in D.A.R.E, thanks to the Soldotna Police Department. Officer Brennan comes in each year to teach students about positive decision making, and resisting drugs. Our school works closely with the police department, and I think these are really good ways to foster positive relationships between students and law enforcement.”

K9 Contest Winner K9B K-Beach
K9-A will be named M.O.C.H.A. (acronym for Meth, Opioids, Cocaine, Heroin, Alaska); the name was suggested by Ryan Engebretsen’s class at Teeland Middle School in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley.
“M.O.C.H.A and Mak will play important, integral roles in our efforts to create a Safer Alaska,” Governor Walker said. “I’m so grateful for the participation of Alaska 6th graders and citizens across the state in selecting these names. I look forward to seeing the important work these new dogs will do.”
The State Troopers will use the K9s to help detect opioids and other drugs in a variety of places across the state in continued efforts to tamp down on drug use and trafficking. Alaska 6th graders initially submitted over 70 potential names for the new dogs after learning about the impacts of drug abuse, and how to respond in difficult situations.
Names were selected via Facebook poll from suggestions made by Alaska 6th-graders.
K9 Mak 2017

K-Beach fourth grade engineering and design

Fourth grade students were guided through the engineering design process by a parent who is an engineer! Hands-on learning included brainstorming, designing, constructing, testing, and redesigning. The three day tower project included seismic, wind, and strength tests. Winners were determined based on their performance. We had a lot of fun and learning!
“We are thankful for our involved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Winslow, who visited our class for the three day tower project with the K-Beach fourth grade students!” –Jason Daniels, fourth grade teacher, K-Beach Elementary School
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