KPBSD inspiration: Felesata Fefelov, Kachemak-Selo School #ClassOf2019

K-Selo Felesata Fefelov

Kachemak-Selo School
Felesata Fefelov, Class of 2019

Felesata Fefelov was deemed the senior most deserving of the Class of 2019 Kachemak Selo School spotlight recognition. “My first remembered encounter with this student is when she peeked her head onto a bus to say, ‘Hi, you probably don’t know me, but I’m a senior at Kachemak Selo,’” said Principal Wojciak. “She was right, her face was new to me and I don’t recall seeing her again until the day of graduation. She was well ahead of where she needed to be with credits and not very visible in school. Her introduction was to inquire about my contributions to the yearbook.” Her tenacity is what prompted her teacher, Mrs. Jennifer Sorensen, to write, “I would spotlight Felesata for her exceptional work on the yearbook this year. Her desktop publishing skills are fantastic. It is probably the best student-made yearbook I have ever seen. She researched old files of pictures and created something really memorable and special.”
Felesata is one of ten siblings, with only one older than she is. “With the many needs that are an inherent part of a big family, she was never deterred from always completing her assignments and doing an exceptional job,” said Principal Wojciak.

The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.

News Release: Kachemak Selo New K-12 School Bond

2018_08_27_HL_K Selo BondKachemak Selo New K-12 School Bond*
Kenai Peninsula Borough Proposition No. 1
To be voted on by all KPB voters, October 2, 2018
Soldotna, September 10, 2018—The Kachemak Selo New K-12 School Construction project began July 9, 2011, when a petition was submitted to the school board by local residents requesting a public school facility. Kenai Peninsula Borough voters

Kindergarten through twelfth grade classes are currently housed in three leased residential facilities that have deteriorated beyond useful capacity. The estimated cost of this construction project will not exceed $15,460,000. The proposed bonds in the amount of $5,450,000 would fund the 35% local match as well as costs associated with planning, design, site acquisition, preparation and development, construction and equipping the Kachemak Selo K-12 School.
The approximate annual amount of taxes on $100,000 of assessed real or personal property value to retire the debt are $4.95 (based on the Borough’s FY2018 taxable assessed valuation). Review supporting legislation.

News Release: KPBSD: Proposition 1 Kachelmak Selo New School

Azary Reutov | Kachemak-Selo School #Classof2017

Azary Reutov
Kachemak-Selo School
Class of 2017

K-Selo Azary Reutov senior pic

One of Azary Reutov’s most notable traits is his positivity. He is cheerful and supportive of classmates and a natural leader in school and out. His ready sense of humor, combined with his willingness to work hard, make him sought after as a teammate and friend. As an upperclassman, he has been a great role model to younger students, showing strong and steadily improving academic achievement and consistent attendance.
Azary is also a skilled athlete, and has made a mark in the last several years as a member of the Cougars football team, which brings together students from all three Head of the Bay Russian villages. He has contributed to the team’s growth in his role as quarterback and team captain. His enthusiasm and excitement about football, in victory and defeat, has spread into the Kachemak-Selo community and led to an increase in participants from Kachemak-Selo, as well as interest in the sport among younger students. He can often be seen after school on the community field, in all weather, leading a large diverse group of students in a game of touch football.
This example of Azary’s inspired leadership in the community is just one of many, and Kachemak-Selo is very lucky to call him one of their own.

Kachemak-Selo School website

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

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