From Constantinople to Kenai: Classroom Without Walls, October 19

What do Constantinople and Kenai have in common?
To answer this question, embark on a journey into Russia’s past, live from Kenai, Alaska, with Classroom Without Walls.

Three KPBSD high school world history teachers collaborate in Classroom Without Walls, offering innovative world history learning to 350 students from Kenai Central High School, Soldotna High School, and Skyview High School.

Wednesday, October 19, you’re invited to the From Constantinople to Kenai session when a lesson will be presented live from The Russian Orthodox Church in Kenai, Alaska. Parents and community members are welcome.

From Constantinople to Kenai will take students on a journey from the beginning of Russia to the connection in Kenai, Alaska, and the Russian orthodox church. Students and community members will:

  • Meet Rurik, a Varangian prince who was the leader of the Rus
  • Princess Olga of Kiev later to be Sainted
  • Two Greeks who developed the Russian alphabet
  • Prince Vladimir who made Orthodoxy the official religion of the Rus
  • and more…

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
World History teacher Gregory Weissenberg from Soldotna High School will present From Constantinople to Kenai six times from The Russian Orthodox Church in Kenai, Alaska. There is no cost, everyone is welcome.
CWOW times: 7:55 – 8:35; 8:50 – 9:35; 10:15 – 10:55; 11:10 – 11:50; 12:39 – 1:19; and 1:35 – 2:15
Students will be in their classes at the three local high schools.

“Our kids have 3 World History teachers–we don’t know that any other students in the nation can say that, and between the 3 of us we make one good teacher.” — Rob Sparks (Skyview), Gregory Weissenberg (SoHi), Greg Zorbas (KCHS)

Making public education public, Bon Voyage!

“Texting, blogging and streaming history: 3 teachers use technology to break down walls” story, Peninsula Clarion, March 5, 2010