Kelsey Meganack | Port Graham School #Classof2016

Kelsey Meganack
Port Graham School

Kelsey Meganack, Port Graham School #Classof2016
Kelsey Meganack, Port Graham School #Classof2016

Port Graham School is very fortunate to have Head Start in the building. The patter of little feet and giggles fill the hall throughout the day. In her senior year, Kelsey volunteered in the classroom and enjoyed helping students. She would often report about out how positive her experiences were in the classroom from activities such as helping teach a student to connect to MSLync to make a video call, or sharing the very important life skill of how to safely eat a lollipop—one lick at a time. Kelsey’s natural caregiving instincts will serve her well as she goes on to pursue post-secondary education in veterinary science.
Port Graham School