Personalized Learning: increase student autonomy

Mrs. Meredith McCullough, Kenai Central High School
English Teacher

By the time I meet my students in high school, many believe their educational paths are set. This fixed view of learning creates unnecessary challenges and limitations that impact students for their entire lives, and is the reason I reevaluated my beliefs about teaching. The truth is this: my role as an educator is to teach students that they are capable of writing their own destinies and to help them discover tools which will benefit them long after they leave our school district. I turned to personalized learning and standards-based grading in my classroom because those strategies augmented my efficacy and gave my students greater control over their lives and learning, one of the key steps in becoming an adult.

Using standards-based grading in my classroom revealed a new world of student reflection and understanding. Students are capable of recognizing their own learning gaps and can therefore choose assignments which will either deepen their understanding of skills they possess, or allow them to self-remediate and practice those skills which require greater growth. As part of my grading system, students review their data and negotiate their grade in my class. To an outside observer, this looks like utter chaos. However, this process has allowed me to have honest conversations with students about their abilities, their goals, and how to continue to push their learning to the next level. It has resulted in more authentic learning. My students no longer care about what grade they received on an assignment; they are more concerned about what feedback they received. This shift in thinking is revolutionary, especially as students now regularly utilize that feedback in future iterations of their work.
Meredith McCullough PL Advanced French class and carnival masks KCHS
Perhaps the greatest benefit of personalized learning and standards-based grading is increased student autonomy.

My students are eager, capable, and hungry to earn respect by proving themselves to the world.

Channeling this passion and energy is a continual challenge, but drives me to become a more effective educator. I refuse to allow students’ full potential to go untapped. Offering them choice, offering them opportunities to fail forward and to improve on their skills, offering them unconditional support and the unshakeable conviction that they can rise to their highest selves is my gospel. Student autonomy is paramount if a district intends to produce adults who will think critically and empathetically.
After eight years of teaching, I can state without reservation that our students do, and will continue to, rise to any challenge held for them. Trust and respect for our students and their personal learning journey is the future of education and one I am proud to be part of thanks to the support of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District.
KPBSD Personalized Learning blog
KPBSD Personalized Learning FAQs
KPBSD Personalized Learning webpage
Meredith McCullough 2017 Kenai BP Teacher of Excellence (1)
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Emily Koziczkowski | Kenai Central High School #Classof2017

Emily Koziczkowski
Kenai Central High School
Class of 2017

Kenai Central HS Emily Koziczkowski s

Emily Koziczkowski is a shining example of how life’s challenges shape who we become. Emily’s yearbook quote: “Life’s a climb but the view is great” exemplifies her approach to her education. She took the most rigorous classes offered at Kenai Central and still excelled. When she had completed the highest math offered, AP calculus, she decided to continue taking math at Kenai Peninsula College. She took calculus II and III and earned A’s in both classes. Additionally, she took psychology so that she could get a head start on some of the general college requirements. She has maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout high school, she is an Honor Graduate, and represents Kenai Central as one of the valedictorians. Because of her dedication to excellence in her education, she has received a variety of scholarships to help pay for her college. In the fall she will attend Portland University and pursue a degree in chemistry. Since middle school, her dream has been to become a doctor. She will achieve this goal one day!
Emily is not just an academic, she is a well-rounded young woman and is a role model in how she gives back to her community. She has a drive to help others and demonstrates this by volunteering at the Leeshore Center and the Central Peninsula Hospital, and by coaching volleyball at Kenai Middle School. She is a leader. She was captain of the softball team for the 2016 season, was President of NHS in 2017, and is valuable asset to the KCHS varsity volleyball team.
Emily will leave Kenai Central with everyone cheering her on!
Kenai Central High School Facebook
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
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Celebrate Meredith McCullough, 2017 Kenai BP Teacher of Excellence

Meredith McCullough 2017 Kenai BP Teacher of Excellence (3)
“The greatest gift any teacher can ask for is the knowledge that they have helped to improve the lives of their students in some small way. I am blessed and humbled that this incredible community feels I am building that legacy, and hope to continue to serve my students, their families, and my colleagues for many years to come.” – Meredith McCullough

Meredith McCullough is a teacher at Kenai Central High School. She teaches 11th grade English and honors English, and French two, three and four. She’s been a teacher for eight years, five in Alaska.
Raised in California, Meredith graduated magna cum laude from Linfield College in Oregon with a teaching certification and two bachelor degrees, one in literature and one in creative writing. During her first teaching job, in Oregon, she obtained a Master of Education with an emphasis in literacy and technology.
Her students say she has a passion for teaching. One wrote, “She doesn’t just want students to pass or slide by–she wants them to learn and remember what they learned. She wants them to have the same hunger for knowledge she has.”
Her enthusiasm often makes appear like one of her own students, excited about the lesson or book on which the class is studying. In fact, one student tells us Meredith even has ways of explaining things in “teen lingo” so students can better understand them. She hosts Shakespeare Club, drawing like-minded students together who love the Bard as much as she does, which generates spirited discussions of the English language’s most famous works.
Meredith connects with her students on both educational and social levels. She makes it a point to learn all her students’ names as quickly as possible at the beginning of a term, and several former students have written to her that she inspired them to become teachers.
When one of her students lost his father, he walked into Meredith’s room on his first day back, gave her a hug and said her class was the only reason he wanted to come to school.
Another student wrote, “I know it sounds crazy, but she genuinely cares about her students and wants them to succeed. She will do whatever she can to help them however she can.”
“One of the greatest joys of my job,” Meredith says, “is that every day I walk into Kenai Central High School, my students inspire me to become a better educator and human being.”
Meredith has served as an English Department and World Languages Department head for several years. She is also an advisor for several school clubs, including Creative Writing Club, Drama and the aforementioned Shakespeare Club. She also helps students complete the Job Shadow unit at the high school, which places students into the workforce for a day and requires them to complete career technical writing.
As one student wrote, “Her class is unlike any other class I’ve ever had and I just love it.”
Meredith McCullough 2017 Kenai BP Teacher of Excellence (1)

“Meredith is a superstar teacher at our school, where she provides leadership and support to her fellow teachers while being a model for innovation and personalization,” said Alan Fields, Kenai Central High School principal. “Meredith is first and foremost an expert at developing relationships with students. Students are drawn to her enthusiasm and knowledge that she brings to her subject area. Meredith is always adding a fun way to engage students with the material and allowing them to share that interaction outside of the classroom.”

This year’s nominees were again, an excellent representation of our staff as a whole,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “They are humble, hard-working and student-centered. They are willing to go above and beyond to help students succeed and reach their full potential.”
“BP is proud to honor these great teachers and their tireless work in the classroom,” said BP Alaska Regional President Janet Weiss. “We see it as part of our ongoing commitment to the communities where our people live and work – and an investment in the people who help make Alaska great.”
Now in its 22nd year, the BP Teachers of Excellence program honors K-12 teachers from all school districts statewide, including public and private schools.
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District BP Teachers of Excellence winners are:

 Congratulations, Meredith McCullough, BP Teacher of Excellence!
Meredith McCullough 2017 Kenai BP Teacher of Excellence (2)
Kodiak, Alaska

Allison Steinbeck | Kenai Central High School #Classof2016

Allison Steinbeck [Kenai Central High School]

Allison Steinbeck | Kenai Central High School #Classof2016
Allison Steinbeck | Kenai Central High School #Classof2016

A Kenai Central High School graduate, who attended Kenai Middle School and Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science, Allison will leave quite an imprint on KCHS when she pursues her goals this coming fall. As a Kenai Central Kardinal, Alli has been a leader both in the classroom and on the court. Her dedication and hard work is an inspiration to younger students and peers alike. A three sport athlete, Alli has held the position of captain and been recognized on various levels for her athletic ability and leadership strengths. In the classroom she has seen nothing other than a 4.0 GPA and represented Kenai Central as one of the valedictorians, as well as the Masonic outstanding student of the year. All of this she has done while balancing athletics and student council roles of class President and Vice President over three years’ time. Alli hopes to leave behind a legacy that working hard is important to build strong character within your community. “I hope to inspire others to do their very best.”
Alli’s upcoming summer will have her working at her parents’ store before heading to Washington as a student at Gonzaga University. She will be pursuing a Biology degree as she starts her path towards a Doctorate in Dentistry. Due to her personal experience with a sports accident that had her frequenting the dentist office throughout her junior and senior year of high school, Alli hopes to, “help others and give people confidence” while pursuing her goal of owning her own practice as a dentist. She plans on doing this while settling down in a small community where she can continue to be a positive influence of hard work and dedication. Her words of encouragement to up and coming high school students is to “Be as involved and committed to your academics and extra-curricular activities as possible.” KCHS is thankful for the positive impact Allison Steinbeck has had on our students and staff alike and are excited for the positive future ahead of her.
Kenai Central High School

KPBSD educators honored by United States Distance Learning Association

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

News Release
Prestigious Videoconferencing Technology Award

Soldotna, May 12, 2016—Two KPBSD educators were honored by the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) in St. Louis, Missouri, on May 10, 2016. USDLA awarded Rob Sparks [Soldotna Prep School] and Greg Zorbas [Kenai Central High School] with the Best Practices Gold Level award for excellence in distance learning teaching, for their innovation and excellence in “Videoconferencing Technology – K-12 Education.”

Educator Greg Zorbas, Kenai Central High School, videoconference in Classroom Without Walls (CWOW), and Global Nomads, May 13, 2015, 6:00 AM
Educator Greg Zorbas, Kenai Central High School, videoconference in Classroom Without Walls (CWOW), and Global Nomads, May 13, 2015, 6:00 AM

“Greg and Rob have long been leaders in utilizing technology to expand learning opportunities for our students,” said Sean Dusek, Superintendent. “They have also worked very hard to meet individual student needs every day and have leveraged videoconferencing to do this. I am very proud of their efforts and accomplishments. They are very deserving of this award and I appreciate their efforts very much.”
“Although it is the United States Distance Learning Association, it is actually an international organization recognizing efforts from around the world,” said Rob Sparks. “It has been humbling the number of people who have come up to me and Greg to say ‘Oh, you’re the Kenai guys….’ The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is recognized worldwide as a leader in innovative and effective uses of video telecommunications!”
“We put our students in front of twenty-two industry professionals interactively this semester and they all told the students they will be ahead of their peers at the next level—this validates what Rob and I are doing,” said Greg Zorbas. “Professionally every time we connect with a guest presenter or connect to another classroom everybody has to bring their A game. Lessons get better and better because in this environment we are constantly getting feedback on what worked, but also how we can make it better. I have been gone for three days to attend this conference and receive this award, and I can’t count the number of emails and instant messages I’ve received from students—this tells me they are engaged in what we are doing.”
“As a premier organization for the entire distance learning profession, we are honoring the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District as a leader in the industry,” said Dr. John G. Flores, Executive Director of USDLA and Program Professor at Nova Southeastern University. “KPBSD has raised the bar of excellence and we are truly honored by KPBSD contributions within all distance learning constituencies.”
“This year’s USDLA Awards recipient, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, represents the finest examples of online courses, best practices, and leadership in our field. The depth and breadth of the USDLA membership allows us to engage with leaders from higher education, K-12, industry, military, and government who daily demonstrate the power of distance learning. We are so very proud and excited to be able to recognize this level of excellence,” said Mr. George Collins, President of USDLA.

Educator Rob Sparks, Soldotna Prep, video teleconference (VTC) certificate students with KCHS and students in Palestine, April 11, 2016, 8:00 PM
Educator Rob Sparks, Soldotna Prep, video teleconference (VTC) certificate students with KCHS and students in Palestine, April 11, 2016, 8:00 PM

ss 2016 May Zorbas and Sparks
United States Distance Learning Association awards, 2016


Twenty year partnership prepares students for their future

Kenai Central High School (KCHS) Job Shadow Day: helping students plan for the future
Nearly twenty years ago the KCHS Job Shadow program had its beginnings as a partnership between Kenai Central High School, the Kenai Chamber of Commerce, and the Peninsula Job Center to help students determine their plans after high school.
The annual job shadow day is in March. In preparation for the 2015 Job Shadow Day, juniors at KCHS spent several months researching careers and preparing business portfolios, including job applications, résumés, and cover letters. The unit culminates with individualized, first-hand workplace experiences with local business hosts across the Central Peninsula.

Joseph Gabriel, David Beck, Mikaela Salzetti, and Homer Electric Association (HEA) Jim Cross
Joseph Gabriel, David Beck, Mikaela Salzetti, and Homer Electric Association (HEA) Jim Cross

The Chamber of Commerce and its members have made arrangements to place 110 students into a “job placement” that matches a career interest they have selected. This pairing assists students in making decisions regarding career field, education or training required, as well as leading to possible intern or employment connections.
KCHS Principal Alan Fields points out, “The Job Shadow program is an opportunity the KCHS students get that is not available anywhere else in the state. This program demonstrates how much the community cares about our students. It takes a tremendous amount of work from all of the entities involved.”
KCHS students and staff extends sincere appreciation to all of the individuals, agencies, and businesses that helped to support this program and to make this such a positive experience for students.
Concluding lunch with business partners, student participants, and keynote speakers

Athletes Dig Pink

The 2011 Dig Pink Volleyball Match between Soldotna High School STARS and Kenai Central High School Kardinals cleared $6,179.00! This is a record amount, and demonstrates what vision, sports, collaboration, and positive rivalry accomplishes.


2011 Dig Pink makes a difference for KCHS graduate
Cassie Walker graduated from Kenai Central High School in 2003. In May she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She’s had several surgeries and has gone through radiation treatment for the past six weeks. Her radiation treatment and surgeries went very well, and she plans to go back to college after the winter break.

Carol Nolden from Kenai Middle School shared,

“The exciting news is that we are taking a portion of the funds that we raised and we are donating them to Cassie to help offset her medical expenses. The Side-Out Foundation is also going to help her with financial support and hook her up with other young adults in her area that are going through the same process. I know this was a tremendous amount of work, but I sincerely appreciate everything you did to make this happen–I know Cassie does, too!”

To all the players, coaches, organizers, volunteers, and local businesses who offered donations–thank you! You make a difference. Dig Pink!
KPBSD Dig Pink 2011 Facebook photo album
Peninsula Clarion story
Dig Pink Side-Out Foundation