Tuesday: KPBSD Facebook LIVE Q and A with Superintendent Dusek

20171114 KPBSD Live Q and A event

You’re invited to the launch of KPBSD
Facebook LIVE Q & A
with KPBSD Superintendent Sean Dusek

Tuesday, November 14, 2017
7:00 – 7:30 p.m.

How-to watch:

It’s simple. Go to the KPBSD Facebook page on 11/14/17, at 7:00 PM, via your device or computer, and connect! You’ll see that KPBSD is live – click to view.

How-to ask questions or share thoughts:

Post your questions ahead of time on the Facebook event page, or live during the event in a comment on the live video.

How Facebook LIVE Q&A works:

  • KPBSD launches Facebook LIVE video, viewers click to view, and see content live in real time.
  • Viewers type comments into the feed below the video.
  • KPBSD does not “see” viewers via videoconferencing, this is a one way video view feed from KPBSD. Interaction happens via comments and post likes or emojis.

Everyone is invited to tune in – KPBSD parents and students, staff, community members, KPBSD partners, and KPBSD Key Communicators. Afterwards, the Q&A will be saved as a video to review at your convenience.


This Facebook live event is the first in a series to expand the KPBSD Key Communicator program, engaging our people and publics with conversation, and offering accurate stories, information, and responses to questions about the KPBSD. Please join in, and offer your thoughts and ideas.


You don’t need a Facebook account to watch live.

  • At 7:00 PM, go to https://www.facebook.com/livemap. Locate the live event streaming from Soldotna, Alaska, using the interactive map.
  • Click the blue dot indicating Facebook LIVE is happening in Soldotna, and the video will pop up.
  • Click on the video image to enlarge it on your screen. https://www.facebook.com/livemap
  • note: You cannot post questions without a Facebook account. You can email them to communications@KPBSD.org, and we will answer as many as we can during the video LIVE Q&A.

The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.
Facebook Kenai Peninsula Borough School District


Contact Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD Communications Liaison, communications@KPBSD.org. Or private message Kenai Peninsula Borough School District on Facebook.

KPBSD Annual Report #golden #iAmKPBSD #innovation

 Thirty two pages of stories and photos offer a glimpse into our diverse district. You’ve got options if you missed the print version:
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FY16 KPBSD Annual Report (1)


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Tip: When you see this icon, you can click it to read more story details online. #golden

The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to develop productive, responsible citizens who are prepared to be successful in a dynamic world.


News Release: School board offers interim superintendent position to Sean Dusek

News Release: Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Print
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

School board makes next move for district leadership

Soldotna, September 9, 2014—During the KPBSD Board of Education meeting on Monday, September 8, 2014, in Homer, Alaska, board member Navarre moved that the school board authorize the board president to offer Mr. Sean Dusek the position of interim superintendent, and negotiate the terms of said employment. Board member Hohl seconded.

“The KPBSD school board is proud and happy to be offering the position of interim superintendent to Mr. Sean Dusek,” said Joe Arness, board president. “We consider ourselves fortunate, indeed, to have someone with his credentials and abilities already on staff and ready to assume the leadership of our district during this transition process. Decisions regarding timing and scope relative to a permanent search will now be made in the absence of at least some of the time pressures.”
Mr. Dusek, the current KPBSD assistant superintendent of instruction, said, “I am honored to be offered the position of interim superintendent of our district. I look forward to meeting with President Arness to discuss the terms of the offer.”

Next steps

  • The school board president and Mr. Dusek will meet
  • The school board would take action at an upcoming board meeting to approve an interim superintendent contract for the remainder of the 2014-2015 fiscal year, effective December 1, 2014
  • By January 2015, the school board will determine the scope and timing of next steps to hire a superintendent for the 2015-2016 school year and beyond
  • Further updates will be shared with staff and the public as decisions are made

September 9, 2014: School Board offers interim superintendent position to Sean Dusek
KPBSD website: Assistant superintendent of instruction Dusek
August 4, 2014: Superintendent Atwater announces his resignation

Sean Dusek, Assistant Superintendent, presents to all staff at opening inservice. August 2014
Sean Dusek, Assistant Superintendent, presents to all staff at opening inservice. August 2014


 This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page: http://bit.ly/MediaPublicRelationships
Suggest or contribute a story online link: http://bit.ly/SuggestKPBSDstory

Take Your Child to School Week

CONTACT: PEGGE ERKENEFF, KPBSD Communication Specialist | 907.714.8888

Take Your Child to School Week

Soldotna, August 15, 2014—Most KPBSD schools begin Tuesday, August 19, 2014, which is perfect timing to act on the proclamation by Governor Sean Parnell, making August 18 – 22, 2014, as Take Your Child to School Week in the state of Alaska.

“I am pleased to learn that the Governor is proclaiming next week as Take Your Child to School Week. The importance of parental involvement in children’s education is well documented; let’s use the proclamation as a motivation to recommit and to strengthen this involvement.” – Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent

A new school year begins! Parents, relatives, older brothers, sisters, and friends … will you walk, bike, drive, or ride to school with a K-12 student during the first week of school?
Take Your Child to School Week
WHEREAS, Alaska’s children are our greatest and most valuable resource, and their education is essential to the future of our great state; and
WHEREAS, the end of August marks the beginning of a new school year – a chance for families, school staff, and community groups to recommit themselves to supporting students as they continue to learn and grow; and
WHEREAS, studies indicate that when students feel supported, they tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and enjoy school more; and
WHEREAS, parental involvement plays a large role in a child’s classroom success; research shows that students with engaged parents are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores, attend school regularly, have better social skills, enroll in higher level classes, stay enrolled in school, pass their classes, graduate, and go on to postsecondary education; and
WHEREAS, Alaskans and Alaskan schools are keenly aware of the importance of the family-school partnership in helping our children reach their full potential; and
WHEREAS, expanded and enhanced family engagement in schools across the state helps parents build positive relationships with school staff, connect with other families in the school environment, and feel like welcome members of a friendly school community; and
WHEREAS, as parents, guardians, and community members, let us set a strong example for each other, our children, and their teachers and schools, and demonstrate our involvement in our children’s education throughout the school year. We can start by taking them back to school the first week of the school year.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Sean Parnell, Governor of the State of Alaska, do hereby proclaim
August 18-22, 2014 as:
Take Your Child to School Week
in Alaska, and encourage parents, guardians, relatives of Alaska’s schoolchildren, and community members to foster the learning, growth, and success of the children in their lives through continual encouragement, support, and engagement.
08 14 14 Take Your Child to School Week
KPBSD pupil transportation, http://bit.ly/TransportationInfo
Take Your Child to School Week proclamation by Governor Sean Parnell, http://1.usa.gov/1t4Cu1E
Volunteer in a KPBSD school, http://bit.ly/VolunteerInKPBSD
PDF August 15, 2014:  News Release: Take Your Child to School Week
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page: http://bit.ly/MediaPublicRelationships
Suggest or contribute a story online link: http://bit.ly/SuggestKPBSDstory

It's party time! Celebrate 50 years with KPBSD, KPB, and KPC

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District News Release Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

Celebrate 50 years with KPC, KPB and KPBSD!

Soldotna, August 12, 2014—The public is invited to celebrate an important milestone with Kenai Peninsula College, Kenai Peninsula Borough and the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District. To mark fifty years of service to the Kenai Peninsula, the three key organizations are hosting a community barbecue:

Thursday, August 14, 2014

4:00-7:00 p.m.

KPC’s Kenai River Campus in Soldotna

Everyone is invited

50th InvitationIn addition to historical displays, a brief ceremony, tours, live entertainment, free food, games for children, and organization booths, everyone present will have an opportunity to win a commemorative coin set.
The commemorative coins, representing each organization, were minted to mark this historic occasion and will also be available for sale. The college will dedicate a time capsule that will be opened at the 100 year anniversary celebration in 2064. There will also be copies of KPC’s recently released 50 year history book available for purchase.
Overflow parking will be at the KRC Residence Hall and K-Beach Elementary located on E. Poppy Lane in Soldotna. A shuttle bus will run from the elementary school to campus throughout the celebration event.
Link Kenai Peninsula Borough 50th Anniversary Celebration webpage or http://bit.ly/1AbchCT Joint media release: KPBSD_2014_08_05 Celebrate 50 Years BBQ


This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page: http://bit.ly/MediaPublicRelationships Suggest or contribute a story online link: http://bit.ly/SuggestKPBSDstory Please contact me with questions or connections to be made for your KPBSD district and school stories. 50th anniversary logo for kpb     KPB 50 year logo KPBSD logo for media release

KPBSD and KPC Announce New Efforts to Make it Easier and Less Expensive to Take College Classes

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District and Kenai Peninsula CollegekpcLogoVectorKPBSD logo 4c today
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888 or Gary J. Turner, KPC Director, 907.262.0315
KPBSD and KPC  Joint Media Release
Soldotna, April 7, 2014—JumpStart opens to juniors, and includes bus transportation from high schools to KPC. Kenai Peninsula College (KPC) and Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) officials jointly announced two new initiatives will enable more high school students to take KPC courses at reduced tuition rates.
Beginning with the fall 2014 semester, high school juniors will be able to take advantage of the JumpStart program that had previously only been available to high school seniors. Students can enroll for up to six credits each semester starting the fall semester they become juniors. Tuition cost is $55 per credit versus the regular rate of $174.
Funded by a 1/10th mill rate on borough property taxes, JumpStart has been in existence for many years. Opening the program to juniors means that high school students will be able to take up to 30 credits (one full college year) at the reduced rate—by the time they graduate from high school.
Students and their parents can potentially save $3,570 on their first year of college compared to regular University of Alaska rates. [View KPC JumpStart Costs Savings Fall 2014-Juniors] These courses are dual credit meaning students taking the KPC courses receive both high school and college credit if they successfully complete the course(s) with a “C” or better. Course credits earned at KPC through the University of Alaska are typically transferable to accredited colleges and universities throughout the United States.
Secondly, KPBSD will transport KPC enrolled students from all central peninsula high schools to KPC’s Kenai River Campus in order to take courses. Buses will arrive at Kenai River Campus (KRC) at 9 a.m. and the last departure will be at 1:30 p.m. Nikiski students would depart their high school and KRC 15 minutes earlier.
The shuttle service will provide continuous service between the schools throughout this period meaning a student could take one or two classes at KRC and return to their high schools to continue their high school classes. Bussing students on the southern peninsula to KPC’s Kachemak Bay Campus is still being discussed with high school administrators and transportation providers.
“I get many requests from parents asking that the JumpStart program be opened to juniors,” said Gary J. Turner, KPC director. “Due to the declining number of high school seniors, we looked closely at our borough budget and the projected number of seniors the district is anticipating, and determined we can afford to do this with the same amount of funds.” The borough budget request sent by KPC to the mayor and assembly has been revised to include juniors.
“Access to KPC courses has always been a challenge to our students without transportation,” said Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD superintendent. “We believe that by providing a shuttle, many more of our students will be able to take these dual credit classes and save a considerable amount of money on their college education. I am thrilled to learn that our juniors will now be eligible to use the JumpStart support for taking KPC classes. This is a necessary and positive change to help our graduates prepare for life after high school. I offer thanks to our borough for their continued support of KPBSD and KPC.”
Registration and advising for high school students at the Kenai River Campus (KRC) in Soldotna will be held from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., April 26, and from 3-5 p.m., April 28. Students who do not enroll during these “early bird” sessions will be able to receive advising from 1-4 p.m., August 13, and enroll in classes from noon-5 p.m., August 15 and from 10 a.m.-5 p.m., August 21 and 22.
High school students can receive advising and register at the Kachemak Bay Campus (KBC) in Homer from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., April 21 – August 22.
Gary J. Turner, KPC Director, 907-262-0315, gjturner@kpc.alaska.edu
Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD Communications Specialist, 907-714-8888, Pegge@KPBSD.org
Kenai Peninsula College
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District


This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page: http://bit.ly/MediaPublicRelationships
Suggest or contribute a story online link: http://bit.ly/SuggestKPBSDstory
Please contact me with questions or connections to be made for your KPBSD district and school stories.
Pegge Erkeneff | Communications Specialist
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, 148 N. Binkley Street, Soldotna, AK 99669 | 907.714.8888

The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to develop productive, responsible citizens who are prepared to be successful in a dynamic world.


Opportunity knocks: high school students to attend Job and Career Fair in Kenai

Media ReleasePrint
KPBSD juniors and seniors to attend career and job fair
Soldotna, March 17, 2014—The annual Peninsula Job and Career Fair, billed as the biggest recruitment event on the Kenai Peninsula, will be Wednesday, March 26, 2014, 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., at the Peninsula Job Center in Kenai, Alaska. KPBSD and the Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD) will once again partner to deliver resume writing, interviewing, and work ethics training in preparation for this event.
Students from Kenai Alternative School, Kenai Central High School, Nikiski Middle-High School, Skyview High School, and Soldotna High School, will attend. More than sixty employers will be present to speak to job seekers about their current and future job openings. KPBSD students who plan to attend must sign-up through their school counselor, and bring several copies of their resume to provide to employers. Transportation is provided by KPBSD.
KPBSD is happy to once again be able to partner with the DOLWD,” said John O’Brien, director of secondary education and student activities. “Our students benefit from access to their professionals working together with our school counselors and career guides on resume writing, interviewing, and work ethics training skills. KPBSD juniors and seniors looking for either part time employment or something more, can benefit from attending the Peninsula Job and Career Fair, since it is the biggest recruitment event on the Peninsula.”
Employers include: AJEATT, Adult Learning Programs/MASST, Alaska Crane Consultants, Air National Guard, Alaska State Troopers, Alaska Department of Corrections, Alaska Division of Forestry, Alyeska Pipeline, ASRC Energy, AVTEC, Beacon OHSS, Central Peninsula Hospital, Consumer Care Net, Copper River Seafood, Crowley Marine Services, ESS Service, Fred Meyer, Frontier Community Services, Gas Drive Global, Governor’s Council on Disabilities, Halliburton, Home Depot, Hope Community Resources, Inlet Fish, Kachemak Electric, KDLL Radio, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, Kenai Peninsula Care Center, Kenai Peninsula College, Key Bank, Kenaitze, Lee Shore Center, McDonalds, Nana Management, Northern Training Industrial, Offshore Systems, Pacific Star Seafood, Peak Oil Field Services, Peninsula Clarion, Peninsula Community Health Services, RESCARE, Safeway, Schlumberger, Snug Harbor, State of Alaska Juvenile Justice, Taco Bell, US Army, US Marines, US Navy, AK Army National Guard, Wal-Mart, and Wells Fargo.
“We are extremely pleased with the excitement students are expressing about attending the job fair and meeting with employers about current and future openings,” said Rachel O’Brien from the Peninsula Job Center. “School district personnel have been very instrumental and supportive of Department of Labor staff by allowing us to work with students during their class time and discuss resume writing, career exploration, interviewing skills and work ethics. Attending the job fair is an outstanding opportunity for students to speak directly to employers about short and long-term employment, learn about labor demands, and make local connections. The Peninsula Job Center wants to extend our sincere appreciation to KPBSD administration, principals, counselors and teachers of Skyview, Soldotna, Kenai, and Nikiski high schools for partnering with the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development for the second year in a row to deliver this invaluable experience to local students.”
The Peninsula Job Fair is coordinated by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development with support from the Peninsula Clarion and alaskajobnet.com, the City of Soldotna, the City of Kenai, and the Kenai and Soldotna Chambers.
Contact for businesses: Rachel O’Brien, employment specialist, Peninsula Job Center, 907-335-3001
Contact for employers to sign up and have an informational or recruitment booth: Jackie Garcia, business connections specialist, Peninsula Job Center, 907-335-3030.
Media Release: Kenai Job Fair is March 26 2014
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

How would you spend 160 million dollars?

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictPrint
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
MEDIA RELEASE: How would you spend 160 million dollars?
Soldotna, February 14, 2014—Everyone interested in quality public education is invited to a public meeting about the 2014-2015 budget designed to provide a K-12 education for our local students on the Kenai Peninsula.
The reality is that when the budget process began, an $8,235,753 deficit for a status quo budget in 2014-2015 existed. This is to provide what KPBSD did in 2013-2014. Please step up to the plate and attend a public budget forum. You’ll take a deficit walk with Dave Jones, assistant superintendent of instructional support, and learn about the budget reductions we have already made, possibilities for the future, the role of the legislature, borough, and general fund balance. Do you know that in July 2013, the school board already determined a .5 increase for student-to-teacher ratio in the classroom to address the deficit? This equates to more than ten current positions which will not be funded next year. Even with this, other proposed expenditure reductions, and use of the general fund balance, KPBSD still has an unresolved deficit of $4,593,729 to solve.

Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent, said, “The financing for our schools is complicated. I encourage the public to attend the budget forums so they can better understand this financing and to gain a sense of our deficit and what steps we are taking to close the revenue-expenditure gap.”

Parents, employees, students, community members—you are invited. Mark your calendar for one hour, and bring your inquiries and questions to KPBSD Budget 101, where you will learn about the district perspective, expenditures, revenues, and where to find specifics for your neighborhood school:

• Tuesday, February 18, 2014, 5:30 p.m., Seward High School library
• Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 5:30 p.m., Soldotna High School library
• Tuesday, February 25, 2014, 5:30 p.m., Homer High School library

KPBSD finance department and budget documents: http://bit.ly/FinanceKPBSD



KPBSD Ski Teams En Route Home | News Release

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictPrint
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
Media Release
KPBSD Ski Teams En Route Home
Soldotna, January 11, 2014—KPBSD confirms a charter bus departed Valdez at approximately 1:30 p.m., and is heading back to the Kenai Peninsula, driven by the owner of Unique Bus Charters. All students from the Kenai Central High School (KCHS) and Skyview High School ski teams who were evaluated at the Providence Valdez Medical Center are on board the bus. Additionally, one student was medevac’d to Anchorage, and has been released. Travel time is estimated to be ten to twelve hours.
Saturday morning KCHS head coach Brad Nyquist said, “We feel very fortunate about how everything turned out. The kids are doing great. At the incident site everyone responded so well taking action to care for each other and keeping composure. The Valdez community opened their arms, and made us feel welcome and safe. The medical responders took all precautions necessary. I had a team meeting Friday night, and the kids showed a good sense of humor. Everyone is very understanding.” Cellular coverage at the bus accident site on the Richardson Highway, mile 55, was difficult with very little coverage. Nyquist said, “I’m sorry it took so much time to contact parents, and apologize for the delays in communication.”
Kent Peterson, Skyview head coach said, “We were so fortunate. Adults—chaperones and coaches—immediately divided up duties at the accident site, and one of the first people to stop happened to be a woman who was an emergency responder! DOT and two Valdez police arrived shortly after. We worked in teams to take care of everything. The kids are all good, and when we first assessed everyone it appeared any injuries were minor. The emergency team checked them out at the site, and then again in Valdez another team checked everyone.” Several students did go to the hospital for further evaluation, and Peterson added, “Some kids thought they were checked out too thoroughly!”
We are awaiting word on the bus driver, and our care and concern extends to his family and medical team.
Due to the circumstances, the two KPBSD teams did not compete in the Valdez Invitational on Saturday. “I thank all of the staff from Valdez City Schools, the Valdez Emergency Services, Valdez Police, personnel at the Valdez Hospital, and the Alaska State Troopers for their immediate and professional response to today’s accident,” said Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent.  “The location of the accident made the response difficult, we are thankful that these agencies are so well trained. In addition, thank you to local families who volunteered to bring food to students, and open their homes to parents.”
On Friday, January 10, 2014, while traveling to the Valdez Invitational, Kenai Central High School and Skyview High School cross-country ski teams were in a bus accident at 11:44 a.m., at mile 55 on the Richardson Highway. Valdez City Schools sent buses to transport students to the elementary school, where a medical triage team assembled to assess every student. Several students were subsequently transported to Providence Valdez Medical Center for further evaluation, and released. The bus driver and one student were medevac’d to Anchorage. The student has been released. Forty-nine people were on board the bus, in addition to the bus driver.
Media release January 10, 2014: KPBSD ski teams in bus accident
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page: http://bit.ly/MediaPublicRelationships
New: Suggest or contribute a story online link: http://bit.ly/SuggestKPBSDstory
Please contact me with questions or connections to be made for your KPBSD district and school stories.
Pegge Erkeneff | Communications Specialist

Soldotna 7-12 grade schools reconfiguration

News Release

KPBSD logo 4c today

Advisory Committee recommendations for Soldotna schools 7-12 grade reconfiguration

Soldotna, November 8, 2013—The Soldotna area 7-12 grade schools Advisory Committee completed its work and presented recommendations to the KPBSD Board of Education during a work session on November 4, 2013.
Last spring, the school board voted to reconfigure the three Soldotna area secondary schools which set in motion a series of events to address the details of what needed to be in place for these schools at the start of the FY15 school year. One of these events was the administration’s creation of an advisory committee. This committee was tasked with making recommendations on school names, school colors, school mascots and suggestions on how to address the pending changes in school cultures.
This committee’s work is complete, and Doug Hayman, Transitions Coordinator, presented the following recommendations to the school board on November 4, 2013, during a work session. Consensus by the Advisory Committee was reached on the following topics:

  • The 7-8 grade middle school be named Skyview Middle School
  • The 7-8 grade middle school mascot be a Panther
  • The ninth grade school be named Soldotna Prep
  • Two 10-12 grade high school name possibilities are Soldotna High School or Soldotna Central High School
  • The ninth grade school and 10-12 grade high school mascots both be a Star
  • The available colors for all three schools be blue, purple, black and white. (This palette opens the possibility but does not require additions of complementary highlights.)
  • The committee recommends that the current student body of each of the three schools, with the guidance of staff, develop and plan the transfer and preservation of all cultural and historic elements.

“I am pleased that the advisory committee accomplished so much and I want to thank each member for their positive, can-do approach toward their committee membership,” said Dr. Atwater, Superintendent. “Now that the committee’s recommendations have been made, it is important to dispel the misinformation that large sums of money will be required for next steps. As necessary, the district will change small items, e.g., signs in front of a school, but will not commit to large cosmetic changes, e.g., changing the gym floor. I encourage everyone to look forward to the benefits that the students will receive from this reconfiguration. We have an excellent secondary staff at our three schools who will do all that they can to ensure that the transition to the new schools will be smooth.”
Thank you to Soldotna Schools Reconfiguration Advisory Committee
Community and Parent Representatives: Michelle Blackwell; Lynne Carter; Dale Dolifka; Michael Gallagher; Roxanne Miller
Skyview High School: Paul Kupferschmid, site council; Darren Jones, staff; Austin Laber, student
Soldotna High School: Kathy Gensel, site council; Troy Minogue, staff; Kelci Benson, student
Soldotna Middle School: Krista Arthur, site council; Joel Burns, staff; Jode Sparks, student
Doug Hayman, Transitions Facilitator
 School reconfiguration

  • Soldotna area 7-8th grade students will be housed at the existing Skyview High School
  • Soldotna area 9th grade students will be housed at the existing Soldotna Middle School
  • River City Academy (7-12) will be moved to the existing Soldotna Middle School
  • Soldotna area 10-12 grade students will be housed at the existing Soldotna High School



Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

News Release: 2013_11_08 Soldotna area schools Advisory Committee recommendations to KPBSD school board