Soldotna 7-12 grade school administrators announced for 2014-2015

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KPBSD announces Soldotna 7-12 grade administrators for 2014-2015

Soldotna, October 2, 2013—The principals and assistant principals for the Soldotna schools reconfiguration were determined this week after an interview process. Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent, made the final decision. The assignments will take effect in the 2014-2015 school year, and each of the five is an administrator in good standing with the district. The administrators will remain in their current position for the 2013-2014 school year.
“One of the more pressing needs of our reconfiguration process is naming the administrators for the three Soldotna area secondary schools. In response to this need we created a process that included district administration interviewing the five Soldotna area secondary school administrators,” said Dr. Atwater. “I am pleased with how the process worked and am confident that the five will work well together in their assignments to ensure a smooth transition for our Soldotna area secondary students and staff.” The new assignments (school names are not yet determined) are:
10-12 grade high school at current Soldotna High School campus:

  • Principal: Mr. Todd Syverson (currently Soldotna High School principal)
  • Assistant Principal: Mr. Randy Neill (currently Skyview High School principal)

Grade 9 at current Soldotna Middle School campus:

  • Principal: Mr. Curt Schmidt (currently Soldotna Middle School assistant principal)

7-8 grade middle school at current Skyview High School campus

  • Principal: Mr. Sarge Truesdell (currently Soldotna Middle School principal)
  • Assistant Principal: Mr. Tony Graham (currently Soldotna High School assistant principal)
  • River City Academy (7-12 grade) will relocate from the Skyview High School campus to the current Soldotna Middle School campus. Mrs. Dawn Edwards-Smith will remain the administrator.

Todd Syverson said, “Over the past 24 years the KPBSD has blessed me with the privilege and honor of working with the greater Soldotna area at Skyview High School, Soldotna Middle, Redoubt Elementary, Soldotna High School, and now as the principal of the new 10-12 grade high school. My vision is to continue to strive for excellence in creating a school that has our students ready for career or college pathways that will land our students with rewarding careers and a promising future!”
“It’s been a privilege working the past nine years at Skyview High School,” said Randy Neill. “I look forward to continuing to work with students, staff, and the community in the coming years. This is great opportunity to help students and staff come together to bring out the best of both schools.”
Curtis Schmidt, new principal for the ninth grade school said, “I am excited and privileged to be selected as the principal for the Soldotna area ninth grade school. It is my intent to assist every ninth grade student in making a successful transition to high school and to provide them with a learning experience that is engaging and challenging.”
“It is an exciting time to be a member of the team at Soldotna Middle School and I feel privileged to be chosen to lead such a great school,” said Sarge Truesdell. “I look forward to being here to support our students, staff, and stake holders as we transition to a new building in 2014-2015.”
Tony Graham, who will be the new assistant principal at the 7-8 grade school said, “I am thankful to be given this opportunity and I am looking forward to cultivating a new educational community along with Sarge Truesdell. I plan to use my experience to help support students, staff, and community transition and grow.”
The Board of Education will approve these five contracts in the spring during the normal process of administrator contract renewals.


KPB General Obligation Bond, Proposition 2

Media Release

General Obligation Bond, Proposition 2

Flyer_General Information Bond October 1 2013 Proposition 2Soldotna, September 10, 2013—On October 1, 2013, Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB) voters will be asked to consider $22,987,018 in bonds to repair ten school roofs ($20,995,282) and install a turf field at Homer High School ($1,991,736). These projects have been approved by the State Department of Education for 70% reimbursement under the state debt reimbursement program, which means the state reimburses the KPB 70% of the total cost of the bonds and KPB taxpayers pay 30%.
Voters approved Phase I of the roof school bonds project in 2010; the work was completed in 2011-2013.*
Phase II includes roofs dating back to 1967, is staggered over three years, and provides an opportunity for our local labor force. Many schools have expanded since their original construction date, and different sections of roof were built in phases.
Kenai Alternative High School, Kenai Middle School, Skyview High School, Tustumena Elementary, and Homer High School turf field
Homer Middle School, Kenai Central High School, Paul Banks Elementary, Soldotna Middle School
Ninilchik School, Soldotna High School
“Why bond now?”

  • Energy measures, such as increased roof insulation, will be built into the project plans
  • The roofs have exceeded their expected useful life and are in need of repair
  • The new roof systems include a 20 year warranty, and will cost less to maintain overall
  • Take advantage of the 70% state debt reimbursement

Taxpayer 70% Savings on the Bond – Debt Reimbursement Program

  • Borough cost: 30% of every dollar
  • State Debt Reimbursement Program: 70% of every dollar (approved)

Cost to the borough taxpayer

  • $ 6.77 per $100,000 assessed property value (annually)
  • $ 472,350 annual net cost to Borough with State of Alaska 70% debt reimbursement program (approved)

The funds are subject to the appropriation process in the Alaska Legislature, as are all funds expended by the State of Alaska.
Borough school district roofs equal 1,861,400 square feet; nearly 43 acres of roof
*History Phase I (2011-2013)
In October, 2010, Kenai Peninsula Borough residents approved Phase I school bonds of $16,865,000 for these KPBSD schools spanning the peninsula from Seward to McNeil Canyon in Homer. The work is complete.

  • Chapman School
  • Cooper Landing
  • Homer Middle School
  • K-Beach Elementary
  • Kenai Elementary
  • Kenai Central High School*
  • McNeil Canyon Elementary School
  • Moose Pass School


  • Nikiski Middle-High School
  • Ninilchik High School*
  • Seward Elementary
  • Seward High School
  • Soldotna High School*
  • Sterling Elementary*
  • KPB School District Warehouse
                 * Partial reroofing

“It’s important to protect almost a billion dollars in Borough facility assets. This is responsible stewardship.” – Mayor Mike Navarre


Mayor Mike Navarre, Kenai Peninsula Borough, 907-714-2150,
Pegge Erkeneff, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District communications specialist, 907-714-8888,


Dr. Steve Atwater Named 2013 Alaska Superintendent of the Year


Dr. Steve Atwater Named 2013 Alaska Superintendent of the Year

Dr. Steve Atwater (L), Alaska 2013 Superintendent of the Year, and AASA executive director Bruce Johnson (R)

 Soldotna, September 12, 2012—The Alaska Association of School Administrators (AASA) announced that Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) Superintendent, Dr. Steve Atwater, has been selected by his peers as Alaska’s 2013 Superintendent of the Year.
The Superintendent of the Year program, now in its 26th year, pays tribute to a school system’s top leader who exemplifies effectiveness, knowledge, leadership, ethics, and commitment. In nominating Dr. Atwater, colleagues and board members noted his success at leading both small and large school districts. They lauded his leadership expertise by comments such as “If you take a close look at each and every one of Dr. Atwater’s decisions or actions, you will find an unerring focus on the improvement of education and direction that favors kids.” Another nominator commented that “Dr. Atwater exemplifies the true essence of what an educational leader should be … and believes that every child can learn and that every child deserves to be taught by an outstanding teacher.”
When he learned about the award, Dr. Atwater said, “I am both humbled and honored by this award.  Humbled because I was nominated by my peers from across the state and honored because it affirms my good work and by association the good work that all of us at KPBSD are doing to meet the learning needs of our 8,900 students.”
Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor Mike Navarre said, “Kenai Peninsula residents take pride in our outstanding school district and recognize the combined contributions of School Board members, administrators, teachers, support staff, parents and students as a part of our success. Most importantly, we recognize the leadership provided by our superintendent, Dr. Steve Atwater, as a key part of that success. Dr. Atwater’s vision, commitment, values, knowledge, and competence are reflected in the extraordinary job he does and the educational achievements of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District. We’re extremely fortunate to have Dr. Atwater as our Superintendent and congratulate him on his well-deserved recognition as 2013 Alaska Superintendent of the Year.”
“Dr. Atwater has been a great supporter of Kenai Peninsula College (KPC) and ensuring Peninsula students are college or career-ready when they graduate,” said Gary J. Turner, KPC director. “He is not only involved with our children from pre-K to 12th grade, but he is also teaching teachers at the university level where he serves as an adjunct faculty member with UAA’s College of Education. While Steve will say this is a district award, his leadership and vision have earned him this well-deserved accolade,” said Turner.
AASA will advance Dr. Atwater’s candidacy to the 2013 National Superintendent of the Year program knowing that he is highly respected by his colleagues, board members, and constituents throughout Alaska. All State Superintendents of the Year will be recognized in February at the 2013 AASA National Conference on Education in Los Angeles, California.
For more information contact Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communications specialist,, 907.714.8838
KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:

Making News: Project GRAD Kenai Peninsula

The US Department of Education awards Project GRAD Kenai Peninsula a 128,000 grant! I posted a news release–along with others–on the KPBSD Media and Public Relationships Communications page. I’m excited about this grant–Project GRAD empowers and inspires  low income students students to obtain a high school diploma, and achieve success in post-secondary education. 

The $128,000 Gear Up Grant (GU) length is for six years, and requires a cohort model which begins at grade 2 and continues through grade 8. KPBSD schools in Nanwalek, Port Graham, Razdolna, Tebughna, and Voznesenka will follow this cohort through the six years.

Dream, dare, do! Thank you to KPBSD, the US Department of Education, and Project GRAD Kenai Peninsula. 
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