KPBSD Key Communicators – Champions for Children

Nearly 50 parents, students, elected officials, district leadership team, regional principals, and community partners gathered for a Key Communicator Evening “Champions for Our Children” at Skyview Middle School, on Thursday, October 25, 2018. Three quick hours passed with an energetic keynote presentation about Personalized Learning (PL) in KPBSD, and other programs of interest through station rotations. Everyone could chose two of the four topics: School Climate and Student Safety; Student Opportunities; Public Advocacy; and General Fund Budget. Identified through a survey ahead of time, district Leadership Team members facilitated the four areas of interest sessions based on their areas of expertise.

A lively, informative evening, everyone attending offered positive reflections and feedback. Superintendent Sean Dusek, who provided a district update said, “I am very pleased with the participation and work that occurred at our most recent Key Communicator meeting. Our instructional efforts, challenges and proactive measures were discussed and many questions, suggestions and reflections were gathered to help ensure our schools’ stories are clearly shared across the borough and state.”

To learn more about KPBSD Key Communicators, be added to the email list, or become involved, review the webpage, or email Pegge Erkeneff, Communications Liaison, at Pegge @ evening program in KPBSD 10_25_18_Page_1Presentation Materials in PDF format:

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Key Communicator Hour presentation and documents

Thank you to everyone who attended the Key Communicator Hour on Thursday, April 6, 1017. Following up  on requests from several attendees:
Click here to watch the April 6, 2017 video with Superintendent Dusek’s presentation, followed by Q & A
A question was asked if KPBSD has budget and legislature talking points; these are helpful links:

If you have questions, please contact Pegge Erkeneff, communications liaison:, and search this blog for keywords such as budget, legislature, etc. for additional posts.
2017_04_06 Key Communicator Hour

What's happening? State of the KPBSD – April 6, 2017

2017_04_06 Key Communicator Hour web

You’re invited
State of the KPBSD with Superintendent Dusek
Thursday, April 6, 2017
5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Everyone is welcome!

Superintendent Dusek will provide a legislative and budget update via Skype for Business, followed by time to respond to your questions. Learn about education related bills and school funding. Hosting schools:

  • Homer Middle School

  • Mountain View Elementary

  • Nikiski Middle-High School

  • Skyview Middle School

  • Susan B. English School

  • William H. Seward Elementary

“This is a critical juncture in Alaskan and American history. We are all working on providing the best education possible for our students every day. This takes hard work and certainty. Our Alaska legislature and borough can provide that certainty while maintaining public education as the number one priority of our state. At the federal level, public funds should also go to public entities while local control should be honored. We are at a crossroads and your voice will be critical to keep our system moving forward to develop high quality, productive citizens to be our future leaders.” – KPBSD Superintendent Sean Dusek

KPBSD Key Communicator Collaboration

On February 7, 2017, a KPBSD Key Communicator Collaboration with more than seventy participants met at the Challenger Learning Center, in Kenai, Alaska.

Click here to view Key Communicators Collaboration presentation

2017_02_06 Key Communicators Collaboration FINAL_Page_01
Attendees: School board members, Key Communicators, site council representatives, leadership team, students, regional principals, community partners
Purpose: Collaborate with key people in our schools to talk about issues KPBSD faces this year, reflect on what we are doing well, ask questions, give administration a perspective, and grow advocates for KPBSD public education
KPBSD Key Communicators
KPBSD formed a network of people who are interested in our schools in order to cultivate positive relationships with the school district and in our diverse communities. Conversations happen every day in school parking lots, at the grocery store, via social media, and in everyday ordinary life interactions. At times, people of all ages who care about public education want facts about issues in order to communicate effectively with community leaders, each other, and elected officials. Our KPBSD Key Communicators are informed about school district initiatives, issues, and celebrations through responses to questions, email messages, media releases, and e-newsletters from district office communications–and have an open line of communication with district leadership to ask questions and express concerns and celebrations in the school district.  Together we will broaden community advocates and share our #golden stories.

Public invitation to KPBSD Key Communicator Hour

News Release
Public invited to KPBSD Key Communicator events

Soldotna, October 17, 2016—KPBSD is hosting three Key Communicator Connect & Collaborate Hours to converse about the KPBSD budget, five year strategic plan, and respond to questions and ideas about our diverse district. Key Communicators gather throughout the year; everyone interested in KPBSD schools is invited to attend:

  • Tuesday, October 18, 2016, Homer Middle School library, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

  • Thursday, October 20, 2016, Seward High School library, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

  • Tuesday, November 1, 2016, Soldotna High School library, 6:00 – 7:00 PM


“People move in the direction of their conversations and seek accurate stories and information about the school district.” –KPBSD Key Communicator network

Who are KPBSD Key Communicators?

Parents, students, business owners, staff, alumni, grandparents, retirees, everyone who cares about education. Key Communicators help people in their local communities learn more about KPBSD, while also assisting the school district to learn and understand more about what people in our schools and community think, feel, and know. The concept is to promote a continuing exchange between Key Communicators and the school district, creating a loosely connected group of parents and citizens for two way communication and advocacy.


In 2014, KPBSD formed a network of people who are interested in our schools in order to cultivate positive relationships with the school district and in our diverse communities. Conversations happen every day in school parking lots, at the grocery store, via social media, and so forth. Our Key Communicators are informed about school district initiatives, issues, and celebrations through responses to questions, email messages, news releases, and e-news from district office communications. Each school year an opportunity to meet in person takes place. Together we will broaden community advocates.
KPBSD Key Communicators
Questions? Contact Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communications liaison,, 907.714.888

KPBSD Key Communicators

People move in the direction of their conversations and seek accurate stories and information about the school district. 

KPBSD Key Communicators help people in their local communities learn more about KPBSD, while also assisting the school district to learn and understand more about what people think, feel, and know. The concept is to promote a continuing exchange between Key Communicators and the school district, creating a loosely connected group of parents and citizens for two way communication.
People move in the direction of their conversations; KPBSD Key Communicators will be kept informed through email messages, media releases, and news from the KPBSD district office communications.

Key Communicators


KPBSD formed a network of people who are interested in our schools in order to cultivate positive relationships with the school district and in our diverse communities. Conversations happen every day in school parking lots, at the grocery store, via social media, and so forth. The idea is that our Key Communicators will be kept informed about school district initiatives, issues and celebrations through email messages, media releases, and newsletters from district office communications. Together we will broaden community advocates and help share the golden stories that happen everyday in our schools and district.


Key Communicators are asked to simply read the emails and information sent from KPBSD Communications, and potentially share any misconceptions, perceptions, or concerns they hear with KPBSD communications. If a particular issue arises, we may opt to ask you brief questions, utilize an area gathering, advocate or testify with legislators and community members depending on the topic, or broaden our understanding by directly contacting Key Communicators. Your name and contact information will not be published online anywhere as a contact for your school. Participation in Key Communicators is open, with no time frame limit. An annual survey will be conducted to determine shifts needed to grow positive and effective communications.

Meet and Greet

Key Communicators, district leadership, school board members, and any interested school staff are invited to gather informally for a meet and greet. This is an opportunity to meet face-to-face, connect, ask questions, and learn a bit more about things that are happening in the school district and with Key Communicators.
Three dates take place in September 2015, one each in the Central Peninsula, Seward area, and Southern Peninsula, with additional times throughout the 2015-2016 school year.

  • Thursday, September 10, 2015, Seward Middle School library, 5:30-6:30 PM
  • Tuesday, September 22, 2015, Soldotna High School library, 5:30-6:30 PM
  • Monday, September 28, 2015, Homer Middle School library, 5:30-6:30 PM


In early 2014, school principals nominated 2-3 people in their school community and provided Pegge Erkeneff, communication liaison, with the name, context, connection, or position in the community, and contact information including email, address, and telephone. Every year, principals and school board members offer additional names, and everyone interested in KPBSD schools are welcome to attend area gatherings.
If you are interested in becoming a KPBSD Key Communicator, please email Pegge Erkeneff, communications liaison, at
people working together