Nanwalek School to receive 1:1 technology via Apple and ConnectED

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictPrint
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
News Release

Nanwalek School receives Apple and ConnectEd grant

Soldotna, October 31, 2014—One of 114 schools in the country, and the only school in Alaska, our KPBSD school in Nanwalek, serving 79 students in kindergarten through twelfth grade, will receive an Apple grant as part of the national ConnectED program. This award enables Nanwalek School to provide a comprehensive 1:1 technology solution for every student and teacher, including Apple hardware, software, and services.
Instructional practices and student learning at Nanwalek School will radically change as a result of this initiative to receive iPads for each student in the following ways:

  1. Students and teachers will be introduced to a new level of technology that they have not previously experienced in the village or school. This experience will be enhanced by faster Internet was installed by the district through ACS in September
  2. Academic core learning will be strengthened through resources and e-books on the devices
  3. This grant includes professional development for teachers in differentiation to strengthen core instruction, and intervention processes to increase achievement

“I am thrilled to learn that Nanwalek School is a recipient of an Apple ConnectEd Grant, said Steve Atwater, superintendent. “I am confident that the infusion of technology into the classrooms and professional development for the staff will lead to an increase in student engagement and in turn academic achievement. Thanks to Principal Nancy Kleine and Director Jim White for all their work to make this happen.”
We continually seek ways to engage students in instruction, and trust that having this exciting technology will attract students to school and increase attendance,” said Principal Nancy Kleine. “This type of learning is interactive and focused, and students will learn the necessary skills to be effective members of society.”
“We believe that the young minds and young innovators of tomorrow should have every opportunity to realize their potential through today’s powerful learning tools,” states the Apple website. “It’s important to us that our contribution to ConnectED makes a difference for students and communities who need it the most. We’ve chosen to provide our support to schools where at least 96 percent of the students are eligible for the free or reduced-price lunch program. Despite their economic challenges, these schools share a vision of what their students’ lives would be like with Apple technology.”

News Release: KPBSD 2014_10_31_Nanwalek School Awarded Apple ConnectEd grant
Nanwalek 3x2Apple

Meet students with disabilities in Project SEARCH school-to-work program open house

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictPrint
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
News Release

Project SEARCH open house is September 29, 2014

Soldotna, September 26, 2014—What takes place when a school district and hospital collaborate to create a business-led, one-year, school-to-work program for students with disabilities? Join KPBSD and Central Peninsula Hospital for the third annual Project SEARCH High School Transition Program open house and find out about a life-changing opportunity happening in our community.

Monday, September 29, 2014
5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Denali Room, Central Peninsula Hospital
Soldotna, Alaska

Families, educators, partner organizations, and community members are invited

  • Meet three student interns who will showcase learning from their respective internship rotations
  • Talk with the teacher and job coach
  • Meet the hospital job mentors
  • Presentation of a national Project SEARCH award based on employment outcomes, by Patrick Reinhart, director of public policy, Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education
  • Light refreshments will be served

Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD superintendent said, “One of our on-going challenges is to ensure that our students with disabilities make a smooth transition to life after high school. Project SEARCH is thus, a wonderful way to help us meet this challenge.”
The Project SEARCH High School Transition Program is a total workplace immersion, facilitating a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and relevant job-skills training through strategically designed internships. Through a series of three targeted internships the students acquire competitive, marketable, and transferable skills. Students also build communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills which is important to their overall development as a young worker. The goal: independent adults prepared for competitive employment opportunities.
Kenai Peninsula Project SEARCH is made possible through the collaborative efforts of Project SEARCH Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Central Peninsula Hospital, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, the Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and Frontier Community Services.

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2013-2014 Project SEARCH
2013-2014 Project SEARCH

It's time to ShakeOut and “Drop, Cover, and Hold On”

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictPrint
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

News Release
Shake out, don’t freak out earthquake drill is 10/16 at 10:16 a.m.

Soldotna, September 17, 2014—Schools in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District will participate in the Great Alaska ShakeOut “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” earthquake drill on Thursday, October 16, 2014, at 10:16 a.m.
 KPBSD students and staff join more than 66,000 Alaskans who already registered to participate. Dave Jones, assistant superintendent of instructional support, said, “We need to be prepared for incidents we hope never happen, but if they do, we can minimize the danger to our students, staff, and community.” Earthquake preparation and the proper “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” technique is valuable safety education for our students and employees. We will also practice a radio check-in to the district office from each of our schools following this earthquake drill.
Please encourage Alaska businesses and families to also participate.
Resources, including audio clips for the drill, are available online at: 

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To attain a high school diploma: take a College or Career Ready assessment

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Print
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

College and Career Ready Assessments replace HSGQE

Soldotna, September 17, 2014—Students no longer need to take and pass the High School Graduation Qualifying Exam (HSGQE) to earn a high school diploma. In May, 2014, the Alaska State Legislature repealed the HSGQE requirement with the enactment of HB 278.
Students must now take a College or Career Ready Assessment in order to attain a high school diploma. The state determined the career ready assessment will be the WorkKeys job skills assessment system, and the college ready assessment portion will be a choice of either the American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
Action by October 15, 2014
The State of Alaska will pay for an eleventh grade student to take one of the three assessments. School counselors or principals will work with KPBSD juniors to support their test choice, and assist them through the registration process prior to October 15, 2015.
ACT and WorkKeys assessment during the school day
KPBSD district high schools will continue to administer WorkKeys, as they have for the past several years. KPBSD high schools will now also administer the ACT during the school day. School day administration of the WorkKeys and ACT at school sites will occur on these dates:
• WorkKeys assessments will be administered at schools during a testing window from November 10, 2014, to February 13, 2015
• ACT testing will occur at schools on Tuesday, March 3, 2015, with a make-up date of Tuesday, March 31, 2015
SAT assessment testing
Students can choose to take the SAT at a SAT approved national test center, and it will be paid with a state voucher. The SAT voucher administration will be on Saturday, January 24, 2015. These approved national testing centers will administer SAT and ACT:
• Kenai Peninsula College (both SAT and ACT)
• Seward High School (both SAT and ACT)
• Homer High School (both SAT and ACT)
• Ninilchik High School (SAT only)
• Susan B. English School in Seldovia (SAT only)
Students may continue to take both the SAT and ACT, and take them as many times as they choose at a national test center site. However, the State of Alaska will only pay for one test administration of either the WorkKeys, SAT, or ACT.
Parents and students can contact their school counseling department or school principal.
HB 278
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News Release: School board offers interim superintendent position to Sean Dusek

News Release: Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Print
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

School board makes next move for district leadership

Soldotna, September 9, 2014—During the KPBSD Board of Education meeting on Monday, September 8, 2014, in Homer, Alaska, board member Navarre moved that the school board authorize the board president to offer Mr. Sean Dusek the position of interim superintendent, and negotiate the terms of said employment. Board member Hohl seconded.

“The KPBSD school board is proud and happy to be offering the position of interim superintendent to Mr. Sean Dusek,” said Joe Arness, board president. “We consider ourselves fortunate, indeed, to have someone with his credentials and abilities already on staff and ready to assume the leadership of our district during this transition process. Decisions regarding timing and scope relative to a permanent search will now be made in the absence of at least some of the time pressures.”
Mr. Dusek, the current KPBSD assistant superintendent of instruction, said, “I am honored to be offered the position of interim superintendent of our district. I look forward to meeting with President Arness to discuss the terms of the offer.”

Next steps

  • The school board president and Mr. Dusek will meet
  • The school board would take action at an upcoming board meeting to approve an interim superintendent contract for the remainder of the 2014-2015 fiscal year, effective December 1, 2014
  • By January 2015, the school board will determine the scope and timing of next steps to hire a superintendent for the 2015-2016 school year and beyond
  • Further updates will be shared with staff and the public as decisions are made

September 9, 2014: School Board offers interim superintendent position to Sean Dusek
KPBSD website: Assistant superintendent of instruction Dusek
August 4, 2014: Superintendent Atwater announces his resignation

Sean Dusek, Assistant Superintendent, presents to all staff at opening inservice. August 2014
Sean Dusek, Assistant Superintendent, presents to all staff at opening inservice. August 2014


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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome affects students

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictPrint
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
News Release

KPBSD observes international FASD Awareness Day

Soldotna, September 5, 2014— Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) does affect KPBSD students, and September 9, 2014, marks international FASD awareness day. The KPBSD, together with our board of education, community agencies, and families recognize the challenges of FASD. We are working with and supporting our students and families, providing FASD education, awareness, and parent support groups.
Public awareness
Learn about the danger of drinking alcohol during pregnancy and the plight of individuals and families who struggle with the impact of FASD challenges.
KPBSD focus
“Our goal is to understand and support our students with FASD and other brain based differences, provide support for their families, and hopefully create enough awareness about FASD that we significantly alter the number of future students impacted with FASD,” said Clayton Holland, director of pupil services. “We don’t believe that the Kenai Peninsula has a higher rate of FASD impacted students than any other region of the state, but we do believe we have the chance to positively impact the lives of everyone on the Kenai Peninsula through our work with FASD.”
Deb Evensen, FASD expert, said, “I am honored to be assisting KPBSD as they work toward their goal of more effectively supporting students with FASD, in every grade level and in every program. This work is a bold step forward for KPBSD, and also Anchorage School District (ASD), who are leading the way as two school districts to address this challenge. As we improve our understanding and support for those now living with FASD, we nurture the growing public awareness of what causes this disability, and help create the path to a future where FASD no longer exists.”
“FASD Awareness Day should be a time for all of us at KPBSD to consider the effects of this disorder and to learn how we can better support our students who have this disability,” said Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent.
Six FASD projects in the KPBSD

  • Beginning, intermediate, and advanced training on FASD available to all educators throughout the district
  • Specific on-site consultations and assistance in the classroom regarding specific students
  • A creative cadre of master teachers who work to solve problems and create solutions for more positive outcomes
  • Completion and debut of a teacher-training DVD on positive strategies
  • A friendly parent support group for caregivers of children with a FASD diagnosis
  • Work with health teachers to provide FASD information and awareness for all students

KPBSD parent education and support meetings
Six times throughout the 2014-2015 school year, an evening is scheduled for KPBSD parents to meet. The first gathering is September 26, 2014, from 5:30-8:00 p.m., in the library at Soldotna Elementary School. We’ve learned that our parents experience relief and appreciation to be able to talk with each other in a group facilitated by an FASD expert. Call 907-714-8881 for additional details.
Frontier Community Services (FCS) offers a developmental clinic that provides FASD diagnosis, and also addresses behavioral challenges, emotional trauma, developmental disabilities, and learning issues. The FCS program provides education on FASD in the community, throughout the state, and houses a FASD resource library. Individuals or families with questions about FASD can call Vickie Tinker, coordinator, Frontier Community Services Developmental Clinic and FASD Program, at 907-714-6648.


FASD FY14 Education and support meeting dates

Take Your Child to School Week

CONTACT: PEGGE ERKENEFF, KPBSD Communication Specialist | 907.714.8888

Take Your Child to School Week

Soldotna, August 15, 2014—Most KPBSD schools begin Tuesday, August 19, 2014, which is perfect timing to act on the proclamation by Governor Sean Parnell, making August 18 – 22, 2014, as Take Your Child to School Week in the state of Alaska.

“I am pleased to learn that the Governor is proclaiming next week as Take Your Child to School Week. The importance of parental involvement in children’s education is well documented; let’s use the proclamation as a motivation to recommit and to strengthen this involvement.” – Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent

A new school year begins! Parents, relatives, older brothers, sisters, and friends … will you walk, bike, drive, or ride to school with a K-12 student during the first week of school?
Take Your Child to School Week
WHEREAS, Alaska’s children are our greatest and most valuable resource, and their education is essential to the future of our great state; and
WHEREAS, the end of August marks the beginning of a new school year – a chance for families, school staff, and community groups to recommit themselves to supporting students as they continue to learn and grow; and
WHEREAS, studies indicate that when students feel supported, they tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and enjoy school more; and
WHEREAS, parental involvement plays a large role in a child’s classroom success; research shows that students with engaged parents are more likely to earn higher grades and test scores, attend school regularly, have better social skills, enroll in higher level classes, stay enrolled in school, pass their classes, graduate, and go on to postsecondary education; and
WHEREAS, Alaskans and Alaskan schools are keenly aware of the importance of the family-school partnership in helping our children reach their full potential; and
WHEREAS, expanded and enhanced family engagement in schools across the state helps parents build positive relationships with school staff, connect with other families in the school environment, and feel like welcome members of a friendly school community; and
WHEREAS, as parents, guardians, and community members, let us set a strong example for each other, our children, and their teachers and schools, and demonstrate our involvement in our children’s education throughout the school year. We can start by taking them back to school the first week of the school year.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Sean Parnell, Governor of the State of Alaska, do hereby proclaim
August 18-22, 2014 as:
Take Your Child to School Week
in Alaska, and encourage parents, guardians, relatives of Alaska’s schoolchildren, and community members to foster the learning, growth, and success of the children in their lives through continual encouragement, support, and engagement.
08 14 14 Take Your Child to School Week
KPBSD pupil transportation,
Take Your Child to School Week proclamation by Governor Sean Parnell,
Volunteer in a KPBSD school,
PDF August 15, 2014:  News Release: Take Your Child to School Week
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News release: Superintendent Atwater announces his resignation

PrintKenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
News Release
Superintendent Atwater announces his resignation
Soldotna, August 4, 2014—During an executive session with the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education, Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD superintendent, tendered his resignation, effective December 1, 2014. His resignation was formally announced and accepted during the public school board meeting. Dr. Atwater will leave KPBSD to become the Associate Vice President for K-12 Outreach at the University of Alaska.
“Deciding to resign as KPBSD’s superintendent was a difficult decision for me,” said Dr. Atwater. “Because my work leading our school district for the past five years has been so rewarding, it is hard to step down. However, I am excited to become the University of Alaska’s Associate Vice President for K-12 Outreach. I am appreciative of working for a supportive school board that places our students’ needs as their number one priority and am proud that our district made so many improvements while I was here. I know the district has a clear vision for what is next and is well positioned with a strong team to continue to meet its goals. I thank all of the employees of KPBSD, families, and community members of our borough for their commitment to our school district. It is an honor to serve our students; I look forward to continuing to do so in my new position.”
The school board met in executive session on Monday evening, and will determine the next step for a new KPBSD superintendent. Three options are possibilities: a national search and new hire; appoint a new superintendent from qualified internal or external candidates; or hire an interim superintendent for the remainder of the school year. When a decision about the next step is made, KPBSD will communicate with our staff, schools, families, and the public.
“It is with sincere regret that the board will accept the resignation of our superintendent, Dr. Steve Atwater,” said Joe Arness, school board president. “At the same time, we feel sincere pride and happiness in his accomplishments and his movement towards a new challenge. His tenure here has been entirely productive and successful and he can take justified pride in the organization that he has been instrumental in creating and continuing. The district will continue in its current directions. As a school board, we will make a determination as to how to proceed in the process of filling the very large shoes which Dr. Atwater will leave. However, we know that the internal strength of the district and its employees is such that we will be able to find his replacement, get on a steady track, and move forward without hesitation. We certainly wish Dr. Atwater well and thank him for the contributions he made to our district.”
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News Release: Nikiski Schools update


Nikiski schools update II

Soldotna, May 9, 2014, 5:00 PM—The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) can confirm that the person who is the subject of an investigation of inappropriate contact between a teacher and a student is the same suicidal person Alaska State Troopers (AST) were searching for yesterday.
KPBSD can also confirm that AST contacted the person at noon today. He was in his vehicle parked on the Kenai Spur Highway. Based on the fact that he was suffering from apparent physical injuries, the trooper called for an ambulance which transported him to a hospital where he is undergoing treatment for his injuries. He is not in custody of the troopers at this time, and neither the school district nor the troopers are releasing his name.
The case is still under investigation.
On 05-08-2014, the AST Department of Public Safety posted on their website: “On 5/8/2014 around noon, the Alaska State Troopers received a report of a suicidal adult male in the Nikiski area. The man reportedly threatened to commit suicide by consuming sleeping pill and alcohol. The man had been at the local high school earlier in the day. Troopers responded to the school in an attempt to locate the individual. The man is described as a white, adult male with dark hair. He is believed to be in a dark red, extended cab 1998 Dodge Dakota with a dented driver’s door. The vehicle has a license plate with the last three number 396. Anyone with information regarding the location of this vehicle is encouraged to contact law enforcement immediately by calling 9-1-1.”


Nikiski schools update I

Soldotna, May 9, 2014, 1:00 PM—An internal KPBSD investigation began during the morning of Thursday, May 8, 2014, at Nikiski Middle-High School, which resulted in a call to the State Troopers.
The school district report to the Alaska State Troopers (AST) resulted in AST beginning an investigation into allegations of inappropriate behavior between a teacher and a student.
Further information resulted in the school district initiating precautionary lockdowns at both Nikiski Middle-High School and Nikiski North Star Elementary School. Throughout the afternoon the school administrators and district office continued to communicate with law enforcement.
Student and staff safety is a priority in KPBSD schools, and the district will always act proactively to keep students safe. We thank the parents, staff, students, and community for their patience and understanding during a stressful time on Thursday at our schools as we assessed the unfolding situation.
At this time, Friday, May 09, 2014, the school district is continuing to cooperate with AST in an ongoing investigation.
The teacher involved with the investigation is on administrative leave. Further updates will be provided when and if additional details are available and can be made public.
On 05-08-2014, the AST Department of Public Safety posted on their website: “On 5/8/2014 around noon, the Alaska State Troopers received a report of a suicidal adult male in the Nikiski area. The man reportedly threatened to commit suicide by consuming sleeping pill and alcohol. The man had been at the local high school earlier in the day. Troopers responded to the school in an attempt to locate the individual. The man is described as a white, adult male with dark hair. He is believed to be in a dark red, extended cab 1998 Dodge Dakota with a dented driver’s door. The vehicle has a license plate with the last three number 396. Anyone with information regarding the location of this vehicle is encouraged to contact law enforcement immediately by calling 9-1-1.”


Media Release: KPBSD 2014_05_09 Nikiski Schools Updated Information

Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, communications specialist, 907.714.8888
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

Jason Bickling awarded 2014 Region III Principal of the Year

Jason Bickling, Seward Middle School administer, is named Alaska 2014 Region III Principal of the Year!
His response:

“Honestly, it’s very humbling to be recognized when I know there are a lot of administrators out there doing great things in their schools and making a difference for kids.”

“I am pleased to learn that Mr. Bickling’s is recognized as Alaska’s Region III Principal of the Year,” said Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent. “His tireless work to create an optimum learning environment for his Seward Middle School and Moose Pass School students is inspiring. All of us at KPBSD hope that he is named Alaska Middle School Principal of the Year.”
Please join KPBSD in celebrating Mr. Bickling, and his commitment to education, his students, families, staff, and public education.
Jason–you make a difference!

w Jason Bickling