Soldotna 7-12 grade school administrators announced for 2014-2015

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KPBSD announces Soldotna 7-12 grade administrators for 2014-2015

Soldotna, October 2, 2013—The principals and assistant principals for the Soldotna schools reconfiguration were determined this week after an interview process. Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent, made the final decision. The assignments will take effect in the 2014-2015 school year, and each of the five is an administrator in good standing with the district. The administrators will remain in their current position for the 2013-2014 school year.
“One of the more pressing needs of our reconfiguration process is naming the administrators for the three Soldotna area secondary schools. In response to this need we created a process that included district administration interviewing the five Soldotna area secondary school administrators,” said Dr. Atwater. “I am pleased with how the process worked and am confident that the five will work well together in their assignments to ensure a smooth transition for our Soldotna area secondary students and staff.” The new assignments (school names are not yet determined) are:
10-12 grade high school at current Soldotna High School campus:

  • Principal: Mr. Todd Syverson (currently Soldotna High School principal)
  • Assistant Principal: Mr. Randy Neill (currently Skyview High School principal)

Grade 9 at current Soldotna Middle School campus:

  • Principal: Mr. Curt Schmidt (currently Soldotna Middle School assistant principal)

7-8 grade middle school at current Skyview High School campus

  • Principal: Mr. Sarge Truesdell (currently Soldotna Middle School principal)
  • Assistant Principal: Mr. Tony Graham (currently Soldotna High School assistant principal)
  • River City Academy (7-12 grade) will relocate from the Skyview High School campus to the current Soldotna Middle School campus. Mrs. Dawn Edwards-Smith will remain the administrator.

Todd Syverson said, “Over the past 24 years the KPBSD has blessed me with the privilege and honor of working with the greater Soldotna area at Skyview High School, Soldotna Middle, Redoubt Elementary, Soldotna High School, and now as the principal of the new 10-12 grade high school. My vision is to continue to strive for excellence in creating a school that has our students ready for career or college pathways that will land our students with rewarding careers and a promising future!”
“It’s been a privilege working the past nine years at Skyview High School,” said Randy Neill. “I look forward to continuing to work with students, staff, and the community in the coming years. This is great opportunity to help students and staff come together to bring out the best of both schools.”
Curtis Schmidt, new principal for the ninth grade school said, “I am excited and privileged to be selected as the principal for the Soldotna area ninth grade school. It is my intent to assist every ninth grade student in making a successful transition to high school and to provide them with a learning experience that is engaging and challenging.”
“It is an exciting time to be a member of the team at Soldotna Middle School and I feel privileged to be chosen to lead such a great school,” said Sarge Truesdell. “I look forward to being here to support our students, staff, and stake holders as we transition to a new building in 2014-2015.”
Tony Graham, who will be the new assistant principal at the 7-8 grade school said, “I am thankful to be given this opportunity and I am looking forward to cultivating a new educational community along with Sarge Truesdell. I plan to use my experience to help support students, staff, and community transition and grow.”
The Board of Education will approve these five contracts in the spring during the normal process of administrator contract renewals.


Nominate your favorite KPBSD teacher! 2013 BP Teacher of Excellence program

Who is your favorite KPBSD teacher? 
Please make time to nominate the educator you want to be recognized as a
2013 BP Teacher of Excellence!

BP is pleased to be able to recognize teachers throughout the entire state of Alaska for their dedication to teaching and for inspiring students. Each Teacher of Excellence chosen by our local community on the Peninsula will receive a $500 gift card and an award certificate. In addition, $500 will also be awarded to the winner’s school or PTA group.
BP has recognized more than 500 outstanding Alaska teachers since 1995, and this years nominations are due by February 15, 2013.

Online nomination:

Resources to share the program: 
More information: 1-888-530-8962 or 907-564-4001, email:

KPBSD News Release: KPEA and KPESA negotiations status update

Status of Negotiations following the January 22, 2013,
post advisory arbitration bargaining session between KPBSD and the KPEA and KPESA.

Soldotna, January 23, 2013—The following email was sent to all Kenai Peninsula Borough School District employees this morning.
Sent to: All KPBSD staff
Subject: info: 1/22/13 collective bargaining update from KPBSD
Dear KPBSD employees,
Thank you for your patience during the past twelve months of negotiations between KPBSD and KPEA and KPESA.
On January 22, 2013, KPBSD met with both KPEA and KPESA for collective bargaining. This was the first meeting since the Advisory Arbitration Award/Opinion was received on December 21, 2012.
KPBSD presented a last best offer to the Associations on January 22, 2013. The school district demonstrated willingness to accept the Arbitrator’s report with one exception. The last best offer by the school district to KPESA and KPEA adopts the Arbitrator’s recommendations of:

  • A 2% salary increase for each of the three years of the contract, built into the salary schedule*
  • Health care percentage change to 80/20 % (year one); 83/17 % (year two); and 85/15 % (year three). (Currently, if health care plan costs exceed the mandated fixed contributions by both the District and the employees, those costs are shared 50/50 %. The school district proposal eliminates the 50/50 cost share.) Also, the additional amount employees contribute monthly for dependent, spouse, or family health care coverage is eliminated.*

The only change the District proposed when it met with the Associations on Tuesday would have precluded both the District and the Health Care Committee (HCC) from changing health care coverage without mutual consent. As you know, the 50/50 split comes into effect if the amounts set forth in the negotiated agreement do not cover the actual health plan costs. That exception related to the authority of the current structure of the HCC—now composed of a super majority of classified and teaching staff—to increase health insurance coverages and thereby increase the cost of the insurance plan without District approval. The current structure of the HCC has been acceptable to the school district because the 50/50 % sharing of excess health care plan costs requires thoughtful and cautionary consideration of any Plan changes that increase costs. The school district is not willing to continue with this structure in a new 80/20; 83/17; 85/15 split. The committee change is described in the attached offer.
Finally, the Arbitrator’s Award/Opinion did not address the difficult issue of implementing a new health care plan cost sharing methodology in the middle of the school year, retroactive to July 1, 2012, or recommend a methodology of implementing wage increases retroactive to July 1, 2012. On January 22, 2013, the Associations were not willing to engage the District to address these administrative issues. Appendix A and B in the attached offers address these topics and how to implement them.
The KPBSD negotiating team is awaiting a reply from KPESA, and KPEA, on this last best offer.
Thank you for your commitment to your work at KPBSD.
*From final two pages of the Arbitrators Award/Opinion
1. Salary Schedule: “For FY 13, FY 14 and FY 15, the pay scales in each year of these Agreements shall be increased by two percent (2%).”
2.  Health Insurance:
“For FY 13 the District will make contributions on a 12-month basis equal to 80% of the cost of the health care program and employees will make contributions on a 12-month basis equal to 20% of the cost of the health care program.
For FY 14 the District will make contributions on a 12-month basis equal to 83% of the cost of the health care program and employees will make contributions on a 12-month basis equal to 17% of the cost of health care program.
For FY 15 the District will make contributions on 12 month basis equal to 85% of the cost of the health care program and employees will make contributions on a 12-month basis equal to 15% of the cost of the health care program.
The paragraph that provides for the 50/50 percentage split between the District and employees for health care costs shall be eliminated. Additional amounts for dependent, spouse and family coverage shall be eliminated.”


This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, communications specialist, 907.714.8888,

Message to KPBSD staff and families

Soldotna, December 14, 2012—A tragic day in the United States is unfolding as the world learns of a school shooting and the death of children and educators at a Connecticut elementary school.  The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District offers care and condolences to everyone affected in this tragedy. Our hearts ache with colleagues and school communities.

At 9:41 a.m. on Monday, December 17, 2012, most of the school district will pause for a minute of silence.

“I am shocked and saddened by today’s events in Connecticut. All of us at KPBSD offer our condolences to the victims and their loved ones. On Monday morning at 9:41 a.m., the district will pause for a moment of silence to remember the lost lives and to offer our thoughts and prayers to families and the greater Sandy Hook Elementary School community.” – Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD superintendent

School safety
“Families trust our schools to keep their children safe during the day. The reality is, however, that schools may be touched either directly or indirectly by a crisis at any time. Knowing what to do when faced with a crisis can mean the difference between calm and chaos, courage and fear, life and death” –KPBSD Emergency Action Plan
The safety of our students and staff is a top priority at each of our 43 schools. Every school year, at every school, several drills are practiced, including school lock-downs, hit-the-deck drills, and emergency actions and evacuations in the event of intruders, fire, earthquakes, or other unforeseen circumstances. District-wide procedures are in place and practiced regularly and in conjunction with local law enforcement through our KPBSD Emergency Action Plan.
Our schools are currently:

  • In heightened awareness and paying extra attention to students, staff, and to any school visitors’ onsite.
  • Suspending curriculum to offer support to students if necessary.
  • Administrators and staff are offering a noticeable presence in the hallways.
  • Continuing to work closely with local law enforcement.

Helpful Resources
A National Tragedy: Helping Children Cope, Tips for Parents and Teachers
School Safety and Crisis Resources:
December 14, 2012 message to KPBSD staff and families

Project SEARCH Open House


Project SEARCH open house is November 27, 2012

Soldotna, November 15, 2012—Imagine what can happen if a school district and hospital collaborate to create a business-led, one-year, school-to-work program for students with disabilities that takes place entirely at the workplace…
Join KPBSD and Central Peninsula Hospital on Tuesday, November 27, 2012, for the first annual open house to introduce you to the new Project SEARCH High School Transition Program. Dr. Atwater, KPBSD superintendent said, “One of our on-going challenges is to ensure that our students with disabilities make a smooth transition to life after high school. Project SEARCH is thus, a wonderful way to help us meet this challenge. I am thrilled that our partnership with Central Peninsula Hospital is working so well for our students.”

Project SEARCH Open House

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Denali Room at Central Peninsula Hospital, Soldotna, Alaska

Families, educators, partner organizations, local businesses and
interested community members are invited

Meet student interns who will showcase their learning from their respective internship rotations. Ms. Erin Riehle, co-founder and senior director of Project SEARCH will be the guest speaker. Riehle is a recognized authority and national leader in promoting employment opportunities for people with disabilities and other barriers to employment.
Rick Davis, Central Peninsula Hospital CEO said, “We are very pleased to participate as a business partner in the Project SEARCH program. These students are learning to perform basic job requirements such as coming to work on time, being neatly dressed, and coming to work with a positive attitude. The program is designed to help prepare these students to enter the job market as good employees that will add value to an organization in the future.”
The Project SEARCH High School Transition Program is a total workplace immersion, facilitating a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and relevant job-skills training through strategically designed internships. Through a series of three targeted internships the students acquire competitive, marketable, and transferable skills to enable them to apply for a related position. Students also build communication, teamwork and problem-solving skills which is important to their overall development as a young worker. The goal: independent adults prepared for competitive employment opportunities.
Kenai Peninsula Project SEARCH is made possible through the collaborative efforts of Project SEARCH Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Central Peninsula Hospital, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, the Governor’s Council on Disabilities and Special Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Frontier Community Services.


KPBSD curriculum director to meet with parents

KPBSD curriculum director to meet with parents 

Soldotna, October 23, 2012—Parents, guardians and students are invited to an interactive meeting with the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District curriculum director, Dr. Doris Cannon.
Purpose: Talk about the curriculum revision process and to offer an opportunity for parents and students to express needs in regards to the KPBSD curriculum and resources.
Locations and Times:

  • Seward Elementary library; 606 Sea Lion Drive, Seward, AK 99664
    Friday, October 26, 2012, from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
  • Mountain View Elementary library; 315 Swires Road, Kenai, AK 99611
    Saturday, October 27, 2012, from 1:30-3:00 p.m.
  • West Homer Elementary library; 995 Soundview Ave., Suite 1, Homer, AK 99603
    Monday, October 29, 2012, from 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Snacks will be provided, no RSVP necessary.
Questions: Contact Dr. Doris Cannon at:, or call 907.714.8885
 This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8838

Four KPBSD schools receive USDA HealthierUS Schools Challenge (HUSSC) award


Bronze Award from the USDA HealthierUS Schools Challenge (HUSSC) is awarded to Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science, Paul Banks Elementary, Seward Elementary, and Soldotna Elementary
Soldotna, September 12, 2012—Four Kenai Peninsula Borough School District schools received national recognition for supporting the health of children and communities. As part of their efforts in the federal HealthierUS School Challenge, the districts feature healthy items on their school menus and emphasize physical education and activity. KBPSD is one of the first two Alaska school districts to achieve this award.
A HUSSC Awards Assembly with representatives from the USDA will celebrate Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science, Paul Banks Elementary, Seward Elementary, and Soldotna Elementary on September 20, 2012, from 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. at Soldotna Elementary School, 162 Park Avenue, Soldotna, Alaska.
Upon learning of the national award, Dean Hamburg, administrator of KPBSD Student Nutrition Services said, “Since 1946, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has supported success in school meal programs. As a longtime leader in support of appropriate nutrition for student success in American classrooms, the USDA developed the criteria and award program that is the HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC). The KPBSD community can be proud and pleased that these four schools are among the first in Alaska to meet the award winning criteria for appropriate nutrition in school meals, physical education, and nutrition education. This is a significant achievement in Alaska nutrition history for the students we serve.”
Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD superintendent said, “I am thrilled to learn that our four schools are being recognized in this way. The award speaks to our progressive stance toward student wellness and shines a light on the careful attention that these schools give to their students.”
Together with the USDA, the state of Alaska supports the HealthierUS Schools Challenge (HUSSC). HUSSC is a voluntary initiative established in 2004 to recognize schools and Residential Child Care Institutions that have created healthier school environments through promotion of nutrition and physical activity. The three goals of HUSSC are: improve the quality of foods served; provide students with nutrition education; and provide students with physical education and opportunities for physical activity.
KPBSD thanks the support staff who work in student nutrition services, to educators, and to the students who learn the value of physical activity and healthy nutrition.
KPBSD Student Nutrition Services
State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development Press Release

HealthierUS Schools Challenge (HUSSC) in Alaska   
Federal HealthierUS Schools Challenge (HUSSC)      
For more information contact Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communications specialist,, 907.714.8838
KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:

KPBSD and Alaska Shield 2012 simulation

KPBSD is participating in the Alaska Shield 2012 simulation exercise.
Thank you to staff, Soldotna Middle School, custodians, Student Nutrition Services staff, and locals who will stay at the SMS shelter.
The Kenai Peninsula Borough Office of Emergency Management explains:

The Kenai Peninsula Borough (KPB) is participating in Alaska Shield 2012. Alaska Shield is an annual, state-wide exercise to test the ability of emergency responders to manage disasters and emergencies. Alaska Shield 2012 will SIMULATE a natural gas outage in Soldotna and Sterling during a period of extreme cold. In a real gas outage emergency, many people would have difficulty heating their homes, cooking and so on.
As part of the exercise, an emergency shelter will be established at SMS to provide a refuge for people who would not be able to stay safely in their homes. There will be NO ACTUAL interruption in natural gas service.

In the event of a REAL gas shortage, residents would be requested to:
• Set thermostat at 60 degrees in living areas (55 if away)
• Turn water heater gas valve to “pilot”
• Do not use natural gas fireplaces, decorative heaters or gas grills
• Consolidate household activities into as few rooms as possible
• Use the microwave for cooking
Kenai Peninsula Borough homeowners: Do you know you can register your cell phone to receive emergency messages?
Aaron Selbig, KBBI reports “Emergency Responders Participate in Alaska Shield 2012”
Peninsula Clarion reports: “Preparedness exercise a good reminder to us all”
Press Release from the Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management

Dr. Atwater will continue to serve as Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Superintendent!

Press Release
Soldotna, January 31, 2012—Dr. Atwater will continue to serve as Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Superintendent!
Questions and speculations about a potential superintendent for Anchorage and perhaps the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District began circulating several weeks ago. In December,  2011, Anchorage School District announced KPBSD Superintendent Atwater was one of two finalists in a national superintendent search to replace Ms. Carol Comeau, who will retire in June, 2012. After hearing the Anchorage School District superintendent announcement this morning, Mr. Joe Arness, the KPBSD School Board President said:

“It is with mixed emotion that we acknowledge the news this morning that Dr. Atwater was not chosen as the new Anchorage Superintendent.  On the one hand, it was a courageous decision on his part to make the effort and apply for that job. On the other hand, this news means that we can continue on with the business of providing a first class educational experience for our District’s students without the distraction of a search for a new superintendent. Clearly, however, the fact that our superintendent was a finalist for such a high profile position is a credit to our students, staff, and communities as well as a credit to Dr. Atwater himself.”

Dr. Atwater serves as one of nine commissioners for the Professional Teaching Practices Commission (PTPC), and is in Anchorage for a previously scheduled PTPC meeting all day today, January 31, 2012. He says,

 “I was honored to be chosen as a finalist and appreciate our School Board, employees, and community support through this time. I offer my congratulations to Dr. Browder, and appreciate the Anchorage School Board selecting me as a finalist. The application process was a positive experience; it helped me gain a deeper understanding of education in Anchorage and Alaska. I look forward to continuing the good work that we are doing to give our students here on the Kenai a world class education.”

Anchorage School District Superintendent search
December 15, 2011:  KPBSD Superintendent Steve Atwater named as Anchorage finalist 
January 31, 2012: Anchorage School District Superintendent position  
Pegge Erkeneff, Communications Specialist
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
148 N. Binkley Street, Soldotna, AK 99669
907.714.8888 | fax: 907.262.5867
KPBSD Communications
Facebook: Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
twitter: @KPBSD
One district—44 diverse schools:

Who will you nominate? 2012 BP Teachers of Excellence program

Who is your favorite KPBSD teacher? 
Please make time to nominate the educator you want to be recognized as a 2012 BP Teacher of Excellence, and possibly the Alaska BP Teacher of the Year!


BP is pleased to be able to recognize teachers throughout the entire state of Alaska for their dedication to teaching and for inspiring students. Each Teacher of Excellence receives a $500 gift card and an award certificate. In addition, the school of each of the Teachers of Excellence will receive a $500 matching gift. One of the teachers will be chosen as BP’s Teacher of the Year. That teacher will receive a $1,500 scholarship for continuing education and a bronze sculpture by Alaska artist Mary Regat. BP has recognized more than 500 outstanding Alaska teachers since 1995. Each Teacher of Excellence is automatically eligible for the BP Teacher of the Year award.

Nominations are due by February 14, 2012.
Online nomination:
More information: 1-888-530-8962 or 907-564-4001, email: