Volunteer Lisa Green receives Golden Apple award

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Golden Apple Award
November 2, 2015
Lisa Green, Volunteer

Mrs. Lisa Green and Superintendent Sean Dusek
Mrs. Lisa Green and Superintendent Sean Dusek

“If it needs done, Lisa Green is there to do it,” said Doug Hayman, Tustumena Elementary School principal. “She does it with style, thoroughness, and the upmost attention to detail. A room parent and “Miss Lisa” to the students, she goes on every field trip with her children. Her level of commitment and involvement is unmeasurable. She is in our building at least one full day each week, but the work she gets done in that day exceeds anything one would normally expect. Her leadership is also appreciated. She recruits other parents for school events and field trips as well. She was instrumental in the completion of our school garden including the planting, and now harvesting, of our first crop of potatoes. Mrs. Green is always willing to work with small groups of children whether it is on a project or remedial instruction.”
Mrs. Lisa Green volunteers at Tustumena Elementary nearly every day she has off from her regular work at Cadre Feed Store. Even when she is working at her regular job, she is functioning as a liaison between the school and the business community, gathering donations or arranging discounts for projects around the school. She has been a part of every PTO function or activity in the last seven years.
In addition to the PTO events, Mrs. Green helps every teacher—in any capacity that is requested. It doesn’t matter if one of her children is in the classroom, she will laminate, prepare materials, make take-home booklets, tear out workbook pages, label supplies, and she makes extravagant bulletin boards throughout the school. She runs our Box Top store, organizes bake sales—including large contributions to the sales—and solicits items for the school Harvest Auction fundraiser.
Lisa Green also takes on initiative projects. She has been the point person on professional development with our Vari-Quest machine (a fancy die-cut machine), and worked on our Schoolyard Habitat Project. She has taken the initiative to clean out and organize the school workroom, as well as contact a company representative when the Vari-quest machine was in need of repair.
Without doubt, Mrs. Green’s service to Tustumena Elementary has benefited every member of the school community. From students, to teachers, from parents, to administration, Lisa Green is a go-to person and a value-add to the community.
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education is proud to recognize Mrs. Lisa Green for her dedication to the students of the school district, past, present, and future.

Lisa Green and Tustumena Elementary staff, school board meeting
Lisa Green and Tustumena Elementary staff, school board meeting