Four KPBSD schools receive USDA HealthierUS Schools Challenge (HUSSC) award


Bronze Award from the USDA HealthierUS Schools Challenge (HUSSC) is awarded to Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science, Paul Banks Elementary, Seward Elementary, and Soldotna Elementary
Soldotna, September 12, 2012—Four Kenai Peninsula Borough School District schools received national recognition for supporting the health of children and communities. As part of their efforts in the federal HealthierUS School Challenge, the districts feature healthy items on their school menus and emphasize physical education and activity. KBPSD is one of the first two Alaska school districts to achieve this award.
A HUSSC Awards Assembly with representatives from the USDA will celebrate Kaleidoscope School of Arts and Science, Paul Banks Elementary, Seward Elementary, and Soldotna Elementary on September 20, 2012, from 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. at Soldotna Elementary School, 162 Park Avenue, Soldotna, Alaska.
Upon learning of the national award, Dean Hamburg, administrator of KPBSD Student Nutrition Services said, “Since 1946, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has supported success in school meal programs. As a longtime leader in support of appropriate nutrition for student success in American classrooms, the USDA developed the criteria and award program that is the HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC). The KPBSD community can be proud and pleased that these four schools are among the first in Alaska to meet the award winning criteria for appropriate nutrition in school meals, physical education, and nutrition education. This is a significant achievement in Alaska nutrition history for the students we serve.”
Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD superintendent said, “I am thrilled to learn that our four schools are being recognized in this way. The award speaks to our progressive stance toward student wellness and shines a light on the careful attention that these schools give to their students.”
Together with the USDA, the state of Alaska supports the HealthierUS Schools Challenge (HUSSC). HUSSC is a voluntary initiative established in 2004 to recognize schools and Residential Child Care Institutions that have created healthier school environments through promotion of nutrition and physical activity. The three goals of HUSSC are: improve the quality of foods served; provide students with nutrition education; and provide students with physical education and opportunities for physical activity.
KPBSD thanks the support staff who work in student nutrition services, to educators, and to the students who learn the value of physical activity and healthy nutrition.
KPBSD Student Nutrition Services
State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development Press Release

HealthierUS Schools Challenge (HUSSC) in Alaska   
Federal HealthierUS Schools Challenge (HUSSC)      
For more information contact Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communications specialist,, 907.714.8838
KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:

School lunch time!

Happy to be at school today! Feeding body, mind and spirit!

I visited one of our local elementary schools during lunch time today. I’d forgotten how much interaction, conversation, and social buzz happens during meal time! In addition, we can be proud of the KPBSD Student Nutrition Services team–do you know that KPBSD serves more than 3,000 school lunches everyday? And 1,000 breakfasts? The nutritious lunch meal smelled delicious. Maple grazed french toast, sausage–breakfast for lunch, a favorite of mine–was on the menu. Next week, the beef and black bean tacos sound yummy. Wish we had KPBSD food service at the district office!

A lot of conversation--much like all friends share at meal times

Table manners! He's so polite--smiled, then covered his mouth to finish his grapes.

The National School Lunch Program began in 1946 when Congress passed the National School Lunch Act, and the National School Breakfast program began in 1966.

Thirty-three million public school students are served a hot lunch in the United States, every day school is in session.

Kudos to the hard-working KPBSD Student Nutrition Services staff!
Menus and more:
KPBSD Student Nutrition Services