Juan Sarmiento | Homer High School #Classof2017

Class of 2017
Juan Sarmiento
Homer High School

Homer High School Juan Sarmiento s
As a very limited-English speaker newly in the United States, Juan Sarmiento wasn’t sure of the question when he was asked if he wanted to take algebra or geometry. Someone told him that geometry was more advanced, so that’s what he requested. That night he went home and studied online and the next day in class, when the teacher asked a question, it was Juan who answered it—correctly.
Moving from Argentina to Alaska is quite a shock but in the fall of 2017 when he goes from Alaska to Princeton, New Jersey, it will be a shock of a different sort. Juan is an excellent athlete, Poetry Out Loud winner, and a top scholar. He is one of the most independent students ever to graduate from Homer High School while at the same time willing to help anyone who asks, in topics ranging from his native Spanish to calculus. He is also funny, energetic and a good friend.
Juan will be missed a lot and everyone who knows him will be watching to see what ambitious and interesting things he does next!
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