Mind a-Mazes in Rodent Racers

Forty-four registered teams with close to 200 students from fourth grade through high school competed in the KPBSD annual “Mind A-Mazes” meet on Saturday, October 15, 2016, at Soldotna Prep School. Teams came from all parts of the peninsula – Homer, Hope, Seward, Nikiski, Moose Pass, and the Central Peninsula.
Mind amazes KPBSD
This year’s annual “Mind A-Mazes” challenge had teams exercise their communication, teamwork, engineering, and problem-solving skills while constructing and testing a vehicle powered solely by a single mousetrap. The annual challenge is made possible through the active participation of district Quest program (gifted education) teachers, as well as a host of other teachers, volunteers, and supporters. The “Rodent Racers” problem challenged team vehicles to travel a distance of 21 feet with accuracy and speed. If a team’s device met all of the problem requirements and limitations and hit a can target at the end of a 21 foot lane (without going outside of a three foot wide lane), then it qualified for a second heat in which the speed at which it traveled the lane and hit the target were measured.

Junior Division

  • 1st place – K-Beach Elementary “Caribou Creators”
  • 2nd place – Redoubt Elementary “Unicorn Poprocks”
  • 3rd place – K-Beach Elementary “The Speedsters”
  • Junior Spontaneous Challenge Winners – Seward Middle “Cheese Balls”
  • Junior Judges Choice Winners – Sterling Elementary “Rapid Racers”

Intermediate-Senior Division

  • 1st place – Hope School “Twenty-One Mice”
  • 2nd place – Kenai Middle “The Losers”
  • 3rd place – Kenai Middle “Rodents of Unusual Size (R.O.U.S.)”
  • Intermediate Spontaneous Challenge Winners (tie) – Kenai Middle “Muelloffatchews” and Homer Middle “The Huskies”
  • Intermediate Judges Choice Winners – Nikiski Middle/High “Vinyl Girls

Thank you to all the students, parents, coaches, teachers, volunteers, judges and coordinators who made this year’s meet such a wonderful experience for students!
Mind a-Mazes Blog

More photographs and details
Story contributed by Brian Bailey

More photographs and details

Mind A-Mazes: Fantastic Flight

Fifty-eight student teams from twenty-two schools designed, built, and flew paper airplanes on Saturday, October 8, 2011, in the annual KPBSD Mind A-Mazes contest sponsored by Quest.

A KPBSD problem-solving competition, 3 to 4 students work in a team to solve a long-term problem, prior to the competition. In addition, the day of the competition, a spontaneous problem is presented for teams to solve in a short period of time. A dedicated blog, hosted on our KPBSD servers provides an opportunity for students to ask questions, receive and post answers, and demonstrate collaboration in action.

The 2011 Long-term  Fantastic Flight problem instructions:
Teams will design and create paper devices that will be used to earn points by performing a series of tasks. Devices will be constructed for competition at the time of the event, using paper that will be provided. Students will not be allowed to bring any devices that were constructed prior to the event into the competition area. Up to five different devices may be constructed during the competition and will be used for attempting the following flight challenges: Distance; Flight Duration; Accuracy; and Altitude.

Congratulations to the 2011 Winning Teams and Schools
Junior Division (4th-6th grade)
1. West Homer – “The Paper Bombers”
2. Nikiski Middle/High – “Flying Bacon Strips”
3. Mc Neil Canyon – “McNeil Canyon 4”
Judges Choice – Nikiski North Star – “The Flaming Hawks”
Spontaneous –  West Homer – “Ernie Airlines”
Intermediate/ Senior Division (7th-12th grade)
1. Hope – “Ice Cream Ninjas”
2. Kenai Middle – “The Firebolts”
3. Nikiski Middle/High – “Mach 5”
Judges Choice – River City Academy – “Angry Birds”
Spontaneous –  Ninilchik – “Team Wilcow”
Thank you to Soldotna Middle School, and all the students, educators, volunteers, and families who participated this year in the district-wide Mind A-Mazes academic program.
Please share a comment here, and view photographs or add yours to the Mind A-Mazes photo album on the KPBSD district Facebook page.