KPBSD school breakfast success and opportunity

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As a support to student morning classroom success, students enrolled in the 30 KPBSD schools sponsoring a School Breakfast Program (SBP) enjoy access to a carefully menued school breakfast.
Each KPBSD morning, over 900 eager students participate with friends in school breakfast as the nutritious beginning of a busy school day. From Tebughna School to McNeil Canyon Elementary and from Seward High School to Nikiski North Star Elementary, KPBSD students meet with their friends for a nutritious school breakfast.
Menu choices include yogurts, juices, fruits, whole grain cereals, and breakfast bars. Menued hot items include an egg & cheese sandwich, breakfast burritos, and breakfast pizza.
The pictured KPBSD school breakfast includes a strawberry cup, orange juice, 1% milk, and a breakfast quesadilla. More importantly, breakfast comes with friends.
Pricing for KPBSD sponsored School Breakfast Programs:
Students qualifying for free or reduced priced meal support participate at no charge. A pricing of $1.75 per breakfast is the charge for students participating in the paid category.
All KPBSD students are invited to participate at school sites where school breakfast is made accessible for the start of a school day.

Story contributed by Dean Hamburg, student nutrition services administrator
2016 breakfast
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