RAMP it up! Natalie Kant blazes a trail for Alaska school counselors to follow

Natalie Kant RAMP award NSCW2017

“Skyview Middle School (SMS) is the first school in Alaska to be designated with national Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) recognition,” said Natalie Kant, Skyview Middle School counselor. This year 104 schools from 27 states will receive this designation.”

The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) established RAMP  to promote exemplary school counseling programs. The Skyview Middle School (SMS) counseling program uses leadership, advocacy, and collaboration skills to make a difference for all students. Through a collaborative effort involving the counselor, students, parents, teachers, administrators, community leaders and other stakeholders, the counselor develops and delivers a comprehensive data driven ASCA National Model program that benefits every student. The counseling program promotes individual student growth and systemic change, leading to bridging gaps in overall achievement, opportunity, and attainment.
“This year’s RAMP honorees have shown their commitment to students and the school counseling profession,” said Jill Cook, ASCA assistant director. “These schools used data to drive their program development and implementation so all students can achieve success. RAMP designation distinguishes these schools and encourages school counselors nationwide to strive for excellence.”
The RAMP designation is awarded for aligning with the criteria in the ASCA national model. In addition to completing a required information section, RAMP applicants must document their efforts across twelve different areas, including:

  • create a school counseling program philosophy and mission statement
  • develop school counseling program goals
  • utilize a school counseling program advisory council
  • implement outcomes-based classroom and small group programming
  • conduct what ASCA refers to as “closing the gap” activities

“I am so proud of the SMS counseling department,” said Sarge Truesdell, principal. “The Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) application process was rigorous to say the very least. Ms. Kant’s desire to align our counseling program to the RAMP model and to make changes at SMS based on what is best for students is what makes her such an amazing school counselor. While we are the first school in the state of Alaska to be recognized as a RAMP model school, I hope other KPBSD schools will follow our lead and go through the process. It really is what’s best for kids.”
“In short, Skyview Middle School is being recognized for aligning the work they do to the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) National Model,” said Kant. “The counseling department put together evidence based research to support what SMS has in place for student support and success. The application submitted was 27 pages long with 102 attach supporting documents. I believe this recognition happened because the amazing leadership on the district team, our principal Mr. Truesdell who without a doubt supports me and the vision and mission of KPBSD, the SMS advisory council, the entire staff at SMS, my district counseling colleagues, and the support from my husband and family.”
SMS school counselor Natalie Kant will receive the RAMP award on July 10, 2017, during an awards presentation.


Sara Moore, AKSCA 2016 Advocate of the Year

Alaska School Counselor Association’s 2016 Advocate of the Year Award goes to KPBSD Sara Moore!
“Sara Moore has done a terrific job with our students for many years. Even in retirement she is making a positive difference with our students! Congratulations on the award!” – Sean Dusek, superintendent
In 1996, beginning in #KPBSD at Soldotna High School, Sara then served as a districtwide counselor specialist from 2012 to 2016 when she retired, then returned to be the transition lead school counselor for the 2016-2017 school year.
Sara Moore said, “Receiving statewide recognition for advocacy is a testament to both our district and to the colleagues I have worked with over the years. By recognizing the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) National Model as the framework for counseling programs in our schools, the KPBSD leadership team supports the role school counselor’s play in student achievement in the areas of academic, career and personal and social development. The KPBSD school counseling program is viewed as a model for other districts and KPBSD school counselors have a long history of statewide leadership in multiple areas. According to ASCA, “Effective school counseling programs are a collaborative effort between the school counselor, parents and other educators to create an environment that promotes student achievement.” I am inspired by the tireless efforts our school counselors make every day to this end!”
“As school counselors, we best inspire students through a program that strives to reach every student,” said Moore. “By providing both direct classroom instruction and individualized guidance, we help students to set both academic, and career and life goals as well as provide them with the resources and education necessary to reach those goals. We encourage students to realize there are many paths to their goals despite the myriad of challenges and hurdles they might face along the way. In our attempts to grow student learning and achievement, school counselors make every effort to encourage student development, not only as individuals, but as contributing members of families and communities. One of the most exciting aspects of my work has been to observe the developmental changes in students as they acquire the skills and attitudes necessary to transition to the workplace, higher education and, or career and technical training upon completion of their high school experience. As I move into retirement, I know I will continue to encounter past students in the community and look forward to hearing of their journeys!”
John Pothast, director of elementary and secondary education said, “I have found Sara to be a tireless supporter of what we do in our school counseling programs. For years she served as one of our best, and go to counselors in the district, not only serving the students in her building, but also being a mentor to every other school counselor. For the past few years we have been fortunate to have Sara serve in the capacity as our Districtwide Counselor Specialist. In that capacity she has coordinated all of the professional development learning opportunities for our school counselors, including leading the school counselors group through the process of developing a more meaningful evaluation process that is tied to national school counselor standards. She has worked with staff, students and parents in postsecondary career plans and transitions and has developed, and helped school counselors implement, PLCP plans for all secondary students. Sara has officially retired from her roles as school counselor and counselor specialist, but like so many great educators, she just can’t seem to remain retired!”
The Advocate of the Year award recognizes a special individual or group for their assistance in furthering the mission of school counselors in Alaska. The Advocate of the Year may have developed or implemented a new program that affects the wellbeing of students/staff; they may have initiated improvement in counseling services; or they may have provided outstanding opportunities for the professional growth of counselors. Whether an administrator, community group, or other individual in or out of the school environment, the recipient of this award represents true advocacy for our profession.

2015 KPBSD College Fair