Superintendent Sean Dusek announces retirement

News Release KPSD_Seal
On Monday, January 14, 2019, Superintendent of Schools Sean Dusek tendered his resignation and retirement, effective June 30, 2019. The resignation and retirement letter is posted in the online Board of Education packet, and this action was approved during the Monday evening public school board meeting.
Sean Dusek KPBSD Superintendent 2015 smaller file
In his words
“I am very grateful for the many years I have been in KPBSD that started with student teaching at Skyview High School in 1991,” said Superintendent Dusek. “Being a part of this district and holding the position of Superintendent of KPBSD has been a great honor, and while this position is very challenging, it has been the most rewarding. We have excellent staff throughout our district and I have full faith that KPBSD will continue providing the students and our communities excellence for many years to come. I look forward to beginning retirement on July 1, 2019, and will always keep my on eye this district since I consider it my home.”
Next Steps
The school board will form a Superintendent Search Oversight Committee to determine the next steps to select and hire a new KPBSD superintendent. Details of the job posting, scope of the search, and methods for community input will be determined by the Oversight Committee. When a decision about the next step is determined, KPBSD will communicate with our staff, schools, families, and the public.
Board President Vadla reflects
“I applaud Superintendent Dusek for the direction he has taken the district toward meeting the individual needs of every one of our students through the choices we provide our students, and the voices we help to empower in them during their personalized learning journey,” said Penny Vadla, Board of Education president. “As Superintendent Dusek stated in his 2017-2018 Annual Report, ‘This journey includes preparing students to be ready for life through a rigorous, relevant, and responsive educational experience.’ Superintendent Dusek is a game changer who has enabled this vision to go forth. We, as a district, will continue our vision of meeting the individual needs of each student in our district thanks to Sean Dusek. While we are saddened by his impending retirement, we wish Superintendent Dusek the best and extend a very sincere ‘Thank you’ for helping to set an amazing vision in motion.”

Facebook Live Q and A with Superintendent Dusek

20180123 KPBSD Sean Dusek Facebook Live Q and A event

You’re invited to a
Facebook LIVE Q & A
with KPBSD Superintendent Sean Dusek

Tuesday, January 23, 2018
7:00 – 7:30 p.m.

How-to watch:

It’s simple. Go to the KPBSD Facebook page on 1/23/18, at 7:00 PM, via your device or computer, and connect! You’ll see that KPBSD is live – click to view.

How-to ask questions or share thoughts:

Post your questions ahead of time on the Facebook event page, or live during the event in a comment on the live video.

How Facebook LIVE Q&A works:

  • KPBSD launches Facebook LIVE video, viewers click to view, and see content live in real time.
  • Viewers type comments into the feed below the video.
  • KPBSD does not “see” viewers via videoconferencing, this is a one way video view feed from KPBSD. Interaction happens via comments and post likes or emojis.

Everyone is invited to tune in – KPBSD parents and students, staff, community members, KPBSD partners, and KPBSD Key Communicators. Afterwards, the Q&A will be saved as a video to review at your convenience.


This Facebook live event is the first in a series to expand the KPBSD Key Communicator program, engaging our people and publics with conversation, and offering accurate stories, information, and responses to questions about the KPBSD. Please join in, and offer your thoughts and ideas.


You don’t need a Facebook account to watch live.

  • At 7:00 PM, go to Locate the live event streaming from Soldotna, Alaska, using the interactive map.
  • Click the blue dot indicating Facebook LIVE is happening in Soldotna, and the video will pop up.
  • Click on the video image to enlarge it on your screen.
  • note: You cannot post questions without a Facebook account. You can email them to, and we will answer as many as we can during the video LIVE Q&A.

The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.
Facebook Kenai Peninsula Borough School District


Contact Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD Communications Liaison, Or private message Kenai Peninsula Borough School District on Facebook.

Tuesday: KPBSD Facebook LIVE Q and A with Superintendent Dusek

20171114 KPBSD Live Q and A event

You’re invited to the launch of KPBSD
Facebook LIVE Q & A
with KPBSD Superintendent Sean Dusek

Tuesday, November 14, 2017
7:00 – 7:30 p.m.

How-to watch:

It’s simple. Go to the KPBSD Facebook page on 11/14/17, at 7:00 PM, via your device or computer, and connect! You’ll see that KPBSD is live – click to view.

How-to ask questions or share thoughts:

Post your questions ahead of time on the Facebook event page, or live during the event in a comment on the live video.

How Facebook LIVE Q&A works:

  • KPBSD launches Facebook LIVE video, viewers click to view, and see content live in real time.
  • Viewers type comments into the feed below the video.
  • KPBSD does not “see” viewers via videoconferencing, this is a one way video view feed from KPBSD. Interaction happens via comments and post likes or emojis.

Everyone is invited to tune in – KPBSD parents and students, staff, community members, KPBSD partners, and KPBSD Key Communicators. Afterwards, the Q&A will be saved as a video to review at your convenience.


This Facebook live event is the first in a series to expand the KPBSD Key Communicator program, engaging our people and publics with conversation, and offering accurate stories, information, and responses to questions about the KPBSD. Please join in, and offer your thoughts and ideas.


You don’t need a Facebook account to watch live.

  • At 7:00 PM, go to Locate the live event streaming from Soldotna, Alaska, using the interactive map.
  • Click the blue dot indicating Facebook LIVE is happening in Soldotna, and the video will pop up.
  • Click on the video image to enlarge it on your screen.
  • note: You cannot post questions without a Facebook account. You can email them to, and we will answer as many as we can during the video LIVE Q&A.

The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.
Facebook Kenai Peninsula Borough School District


Contact Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD Communications Liaison, Or private message Kenai Peninsula Borough School District on Facebook.

News Release: Sean Dusek selected as Superintendent of Schools

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictKPBSD 50 years logo Smallest  version
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
Soldotna, March 3, 2015—At a special board of education meeting today, the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District school board voted, with unanimous consent, to offer Mr. Sean Dusek the position of Superintendent of Schools.

“I am humbled and honored to be selected as the next superintendent of our district. We are on a journey of continuous improvement that will positively impact our students and enhance how they are being prepared for their future. It is exciting to be able to continue all of our good work with such outstanding students, staff, and communities in this capacity. I am very much looking forward to this opportunity.” — Sean Dusek

Sean Dusek KPBSD Superintendent 2015 smaller sizeAn Alaskan educator since 1991, throughout his entire career Mr. Dusek demonstrates a commitment to the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District. He has served the students of KPBSD as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, director, assistant superintendent, and now, superintendent. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Education – Math, and a Master of Education in Educational Leadership.
Superintendent Dusek’s focus is to ensure all students in KPBSD are prepared for their future. Problem solving, effective communication, respectful collaboration, and creativity are critical skills all students must develop while in our district. When these skills are combined with a solid academic foundation, including information and technology skills, students will be able to pursue all opportunities available to them upon graduation.
Board President Joe Arness said, “We have every confidence that Superintendent Dusek will be able to carry on the tradition of excellence we have come to expect in our school district. Thank you to everyone who provided public comment during this process.” Arness will meet with Dusek to negotiate the terms of employment, and bring a contract to the Board of Education for approval. The Superintendent of Schools position will begin July 1, 2015. Dusek has been the interim superintendent since December 1, 2014.
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
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Please contact me with questions or connections to be made for your KPBSD district and school stories.

Assistant Superintendent Dusek will take over district leadership December 1, 2014

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictPrint
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

News Release
Assistant Superintendent Dusek will take over district leadership December 1, 2014

Soldotna, October 23, 2014—At the October 20, 2014, Board of Education meeting, the school board, “unanimously approved a Contract Amendment for the Interim Superintendent.” Thus, current assistant superintendent Sean Dusek will become the superintendent of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District effective December 1, 2014.
Board president Joe Arness said, “The KPBSD school board is proud and happy Mr. Sean Dusek accepted the position of interim superintendent. We consider ourselves fortunate, indeed, to have someone with his credentials and abilities already on staff and ready to assume the leadership of our district.”

Sean Dusek, Assistant Superintendent, presents to all staff at opening inservice. August 2014
Sean Dusek, Assistant Superintendent, presents to all staff at opening inservice. August 2014

In an email to all employees on October 21, 2014, Mr. Dusek wrote, “KPBSD is widely perceived as strong and innovative. I truly believe that. I have been a part of this district for more than 22 years and am deeply committed to our students, staff, community, mission and vision. My wife, Lynn, and I are proud parents of two children who have been in our school system from the start of their public education. Lynn is also a graduate and retired, long-time teacher from our system. We have witnessed first-hand the dedication and effort the KPBSD staff demonstrates on a daily basis to meet the needs of all students. … I believe our district has the will to catch greatness, and as your superintendent, I will work to make that vision a reality, serving every child, every day, for a better tomorrow.”
“I am pleased that the Board has chosen Mr. Dusek to be our district’s interim superintendent,” said Steve Atwater, superintendent. “Sean brings a wealth of knowledge about KPBSD and a good understanding of each of our initiatives to make his transition to superintendent a smooth one.”
KPBSD website: Assistant superintendent of instruction Dusek
October 23, 2014: KPBSD: New KPBSD Interim superintendent is Sean Dusek
September 9, 2014: School board offers interim superintendent position to Sean Dusek
August 4, 2014: Superintendent Atwater announces his resignation 
This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
Suggest or contribute a story online link:

News Release: School board offers interim superintendent position to Sean Dusek

News Release: Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Print
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

School board makes next move for district leadership

Soldotna, September 9, 2014—During the KPBSD Board of Education meeting on Monday, September 8, 2014, in Homer, Alaska, board member Navarre moved that the school board authorize the board president to offer Mr. Sean Dusek the position of interim superintendent, and negotiate the terms of said employment. Board member Hohl seconded.

“The KPBSD school board is proud and happy to be offering the position of interim superintendent to Mr. Sean Dusek,” said Joe Arness, board president. “We consider ourselves fortunate, indeed, to have someone with his credentials and abilities already on staff and ready to assume the leadership of our district during this transition process. Decisions regarding timing and scope relative to a permanent search will now be made in the absence of at least some of the time pressures.”
Mr. Dusek, the current KPBSD assistant superintendent of instruction, said, “I am honored to be offered the position of interim superintendent of our district. I look forward to meeting with President Arness to discuss the terms of the offer.”

Next steps

  • The school board president and Mr. Dusek will meet
  • The school board would take action at an upcoming board meeting to approve an interim superintendent contract for the remainder of the 2014-2015 fiscal year, effective December 1, 2014
  • By January 2015, the school board will determine the scope and timing of next steps to hire a superintendent for the 2015-2016 school year and beyond
  • Further updates will be shared with staff and the public as decisions are made

September 9, 2014: School Board offers interim superintendent position to Sean Dusek
KPBSD website: Assistant superintendent of instruction Dusek
August 4, 2014: Superintendent Atwater announces his resignation

Sean Dusek, Assistant Superintendent, presents to all staff at opening inservice. August 2014
Sean Dusek, Assistant Superintendent, presents to all staff at opening inservice. August 2014


 This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:
Suggest or contribute a story online link: