SALT offers flexibility and individuality, a bedrock for success

Soldotna Alternative (SALT) is new program at Soldotna High School designed to serve primarily juniors and sophomores who are at risk of dropping out or not graduating from high school on time. SALT enables students to earn credits at an accelerated rate through an individualized learning experience, smaller class size and an altered school schedule. Ultimately, SALT offers students the flexibility, small class size, and individuality needed for them to succeed.

Hands on biology at Skulls and Bones taxidermy class

A day in the life of a Soldotna Alternative student looks a little different from other students at Soldotna High School. Each day includes time to journal, eat a hot breakfast, extended time to focus on only two subjects at a time, and get some physical exercise. To help meet their physical and emotional needs, a hot breakfast is cooked every morning and consumed as a group. Each learning “rotation” lasts approximately six weeks so students are able to make up missed credit at an accelerated rate while having the ability to focus their attention on only a couple of classes at a time.
This is what students have to say about the program:

  • We have more time to do work.”
  • “It’s small, calm and I can clearly think.”
  • “It has helped me calm down about school work and has helped me catch up.”
  • “I’m getting my credits back that I’m missing.”

The goal of Soldotna Alternative is for every student to graduate high school with a diploma and be able to pursue their own dreams. This is based on the belief that all students are important and capable of learning and succeeding.
Questions? Please email or call Soldotna Alternative School, housed in Soldotna High School, 907-260-7000.