How RESPONSIVE fits into the KPBSD educational strategy

Four key areas define the KPBSD five year strategic plan. In this two minute video, Superintendent Sean Dusek explains how Responsive is a core element:

Learn more about the KPBSD 2017 – 2022 Strategic Plan

Video text
Hello! This is Sean Dusek and today we are going to examine what Responsiveness means in KPBSD.
As you know, we are working hard to refine our instructional approach for each student in our schools. With that being said, our foundational philosophy is still centered on the concept of a strong, positive relationship between every teacher and each of their students. In order to strengthen this foundation, our teachers believe that every student can learn and hold high expectations for that learning. A growth mindset for all teachers and students is critical.
The Alaska State Standards define what each student should know. Our teachers understand what engages each student through the foundation of a strong, positive relationship. This allows teachers to build assessments tailored to each student to determine if they are proficient in a given standard. The assessment is very likely much more than a test and is relevant to the individual child.
If a student cannot demonstrate proficiency on a given standard, we respond in a variety of ways with that individual. The learning environment is of the highest quality with specific interventions and a wide-variety of instructional practices that fit what an individual child needs, when they need it. If a student easily demonstrates proficiency, we respond with other opportunities for growth that expands the depth of knowledge for the child.
Overall, KPBSD responsiveness is about the instructional environment and expanding the quality of it for each individual. This will take outstanding and focused professional learning opportunities for teachers and leaders as the instructional toolbox is deepened to optimize student learning.
Thank you!
Responsive: Be immersed in a high quality instructional environment:

  • Prioritize strong, positive relationships with all students to support their social and emotional needs
  • Teachers will utilize a repertoire of high-yield instructional strategies that  are research-based, high quality instructional strategies, within the instructional environment
  • Develop a culture of continuous innovation within all schools across the district
  • Professional learning is embedded and ongoing, resulting in continuous growth and innovation
  • Develop a highly reliable and efficient organization through online and concurrent collaboration tools



How-to measure KPBSD student success #KPI

KPBSD measures student and organizational success with multiple Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
Superintendent Sean Dusek explains in short two minute video:

Learn more about the KPBSD 2017 – 2022 Strategic Plan, and KPBSD KPIs
Video text:
Hello! Sean Dusek here with you again today to continue our discussion on the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Strategic Plan.
The focus of this video is on what our district measures to determine organization success. We call these measures Key Performance Indicators. With such a diverse school district we monitor a wide range of data points that are meaningful to not only the district, but to local communities.
First, we monitor academic performance very closely at all grade levels. This includes how students perform in relation to the Alaska State Standards. Most of these measures are classroom based and our teachers use a wide variety of assessments to ensure students are growing on a daily basis.
Attendance is a very important indicator we monitor as we have seen that students who are at school more than 90% of the time perform at a high level in school. While this seems intuitive, we have many students who struggle to get to school for a lot of different reasons and we do our best to support families to be in school every day with a positive and safe learning environment.
Another area that we monitor is a student’s participation in school and the community. Research has shown that school and community connection provides additional supports for a student as they go through a wide variety of experiences. We call these wrap around services to provide safety nets to promote student resilience, work ethic and empathy. These characteristics are highly valued by employers as they are looking for people who can work with others, overcome challenges, be optimistic and think.
We have several other indicators we monitor and I encourage you to take a look at our district dashboard on our website for more information. All of the indicators we currently have are grounded in research and give us a snapshot of how our district, schools and even individual students are doing throughout a school year. We will provide updates on progress with these indicators periodically and utilize the information to make adjustments to better meet the needs of our students.

Thoughts please: KPBSD #StrategicPlan survey is open

News Releasestrategic-plan-logo-kpbsd

KPBSD Five Year Strategic Plan Revision


Soldotna, November 7, 2016—Do you have an opinion about how to improve KPBSD schools?


Community members, families, students, and staff are invited to offer thoughts for the KPBSD 2017 – 2022 strategic plan revision through an online survey open through November 21, 2016.

KPBSD is refreshing and revising our five year strategic plan. Each of you has a unique perspective that will help guide our planning. Community members, families, students, and staff can have a voice in this process by completing the Survey. Your opinion will assist KPBSD to determine long term goals. Brief survey questions designed for our diverse schools include these topics:

  • Evidence of Education Quality
  • Challenge and Issues Impacting Education Quality
  • Educational Priorities
  • Student Skills and Abilities
  • Financial Priorities
  • Your Suggestions to Improve Quality of Education

The Survey is online, through this link:
The KPBSD webpage also includes a link to the survey,
Superintendent Sean Dusek said, “In an effort to improve our school district, we need a good plan to guide that effort. As a stakeholder in our community, you have a unique perspective that will help in the development of our new strategic plan. Your opinion will help develop areas the school district should focus on and guide which goals we should set. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey as we chart the direction of our schools for the next several years.”
Survey results will be essential in the process of refreshing and developing our long-term KPBSD strategic plan. A synthesis of the responses will be shared with the Board of Education, and available online. Thank you for making time to complete this valuable survey. Your feedback is important.