News Release: School board offers interim superintendent position to Sean Dusek

News Release: Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Print
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888

School board makes next move for district leadership

Soldotna, September 9, 2014—During the KPBSD Board of Education meeting on Monday, September 8, 2014, in Homer, Alaska, board member Navarre moved that the school board authorize the board president to offer Mr. Sean Dusek the position of interim superintendent, and negotiate the terms of said employment. Board member Hohl seconded.

“The KPBSD school board is proud and happy to be offering the position of interim superintendent to Mr. Sean Dusek,” said Joe Arness, board president. “We consider ourselves fortunate, indeed, to have someone with his credentials and abilities already on staff and ready to assume the leadership of our district during this transition process. Decisions regarding timing and scope relative to a permanent search will now be made in the absence of at least some of the time pressures.”
Mr. Dusek, the current KPBSD assistant superintendent of instruction, said, “I am honored to be offered the position of interim superintendent of our district. I look forward to meeting with President Arness to discuss the terms of the offer.”

Next steps

  • The school board president and Mr. Dusek will meet
  • The school board would take action at an upcoming board meeting to approve an interim superintendent contract for the remainder of the 2014-2015 fiscal year, effective December 1, 2014
  • By January 2015, the school board will determine the scope and timing of next steps to hire a superintendent for the 2015-2016 school year and beyond
  • Further updates will be shared with staff and the public as decisions are made

September 9, 2014: School Board offers interim superintendent position to Sean Dusek
KPBSD website: Assistant superintendent of instruction Dusek
August 4, 2014: Superintendent Atwater announces his resignation

Sean Dusek, Assistant Superintendent, presents to all staff at opening inservice. August 2014
Sean Dusek, Assistant Superintendent, presents to all staff at opening inservice. August 2014


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News release: Superintendent Atwater announces his resignation

PrintKenai Peninsula Borough School District
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, 907.714.8888
News Release
Superintendent Atwater announces his resignation
Soldotna, August 4, 2014—During an executive session with the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education, Dr. Steve Atwater, KPBSD superintendent, tendered his resignation, effective December 1, 2014. His resignation was formally announced and accepted during the public school board meeting. Dr. Atwater will leave KPBSD to become the Associate Vice President for K-12 Outreach at the University of Alaska.
“Deciding to resign as KPBSD’s superintendent was a difficult decision for me,” said Dr. Atwater. “Because my work leading our school district for the past five years has been so rewarding, it is hard to step down. However, I am excited to become the University of Alaska’s Associate Vice President for K-12 Outreach. I am appreciative of working for a supportive school board that places our students’ needs as their number one priority and am proud that our district made so many improvements while I was here. I know the district has a clear vision for what is next and is well positioned with a strong team to continue to meet its goals. I thank all of the employees of KPBSD, families, and community members of our borough for their commitment to our school district. It is an honor to serve our students; I look forward to continuing to do so in my new position.”
The school board met in executive session on Monday evening, and will determine the next step for a new KPBSD superintendent. Three options are possibilities: a national search and new hire; appoint a new superintendent from qualified internal or external candidates; or hire an interim superintendent for the remainder of the school year. When a decision about the next step is made, KPBSD will communicate with our staff, schools, families, and the public.
“It is with sincere regret that the board will accept the resignation of our superintendent, Dr. Steve Atwater,” said Joe Arness, school board president. “At the same time, we feel sincere pride and happiness in his accomplishments and his movement towards a new challenge. His tenure here has been entirely productive and successful and he can take justified pride in the organization that he has been instrumental in creating and continuing. The district will continue in its current directions. As a school board, we will make a determination as to how to proceed in the process of filling the very large shoes which Dr. Atwater will leave. However, we know that the internal strength of the district and its employees is such that we will be able to find his replacement, get on a steady track, and move forward without hesitation. We certainly wish Dr. Atwater well and thank him for the contributions he made to our district.”
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Dr. Steve Atwater Named 2013 Alaska Superintendent of the Year


Dr. Steve Atwater Named 2013 Alaska Superintendent of the Year

Dr. Steve Atwater (L), Alaska 2013 Superintendent of the Year, and AASA executive director Bruce Johnson (R)

 Soldotna, September 12, 2012—The Alaska Association of School Administrators (AASA) announced that Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD) Superintendent, Dr. Steve Atwater, has been selected by his peers as Alaska’s 2013 Superintendent of the Year.
The Superintendent of the Year program, now in its 26th year, pays tribute to a school system’s top leader who exemplifies effectiveness, knowledge, leadership, ethics, and commitment. In nominating Dr. Atwater, colleagues and board members noted his success at leading both small and large school districts. They lauded his leadership expertise by comments such as “If you take a close look at each and every one of Dr. Atwater’s decisions or actions, you will find an unerring focus on the improvement of education and direction that favors kids.” Another nominator commented that “Dr. Atwater exemplifies the true essence of what an educational leader should be … and believes that every child can learn and that every child deserves to be taught by an outstanding teacher.”
When he learned about the award, Dr. Atwater said, “I am both humbled and honored by this award.  Humbled because I was nominated by my peers from across the state and honored because it affirms my good work and by association the good work that all of us at KPBSD are doing to meet the learning needs of our 8,900 students.”
Kenai Peninsula Borough Mayor Mike Navarre said, “Kenai Peninsula residents take pride in our outstanding school district and recognize the combined contributions of School Board members, administrators, teachers, support staff, parents and students as a part of our success. Most importantly, we recognize the leadership provided by our superintendent, Dr. Steve Atwater, as a key part of that success. Dr. Atwater’s vision, commitment, values, knowledge, and competence are reflected in the extraordinary job he does and the educational achievements of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District. We’re extremely fortunate to have Dr. Atwater as our Superintendent and congratulate him on his well-deserved recognition as 2013 Alaska Superintendent of the Year.”
“Dr. Atwater has been a great supporter of Kenai Peninsula College (KPC) and ensuring Peninsula students are college or career-ready when they graduate,” said Gary J. Turner, KPC director. “He is not only involved with our children from pre-K to 12th grade, but he is also teaching teachers at the university level where he serves as an adjunct faculty member with UAA’s College of Education. While Steve will say this is a district award, his leadership and vision have earned him this well-deserved accolade,” said Turner.
AASA will advance Dr. Atwater’s candidacy to the 2013 National Superintendent of the Year program knowing that he is highly respected by his colleagues, board members, and constituents throughout Alaska. All State Superintendents of the Year will be recognized in February at the 2013 AASA National Conference on Education in Los Angeles, California.
For more information contact Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communications specialist,, 907.714.8838
KPBSD media releases are online at this web page:

News Release: KPBSD Superintendent Steve Atwater named as finalist

Soldotna, December 15, 2011—The Anchorage School Board named KPBSD Superintendent Steve Atwater as one of the two finalists in its search for the next Anchorage, Alaska, Superintendent.
Mr. Joe Arness, KPBSD School Board president said:

“The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is proud to hear that Dr. Atwater has been named a finalist in the application process for the Anchorage superintendent job. Dr. Atwater has done a fine job on behalf of the Kenai Peninsula, and while we would be very sorry to see him go, we certainly wish him well. Operations of the school district will continue without interruption until such time as a final decision is made in Anchorage, and then the KPBSD School Board will respond to whatever that decision may be. At this point, Dr. Atwater remains under contract to the Kenai Peninsula and will remain welcome to continue that relationship should he not be offered, or accept, the Anchorage Superintendent position.”

In a press release on December 15, 2011, the Anchorage School District announced: “The Anchorage school board reviewed more than 150 applications, containing more than 1,600 pages of candidate information. The two finalists, Atwater and Browder, will each participate in a three-day on-site visit in early January to continue the interview process, learn more about the district, speak with staff and students, and meet members of the community.”
KPBSD Press Release: KPBSD Superintendent Steve Atwater named as Anchorage finalist
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Anchorage School District Superintendent Search
E-mail Mr. Joe Arness, School Board President:
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, Communications Specialist
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
Phone: (907) 714-8888
Fax: (907) 262-5867 
148 N. Binkley, Soldotna, AK 99669