KPBSD 6.3.20 update: Survey | Strength | Safety

Q: What did you–youth and parents or guardians–experience during remote learning?

A: Tell KPBSD in a simple SURVEY for students, parents & guardians

How did the March to May remote learning work for you and your family? Your response will help KPBSD plan for a Smart Start for school in August. Our 20 person planning team is meeting several times a week, and you’ll hear more about that throughout June and July.
Your thoughts will assist: we’re at 1,400+ responses & the goal is 5,000+ by June 8, 2020. Kindly invest a few minutes to respond:

Sources of Strength Family Toolkit

Take a deep breath! We all have strengths, and your social and emotional health is important. Download a wonderful booklet with activities and resources for all ages. #WhatHelpsUs #KPBSDstrong

Safety: Create your COVID-19 Family Plan

Have you made your plan for what will happen if the caregiver or caregivers in the family become ill with COVID-19? Who is in your Circle Of Support? Download a helpful three-page resource to create or refine your plan.

Connect with the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District throughout the summer. Call during office hours 907-714-8888. Visit the website for online registration, and regular updates about COVID-19, and the KPBSD planning and response.

Soldotna School Consolidation: survey and meeting

KPBSD_2017-2022_StrategicPlan_SealSoldotna High School Principal Graham, Soldotna Prep Principal Schmidt, district administration, and the school board request your thoughts and input about consolidating Soldotna Prep School (9th grade) and Soldotna High School (10th-12th grade) beginning with the school year beginning August 20, 2019.
Current reality
Enrollment is declining at Soldotna Prep and Soldotna High School, so both schools will lose teaching staff in the 2019-2020 school year. In addition to declining enrollment, the current state budget deficit in Alaska will require the KPBSD to adjust high school staffing formulas—raise the Pupil-to-Teacher Ratio (PTR)—which will increase class sizes and reduce teaching staff at both schools.
Academic offerings
To retain essential elective offerings for 9th-12th grade students in Soldotna, and ease the teaching position reductions, Principal Schmidt and Principal Graham believe that now is time to move Soldotna ninth grade students into Soldotna High School. This move would create an economy of scale that will lessen the amount of staff reductions and allow for more core and elective offerings for Soldotna 9th – 12th grade students.
Savings to budget
Moving Soldotna Prep 9th grade students into Soldotna High School, relocating River City Academy (RCA), and closing the building that houses Soldotna Prep and RCA will result in an approximate $630,000 overall annual savings to the district budget expenditures. This savings would come from reduced building operations and personnel costs to operate the current building housing two schools.
Soldotna High School and Soldotna Prep School consolidation meeting
April 11, 2019, meeting, 6:00 PM,
Soldotna High School Auditorium

A community meeting for Soldotna High School, Soldotna Prep School, incoming 9th grade students for the school year beginning in August, and community members, families, and staff will be April 11, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. in the Soldotna High School auditorium. The meeting will be hosted by the school principals and John O’Brien, KPBSD assistant superintendent of instruction.

Survey: Parent, student, and staff survey is open from April 4 – 12, 2019
Kindly participate in the survey to share your thoughts, and participate in the potential fast-track action that will benefit the educational opportunity for our Soldotna area teens.

2019_04_Soldotna High School consolidation survey QR_code_ZVY7YLR

Kenai Peninsula Borough School District principal thoughts

Tony Graham, Soldotna High School principal:

“We want to provide the best experiences and most opportunities for the students. With the likelihood of an increase to high school pupil-to-teacher ratio and loss of staffing, it will hinder our ability to provide a 10th -12th grade quality education. However, because of economy of scale and staffing formulas, a consolidation with Soldotna Prep 9th grade house would allow us to maintain offerings for 9th -12th grade students that will give them the ability to have a full and rich high school experience preparing them for their future.”

Curt Schmidt, Soldotna Prep School principal:

“Research tells us that ninth grade is the most critical point to intervene and prevent students from losing motivation, failing, and-or dropping out of school. At Soldotna Prep (and through partnership with Soldotna High School) we have done an excellent job to create a school that consistently leads to increasing graduation rates for ninth graders. However, faced with the near certainty of reduced staffing (due to declining enrollment and a loss of state and local funding) our community may be facing a scenario where our school district can no longer support Soldotna Prep in a standalone environment. Under these unfortunate circumstances, we have reached a tipping point that requires us to examine consolidation with Soldotna High School if we are to continue to offer education programming that includes a broad variety of electives, effective intervention programs, and utilizes proven strategies that we know motivate and encourage 9th grade student success.”

Sarge Truesdell, Skyview Middle School principal:

“At Skyview Middle School we created a high school academic schedule with a middle school climate. We use this two-year transition from elementary to high school as a learning experience in preparation for the demands and the rigor of the high school. Over the past five years, the ninth grade Soldotna Prep School has helped our students by intervening during this critical first year of high school. The data has shown that Soldotna Prep School has helped raise graduation rates and success for ninth grade students in the Soldotna area. With the uncertainty of the state budget and declining enrollment, the school district may no longer be able to provide this standalone ninth grade school. If consolidating the Prep School into Soldotna High School is necessary to broaden the elective, intervention, and advanced options for our ninth graders, then I am confident Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Graham, and their teachers will use the strategies and successful ninth grade model to make sure our students are successful in a 9th – 12th grade high school.”

Dawn Edwards-Smith, River City Academy (RCA) principal:

“I’ve discussed with our students and parents the possible closure of the Soldotna Prep building, and the potential need for RCA to move. The district is working to find us a location, should we need it. In the eleven years I have been at RCA, we have moved a number of times. In each of those new spaces, we have built positive partnerships and used the opportunity to evolve. At RCA, we value improving our work through revision or iteration cycles. Changing location or changing space is just one more way to iterate how we do business. With each move, we have maintained our central mission, core values, positive school climate and family atmosphere.”


Community Survey: Superintendent of Schools Search

News Release
Public Involvement in Superintendent of Schools Selection
Soldotna, February 15, 2019— The KPBSD Board of Education seeks public input into its process to select a superintendent of schools. The school board has sole responsibility for the selection of candidates, final interviews, and selection of the superintendent, but would like to consider the views and interests of the public to help guide those decisions.

A Community Input Survey is open until March 4, 2019

A brief, anonymous survey invites public comments and the opportunity to rank which attributes and demonstrated skills in a KPBSD superintendent of schools are most valuable. The school board requests everyone interested in schools, including parents, students, KPBSD staff, site councils, PTAs, volunteers, business and community organizations that partner with schools, community groups, and the public to contribute.
QR_code_BJGDLGV Community Interest survey

A link to the community survey and important dates is located on the home page in the “Community Interest” section.
Superintendent of Schools Search
The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education seeks an educational leader who has strong communication skills, is committed to high student achievement, and has a proven track record in teaching and administration. The position begins July 1, 2019. The online application period is open until midnight, March 15, 2019. Selection of finalists is March 21, 2019, and candidate interviews will be April 4, 2019, or April 11, 2019 if needed. The public may attend and offer written comments.
Online Community Survey open through March 4, 2019

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Graduate Survey: How Did KPBSD Do?

News ReleaseKPBSD logo 4c today
KPBSD Classes of 2010 to 2017, How Did KPBSD Do?

To improve schools, KPBSD seeks graduate input from the Classes of 2010 through 2017.

A brief survey is open through September. Please assist the KPBSD to reach 4,978 graduates.

The alumni survey will help KPBSD understand how well students were prepared to meet goals for college and a career. KPBSD will use feedback to ensure that the district’s academic and career-focused programs provide the best possible preparation for graduates.
Survey link: or
The graduate survey will be open through September 29, 2017.
This survey is being administered on behalf of the district by Hanover Research. Responses will remain anonymous, feedback is essential, and participation will improve the education experience for current and future students.
KPBSD partnered with Hanover Research to administer this survey. Hanover Research is an independent education research firm based in Washington, D.C., and is in no way affiliated with any other entity or organization. All responses will be kept completely anonymous, and no identifying information will be provided to the district. Similarly, grouped results will not be presented in a way that could potentially allow the identification of any specific respondents (e.g., faculty within a specific grade teaching a specific course).
Questions or difficulties with the survey? Contact Conor Kelly, Hanover Institute,
2017 Graduate Survey

Parent Survey: Do student early release days make a difference?

KPBSD logo 4c no tag SMALLPlease take a brief survey for parents open February 22 – March 11, 2017, to share your perceptions and thoughts about the six early release days for students.

KPBSD staff is also completing a similar survey.

“Each school day, more than 1,200 KPBSD employees do all that they can to provide a quality education to our district’s students. A part of this work is our continuous improvement process that requires us to regularly evaluate our practices so that we can in turn, make the necessary changes to help our students’ find success. An intricate piece of our improvements is our professional development for our certified staff.
With the need to do more for our staff in this area, for the past four school years we designated six school days as minimum days–with a 90 minute early release for students, while staff works a maximum day in order to deliberately devote time to collaborate and collectively address the learning needs of our students.
Now that you are familiar with these shortened student school days, we want to receive your feedback. Please complete these questions, and provide your optional comments.” – Sean Dusek, superintendent

Link: Take the survey now
Thank you very much for your time.
The next early release date is April 5, 2017

FY17 Early Release

Thoughts please: KPBSD #StrategicPlan survey is open

News Releasestrategic-plan-logo-kpbsd

KPBSD Five Year Strategic Plan Revision


Soldotna, November 7, 2016—Do you have an opinion about how to improve KPBSD schools?


Community members, families, students, and staff are invited to offer thoughts for the KPBSD 2017 – 2022 strategic plan revision through an online survey open through November 21, 2016.

KPBSD is refreshing and revising our five year strategic plan. Each of you has a unique perspective that will help guide our planning. Community members, families, students, and staff can have a voice in this process by completing the Survey. Your opinion will assist KPBSD to determine long term goals. Brief survey questions designed for our diverse schools include these topics:

  • Evidence of Education Quality
  • Challenge and Issues Impacting Education Quality
  • Educational Priorities
  • Student Skills and Abilities
  • Financial Priorities
  • Your Suggestions to Improve Quality of Education

The Survey is online, through this link:
The KPBSD webpage also includes a link to the survey,
Superintendent Sean Dusek said, “In an effort to improve our school district, we need a good plan to guide that effort. As a stakeholder in our community, you have a unique perspective that will help in the development of our new strategic plan. Your opinion will help develop areas the school district should focus on and guide which goals we should set. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey as we chart the direction of our schools for the next several years.”
Survey results will be essential in the process of refreshing and developing our long-term KPBSD strategic plan. A synthesis of the responses will be shared with the Board of Education, and available online. Thank you for making time to complete this valuable survey. Your feedback is important.

SURVEY | KPBSD parents, staff, community, students…

Kenai Peninsula Borough School DistrictKPBSD logo 4c today

News Release
Do you care about educational and resource needs in the KPBSD?

Soldotna, September 12, 2016—KPBSD requests parents, staff, students in 6th grade and above, and community members to provide personal opinions and input about educational and resource needs in the diverse KPBSD through completing an online survey.

The survey offers questions to evaluate programmatic, staffing, and resource needs throughout our district. Survey topics include educational and resource needs within our diverse school communities as well as opportunities to offer personal experiences with the district. Survey responses are anonymous, and feedback will assist the district’s efforts to increase the equity and efficiency in allocating resources to better serve KPBSD schools.

Take the survey now:

The survey will be open through September, 2016

“Our district is committed to listen to the voices of all our constituents as we look to continuously improve and be more efficient. This survey will go a long ways toward how we will implement our instructional model in the future and provide a high quality education for all of our students. Thank you for your participation in this important opportunity for input.” –Sean Dusek, superintendent

KPBSD partnered with Hanover Research to administer this survey. Hanover Research is an independent education research firm based in Washington, D.C., and is in no way affiliated with any other entity or organization. All responses will be kept completely anonymous, and no identifying information will be provided to the district. Similarly, grouped results will not be presented in a way that could potentially allow the identification of any specific respondents (e.g., faculty within a specific grade teaching a specific course).
Questions or difficulties with survey? Please contact Conor Kelly, Hanover Institute,
Contact: Pegge Erkeneff, KPBSD communications liaison
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