Amelia and Stella video convo #TaylorSwift

Dear Taylor Swift, kindly meet Amelia and Stella, two very special teens from Homer High School, in Homer, Alaska. You inspire Stella to be herself, and you brighten her life everyday.  
My name is Amelia Springer and I compiled this video for my friend Stella, who says she is the #1 Taylor Swift fan! I love watching Stella dance and sing to Taylor Swift songs at lunch and thought how amazing it would be if Stella ever got the chance to meet her in person.
Stella has down syndrome and I have a rare type of ectodermal dysplasia, AEC, which is a skin condition and was #21 in the world diagnosed with my specific type.

“I want this video to show people that we are individuals outside of our conditions, because I often feel that medical conditions are looked at from the medical side of things and I want people to see the brilliant minds and personalities  behind the conditions.” – Amelia Springer

Although Stella and I both have our syndromes we don’t let them define us, which is my goal for this video.
My other goal for this video is for it to possibly reach Taylor Swift so Stella experience her dream of meeting her!

So please like this video and share it!
Let’s see how far this gets!

Stella and Maria (2)