Soldotna High Making a Difference

“Every day I speak to students at Soldotna High School about respect, treating people right, kindness, and dreams. I tell them that the choice is theirs: they can choose to make a difference in their lives as well as the lives of others.

Actions speak louder than words, and this year they broke the sound barrier!

With the help of the students, staff, and the community, we were able to fill 25 baskets for families in need at Soldotna High School, give 30 turkeys and all the meal fixings to Love Inc., and still donate over 900 pounds of food to the Food Bank. All-in-all, we had enough food to feed 75 families this Thanksgiving year.
I am so proud and extremely thankful to call this my community and be a part of the Soldotna High School family. Make it a great Thanksgiving. Remember, the choice is yours!”
–Tony Graham, Principal, Soldotna High School

Donated to the Food Bank … 908 pounds!

Love, Inc food baskets donations


Giving thanks in Kenai

November 15, 2011
A feast was held today! Kenai Alternative High School served their 21st annual Thanksgiving Day Meal to 166 parents, students, and invited guests–many who were community members active with the high school throughout the year. Greeters at the door welcomed everyone with hellos and smiles. What a contrast to the frigid, wind-to-the-bone noon day winter sun! Smells flooded the hallway–turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes–my taste buds quivered when I took the few steps to the gym.

Inside, more students welcomed everyone who gathered and stood in line for the feast! Students said they’d been cooking since the previous Friday, and shared the story of oh, so many spuds. After a meal fit for a king (or queen) I wandered the room with my camera, talking to students, a 2011 graduate who had returned to help, and community members. At one round table members from local churches explained to me they cooked a hot meal each morning for the students, five days a week, serving between 25-70 breakfasts each day. Another table of pre-school students wore festive hats, and posed for several delightful photos–little faces complete with the remnants of  pumpkin pie crumbs. High school students were warm and welcoming, thanking me for coming. A young Mom took a few minutes to visit while she rocked her baby to sleep in his stroller (except I kept smiling at him so his eyelids were slow to close.)  A few photos from the day are in the Kenai Alternative High School photo album at the KPBSD Facebook page.

Let us give thanks for these students, for their parents, community members, and for everyone who shared a meal together. The noon-day sun flooding through upper windows in the gymnasium highlighted warmth in the belly, mind, and heart of all who gathered.
Thank you Kenai Alternative High School–may you continue this tradition for decades to come. The community appreciates you–and clearly you appreciate students, parents, and local residents.