Industry certification opportunity for teens | Alaska Petroleum Academy

KPBSD teens, will you be 18 by June 30, 2017?
You have the opportunity to earn industry certifications in Kenai, from The Alaska Petroleum Academy.
Certifications offered include:

16 Hour Petroleum Health & Safety
24 Hour CITS Certification
40 Hour Hazwoper Certification
Confined Space Entry Certification

Classes will be held at the Work Force Development Center~Kenai Central High School, and are open to all KPBSD teens.
Requirements: students  must be 18 by June 30, 2017, and be able to attend all training dates. The program only allows 20 students to attend and if more sign up an interview process will be held.
Sign up through the KPBSD OneStop website
Training Schedule

  • Wednesday, March 29, 3pm – 8pm (5 hours)
  • Thursday, March 30, 3pm – 8pm (5 hours)
  • Friday, March 31, 3pm – 8pm (5 hours)
  • Saturday, April 1, 8am – 5pm (8 hours)
  • Sunday, April 2, 8am – 5pm (8 hours)
  • Monday, April 3, 3pm – 8pm (4 hours)
  • Tuesday, April 5, 2pm – 7pm (5 hours)

Alaska Petroleum Academy Poster '17