
Principal’s Corner

A Promising Start to the Year

It was great to see all the bright and eager faces as we kicked off the 24-25 school year. I appreciate the eagerness of the staff and community to get involved in the school

School Safety

While we anticipate another great year, it’s crucial to be prepared for anything. I’ve provided information on our plans for various situations, including:

  • Snow or late start days
  • ALICE drills
  • Fire or earthquake procedures
  • Guidelines for what to do before, during, and after an emergency

Ninilchik School is committed to planning, preparing, and drilling for almost any emergency or disaster. While we can’t control everything that happens, we will be ready when it does. Please review the safety information below to ensure you know what to do in case of an emergency at Ninilchik.

I am looking forward to a great year and am excited to get started. If you have concerns or suggestions please schedule a time to meet with me by calling 714-0300 or send me an e-mail at

Sheri Maynard



Emergency Information

Do you know what to do in case of an emergency? What happens on snow days? What should parents do if there is a shelter in place, earthquake or violent act at school? Below are links to district web pages and district information sheets for your information about the District Emergency Action Plan.

Here are a couple quick answers to the questions asked above:

What if there is a huge snowstorm?

  • Check the KPBSD Facebook page to see if school is closed. If you think it is dangerous to travel, you don’t have to send your student to school. It is your call, but please call the school office so they know what’s happening with your student.

What is ALICE? ALICE is a system to help keep as many students safe as possible during if an active shooter incident happens at our school. This program trains students and

  • staff to know whether to evacuate, stay in place or counter. See the form below that explains what ALICE stands for.

What if there is an earthquake or active shooter at my school?

  • Please don’t rush to the school; this creates more challenges for the emergency responders and police and could make the situation more dangerous. It is better not to call your child; it distracts them from following safety instructions and could put them at risk in some situations. The police and school will not let students or staff out until everything is all clear. Check the school’s Facebook page for information. Please trust us to take care of your children.

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