Voznesenka School
A tradition of excellence

Voznesenka School prepares students for the future by providing a diverse array of learning opportunities.
Students are guided and supported in a safe, respectful, and responsible environment to prepare them for a dynamic world through engagement in a variety of classes, athletics, and cultural experiences.
33002 Voznesenka Loop
Homer, AK 99603
- Principal Tenure: This is Michael Wojciak’s14th year at Voznesenka, 17th in the Alaska, and 24th in education.
- 10 Certified staff:
1-Doctorate - 4 Classified staff:
1-High School Diploma - 19:1 P/T ratio
- 7.6 average Staff years of service
- 145 students enrolled
- 83.53% Attendance Rate
Academics Assessment
MAP – Math
- -Math MAP testing from Fall (29th percentile) to Spring (40th percentile)
- -Achieved 71 percent growth!
- -ELA MAP testing from Fall (28th percentile) to Spring (45 percentile)
- -achieved 76 percent growth!
How we intervene:
- -student below the 25th percentile are provided the opportunity for intervention (RTI)
- Intervention Support
constitutes the process of using in class and outside of class intervention for those students that require it. We also work in collaboration with families and an I-Team group.
- Intervention Support
- -Students with D/F’s in the secondary grades- parents are presented with grades mid-quarter and in report cards
K12 Elementary Specific
- Math curriculum: iReady
- an interactive hands on experience with technology incorporation.
- Literacy curriculum: CKLA
- Given the “Science of Reading” approval and geared towards a phonetic system of learning.
K12 Secondary Specific
- 100% Graduation Rate
- Dual Enrollment
We currently don’t have any this semester, however there have been several students that have taken advantage of this in our recent past.
School Projects/Initiatives
- Voznesenka School and the PTA are combining efforts implementing the very first school lunch program.
Honors, Awards and Recognitions
- Multiple starting Football players (meaning players to take the first offense/Defense position in a game)
- Multiple Homer Foundation Grants
- Sons of American Legion Donations
- Voznesenka PTA Donations
- Homer High School Partnership Co-op for Athletics.
Specific Examples: Fedora Afonin-Student representative for School Board Information Committee
Awards / Championships
- 2013-2014-Our High Schoolers were District Champions in Battles of the Books.
- ASAA Sportsmanship Award 2010-2011-Julian Polushkin, Zenovei Martushoff, Dennis Martishev, Zenon Martushev, David Martishev, Ioseph Martishev
- State Football Champions 2010-Pahisi Reutov, Gregory Ivanov, Zenovei Martushoff, Zenon Martushev, Deanese Polushkin, Julian Polushkin, Ioseph Martishev, David Martishev, Dennis Martishev, Avraam Kalugin,
School Culture Highlights
Overall Events:
Every Friday: staff and students represent our school by wearing our colors black and gold.
Spirit Week: Student council sets up a fun spirit week to celebrate our school with different themes every day.
Spring Time Events:
Clean up Day: students and staff are separated by grades. Each group takes responsibility of a different section of our designated road to make it presentable once again.
Field Day: Parents (such as those part of our PTA) take charge of food, Staff put together relays, obstacles and other events. Students groups rotate to celebrate the end of another school year.
Family and Community Engagements/Highlights
Through Title 1 program:students and families are engaged in a minimum of two family engagements. Previous and upcoming examples include “make your own snack” night, family movie nights, technology workshops, and a 100th day celebration.
Other engagements:
We also have quarterly Site council meetings, where school and community work together. Everyone there has a say in any previous or upcoming issues/events.
Course Offering Highlights
We have a school wide Russian language program.
Previous options: technology classes, construction, home economics, and classes through the Homer High school.
Goals for the year
Voznesenka school will have 80% of the K-2 students reach the low or no risk category (measured by mClass) and 60% of students in grades 3-5 above the 40th percentile in reading (measured by MAPs) by Spring 2025.
Because our K-2nd of our student population are identified as 75% EL, we need to focus attention on quality preschool language and academic development. Our goal is for 70% of our preschoolers to be proficient in all 5 domains (State of Alaska Early Learning Guildelines) by May 2025.
To increase student and parent engagement by:
1.Designating a school success liaison
2. Collaborating with PTA to plan after-school activities that will attract parents
3. Continuing to communicate via multiple models
4. Teaching a monthly SEL lesson to 1-5, daily to k, and additional lessons when relevant
5.Offering before-during and after-school activities
School Climate and Mindset Key Data
Students are encouraged to be their best through a family-oriented community and a collaborative and supportive staff..
Mindset Survey Data 3-5th Grade:
95%- Students believe are encouraged to do their best
95 %-Students can stand up for themselves (without putting others down)
95%- believe the teachers are fair
Mindset Survey Data 6-12th Grade:
100%- Believe they will graduate high school
80%-Students believe it’s important to participate in community service
80 %-Students have goals for their future