KPBSD Inspiration: Dexter Lowe, Homer High School #ClassOf2019

Homer High School Dexter Lowe Class of 2019
Homer High School

Dexter Lowe, Class of 2019

When you ask any of his teachers at Homer High School (HHS) to describe Dexter Lowe, their first comment is that that he is one of the most internally motivated students they have known. His many successful family members have provided powerful role models but he forged his own path, developing into a focused and driven young man who never gives up or ever settles for his own second best.

Dexter is lucky to have been born in Homer—he thrived in the protected, nurturing environment as a young child, but as kids grow and mature, it can be hard to channel natural competitive energies in such a small town. He was fortunate to discover that sports—particularly soccer and distance running—provided that outlet. He proved to be an excellent athlete and won numerous competitions for HHS. Although he has given up the idea of being a professional soccer player, outdoor sporting activities will always be an important part of his life.
Competition has also been a part of Dexter’s school life. Although it is a small number, his graduating class challenged, pushed and encouraged one another. Academic competition will come as no surprise to him—he will not fold under pressure. He and his peers have continued the HHS tradition of excellence. Another piece of good news is that he will stay in Alaska to attend the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and his skills and talents will benefit all of us in this great state.
“There is no question that Dexter represents all the finest qualities Homer High hopes its graduates will display: integrity, curiosity and a fine work ethic,” said Principal Waclawski. “We wish him well in all his future endeavors.”

The mission of the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District is to empower all learners to positively shape their futures.