Celebrate Jen Booz, 2018 Kenai BP Teacher of Excellence

Jen Booz

“There are so many amazing teachers out there doing incredible things every day that to be singled out for recognition feels unbelievable. I love being a teacher. Teaching science to middle school students is the best job I can imagine but I could not do it alone. Kari Dendurent, my principal, is always willing to support whichever crazy idea I have. My co-teachers inspire me every day and the kids keep showing up excited to learn science. I hope to continue to grow my craft and never stop learning.” – Jen Booz

 Ms. Jen Booz teaches science and robotics to eighth graders at Homer Middle School. She has been a teacher for 11 years, all in Alaska.
Principal Kari Dendurant says that that Ms. Booz is known for her positive rapport with students, and all the students at Homer Middle School. But it’s not just her principal who believes this. A student writes, “She is helpful and the best science teacher. Ms. Booz makes everyone happy. She’s a really awesome, cool and healthy person to be around.”
Ms. Booz coaches cross-country running and works with all types of athletes to encourage a healthy lifestyle. She knows that being a member of a team helps her student-athletes integrate well into the other areas of their schooling. So she brings this sense of team into her classroom.
“I consciously create an environment of blended and project-based learning in my class,” she tells us, “to allow students the freedom to make choices in their learning.”
Ms. Booz creates a module-style structure, in which students are provided with content through a variety of sources, then progress at their own pace, moving ahead as they complete each component. So each student is responsible for his or her own learning, but also works with peers in small groups.
Their teacher monitors progress through CANVAS, the District Learning Management System. By blending the learning process, Ms. Booz is freed up to work one-on-one with these small groups or individuals. She says, “As a science teacher, I want students to experience ‘real science’ whenever possible. The project-based learning model I have adopted utilize community interaction, relevant topics and authentic products.”
One example of her approach was a project in which students made a presentation to a professional in the community over Skype. They received feedback directly from the professional, which was a very powerful moment for both them and their teacher.
Another example had meaning closer to home. Ms. Booz says, “In Homer, many of our families fish commercially, so when we coupled science skills and chemistry, we investigated the best methods to clean oil spills. Many of our students’ parents have been trained in oil-spill clean-up, so this project had real-life application.”
“I believe Jen Booz makes a difference in public education because she brings the love of learning and science to every 8th grade student at Homer Middle School,” said Kari Dendurant, principal. “As a result of students having Ms. Booz as their teacher they are encouraged and inspired to be innovative to make our world a better place. Students do not ever hear no from Ms. Booz, rather they hear why?, how? and what do you think? And most importantly, I believe in you. She is a true inspiration!”
Ms. Booz earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware, and a master’s degree in education from Eastern Oregon University. She began her work in science during college when she was awarded a field internship. After leaving Delaware, she traveled around the country doing field research in ornithology, and also worked as a field biologist for state, federal and academic institutions.
These positions gave her real-life experience as a scientist, lessons she tries to give her students through the blended learning she implements in class.
Ms. Booz also devotes herself to Homer’s students outside of class, serving on several school and district committees and the Innovation Committee, Personalized Learning Council and National Junior Honor Society.
“I am very proud of all our finalists for this prestigious award,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “They all embody the qualities we want all of our teachers to exhibit, especially in how they ensure a strong, positive relationship with each and every student. Each finalist is very deserving of this recognition and I look forward to their continued excellence and leadership in our district.”
Congratulations, Jen Booz, 2018 BP Teacher of Excellence.
Kenai 2018 BP Teachers of Excellence

Celebrate Wil Chervenak, 2018 Kenai BP Teacher of Excellence

“There are very few elements in life that are fixed–money, health, relationships, employment, fame, talent, and material possessions can all fluctuate drastically. Education however, is one of life’s most precious resources as it not only serves as a vehicle for upward mobility but as a fixed component in the physiological fabric of an individual. One’s education cannot be bought, sold, stolen, given up, or imitated–education is authentic, education is forever. I feel truly blessed each and every day that I get the opportunity to be a part of my students’ development of their own education for I know that I am helping them acquire one of life’s rarest commodities.” –Will Chervenak

Mr. Wil Chervenak teaches English language arts and physical education to ninth graders at Soldotna Prep School. He has been a teacher for five years, all in Alaska.
Before moving to Soldotna, he taught in the small, rural community of Ambler, located above the Arctic Circle. Teaching in a small Alaska community that experiences long, dark, very cold winters is unlike teaching anywhere else in America and imparts valuable lessons for a teacher. In addition to the opportunity teach classes like Iñupiaq studies is the lesson that building strong personal relationships is vital.
He states: “My teaching style can be described as accessible and personal. I try my hardest to meet the students where they are and build on skills that they bring to the table.” Mr. Chervenak believes that, in order to motivate students, they have to know their teacher has their best interests at heart. So, by taking the time to learn something special about each student, he achieves a middle ground, which acts as the vehicle to gain trust.
“This lets them know that we are in this together,” he says. “I love what I do, and that passion permeates everything I do in the classroom.”
One of his students says: “He makes this school more fun and enjoyable. He is very philosophical and makes sure we think about stuff. He doesn’t share any views with us, like religion or politics, so he can keep it fair.”
Mr. Chervenak is a member of the school’s Instructional Leadership team and helps steer the instructional direction of the school.
He also has coached a wide variety of sports, including cross-country, wrestling, baseball and Native Youth Olympics. But he also leads the far more cerebral Poetry Out Loud Club, Native Youth Leadership and After School Tutoring. He earned both his bachelor’s degree and his master’s in education in secondary teaching, at Eastern Washington University. He also just graduated with his Master’s in Education in educational leadership in April with a 4.0 GPA.
Mr. Chervenak brings a lot to Soldotna Prep. A student writes, “He actively tries to help, and makes sure his students are on task yet having fun with their work.” Beyond helping to lead the instructional direction of the school, he states that he is proudest of the positive, healthy relationships he’s maintained with his students and their families, as well as being a fundamental component in over 300 students gaining college entry. That’s certainly something to be proud of.
“As the principal at Soldotna Prep School, I have worked with Mr. Chervenak for four years,” said Curt Schmidt. “He is very dependable, trustworthy, and sincere in every effort he undertakes. He always maintains a professional attitude, works well with a variety of students and colleagues, and is very flexible in taking on teaching assignments and other duties as requested. Mr. Chervenak is highly organized, communicates clearly, and most importantly, keeps what is best for students in mind at all times.
Mr. Chervenak has gained extensive knowledge in collaborative practices, built a large toolbox of best teaching practices, and has substantially increased his leadership abilities, with the goal of continual improvement always being foremost in his mind. He also helps administration with substitute duties while they are out of the building with high levels of success.  He thinks well on his feet and can make adjustments easily. I am confident that Mr. Chervenak is deserving of this award.”
“I am very proud of all our finalists for this prestigious award,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “They all embody the qualities we want all of our teachers to exhibit, especially in how they ensure a strong, positive relationship with each and every student. Each finalist is very deserving of this recognition and I look forward to their continued excellence and leadership in our district.”
Congratulations, Will Chervenak, BP Teacher of Excellence.
Kenai 2018 BP Teachers of Excellence

Celebrate Carlyn Nichols, 2018 Kenai BP Teacher of Excellence

Kodiak, Alaska

“It’s an exciting time to be an educator. Through personalized learning and maker education I get to be a facilitator of experiences and mentor in learning rather than a conduit of information and “giver of tests”. I love watching students take ownership of their learning and pursue their curiosities.  I really believe one of the greatest gifts we can bestow upon students is the ability to problem solve, innovate and collaborate. And we must find meaningful and engaging ways to develop those skills. I feel successful if my students can make connections to the science in their everyday lives through these authentic activities.” –Carlyn Nichols
Ms. Carlyn Nichols teaches science at Seward Middle School. She has been a teacher for 13 years, all in Alaska.
One of the students at Seward Middle School wrote, “When you walk into Ms. Nichols’ classroom, you feel safe and ready to learn. She loves having deep conversations with her class. If a student asks an interesting question, her face lights up with excitement, and you know she’s about to give you the best answer possible.”
Ms. Nichols is, in her own words, a goofy, enthusiastic teacher who loves to geek out on science. She showers her students with humor and energy, while also pushing them. She is tasked with getting middle schoolers ready for the more-advanced academics of high school. So, her emphasis is less on memorizing information and more on self-guided problem solving.
“I expect and teach self-reliance, initiative and grit,” she tells us. “It’s my belief that the greatest gift I can give my students is the ability to think for themselves.”
She regularly takes her classes beyond books and tests. Her students learn to experiment, think critically, ask hard questions and use evidence. Her approach to science is through inquiry and exploration. She states: “I believe students must experience and wrestle with scientific concepts and skills if they are to truly engage and internalize them.”
Ms. Nichols is a strong believer in using technology and challenge-based learning. She uses ed tech daily for a variety of purposes. Her students can often be found viewing her lectures and running simulations on their Chromebooks, recording an experiment on their phones, or producing their own digital projects with iPads.
Visit her classroom and you might find students building a zipline, extracting DNA or working with their teacher to figure out which tools they need to use.
A few years ago, Ms. Nichols began integrating more engineering into her curriculum, and now she’s infusing class with Maker components. She secured grants, used her personal professional development funds and lobbied community organizations to raise the money to stock, organize and implement the school’s new Maker Space.
“That Maker lab is my happy place,” she says, “exploring and creating with students of all abilities. Nearly every day, I ask students to create something to demonstrate their learning. We build atoms, move vehicles, make yogurt and produce movies.”
Her classroom is dynamic and diverse, and Ms. Nichols is proud that her class has the reputation of “not sitting much.”
One parent wrote: “My son had never shown a keen interest in science until he entered her classroom. Now, he can’t wait to get to her class so he can be immersed in her lessons and strike off on new adventures of discovery. When you ask your child how their day went and he replies ‘It was awesome since I had Mrs. Nichols today,’ you know that teacher is something special.”
“I believe Carlyn Nichols makes a positive impact at Seward Middle School because of the way she recognizes students as individuals,” said Jenny Martin, principal. “She wants to know their interests, their troubles, and what makes them excited. Carlyn looks to broaden the minds and lives of kids through hands-on lessons in the classroom and Elective classes she teaches. She exposes them to their surroundings through field trips in the Bay and draws their interests to careers in technology and engineering. She helps them contribute to and serve their community and is the teacher they love and remember for years.”
A graduate of the University of Denver, she received her master’s from the University of Alaska Southeast. Perhaps more important, she was born and raised–and graduated high school–in the same community where she now teaches. Seward is certainly lucky to have her at home.
“I am very proud of all our finalists for this prestigious award,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “They all embody the qualities we want all of our teachers to exhibit, especially in how they ensure a strong, positive relationship with each and every student. Each finalist is very deserving of this recognition and I look forward to their continued excellence and leadership in our district.”
Congratulations, Carlyn Nichols, BP Teacher of Excellence.
Kenai 2018 BP Teachers of Excellence

Celebrate Aaron Gordon, 2018 Kenai BP Education Ally

2018 Kenai Education Ally
Nate Crabtree, K-Beach Elementary was in on a secret, and made up a story to bring Mr. Aaron Gordon to the BP Teachers of Excellence celebration. During the evening awards, Mr. Gordon discovered he was the 2018 Kenai Education Ally when Superintendent Dusek began reading about him!
“Our Educational Ally works with young students in an intensive-needs, structured classroom.
The teachers who work with this ally say the individual is enormously patient and flexible when dealing with difficult personalities or situations involving conflict, refusals or multiple health impairments.
This ally is tolerant of the children’s differences and cool-headed in tough situations. What’s more, this person is also really fun to be around. A film major at University of Alaska Fairbanks, this ally runs an after-school film club that has become hugely popular and accommodates students affected by autism, enabling them to engage in positive social interaction with their peers.
Fluent in sign language, this person can often be seen carrying on conversations with hearing-impaired students, helping to broaden their vocabulary and simply adding a bit of laughter to their day with corny jokes or lengthy discussions of Pokemon.
For many years, our Educational Ally has been a counselor at the Royal Family Summer Camp, an intensive and successful opportunity for local foster children. Many of these children have very tough backgrounds, and when they return to school, they invariably seek out this person as a safe and positive staff member, and have better transitions back into the school routine.
This ally is so approachable and fun that staff and students alike are glad he’s at the school. This person was nominated for this award by the teachers he works with, perhaps the best evidence we have that he is truly an Educational Ally.”
“I believe Aaron Gordon makes a difference in public education because he brings in the experience and skillset of an award winning filmmaker to the classroom setting,” said Nate Crabtree, principal. “This is evident in the high quality videos he helps created to promote positive school culture, the after school film club that he started to introduce elementary students to film and using his expertise to enhance the educational experience for a homebound student.”
“I am very proud of Aaron Gordon,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “He ensures a strong, positive relationship with each and every student. Mr. Gordon is very deserving of this recognition and I look forward to his continued excellence and leadership in our district.”
Congratulations to Kalifornsky Beach Elementary’s Aaron Gordon, BP Educational Ally

Celebrate Staci Wells, 2018 Kenai BP Teacher of Excellence

Staci Wells
“As educators, we meet truly outstanding professional who makes a difference in the lives of children. Staci Wells is just that person! She is willing to go above and beyond and plays a critical role in sparking a passion for learning while consistently challenging and engaging all of her students.” –Bill Withrow, Redoubt Elementary principal

Ms. Staci Wells teaches second grade at Redoubt Elementary School in Soldotna. She has been a teacher for 11 years, all in Alaska. “Teaching isn’t just my job,” Ms. Wells says, “it’s who I am.” Ms. Wells approaches teaching with a very personal tactic, what she calls “guided instruction in a central style.” She engages her young students in classroom instruction, of course, but as she says, “In order to see their lightbulbs go off, you need to get face-to-face.”
She believes the impact of teaching and learning is more powerful in a small-group setting, which allows her to catch students in a moment of difficulty and quickly redirect them to success. Similarly, she can immediately see who has already mastered a skill and help him or her to move on to the next step.
The parents of her students agree with her approach. One parent wrote, Ms. Wells teaches these kids some amazing things, and they get it! My child knows things I would not expect from a second-grader.”
Ms. Wells earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Western Oregon State College and an education degree from Kenai Peninsula College.
She devotes much of her energy to searching out activities that are more fun and engaging for her students. “If I don’t think a lesson is exciting and worthwhile,” she says, “how can my students?”
Ms. Wells has recently helped her school implement STEM learning and, Staci Wellssimultaneously, personalized learning, also known as “student choice.” Offering both programs together results in a room full of eight-year-olds with unbridled enthusiasm.
Ms. Wells says, “I believe I inspire students by stepping out of my comfort zone and offering them opportunities that allow them to think outside the box. I want them to realize their full potential.”
Under Ms. Wells’ passionate teaching, students gradually learn to set goals and review their progress. A teacher never knows what to expect when he or she is handed a class list at the beginning of the year. But, as she tells us, that list quickly becomes a family. She states: “Knowing that I am trusted with a parent’s greatest treasure is a high calling of honor.”
Every morning, Staci spends time in her classroom getting ready for the coming day, and former students stop by to say hello. They come by to determine if the room decorations have changed, or to quiz her about a specific memory or event. But mostly, they stop in to get a hug.
Ms. Wells admits, “There is nothing that makes me prouder than the relationships I’ve made with my students. When they stop in to say hello, I know I was successful in making an impact on them.”
“I am very proud of all our finalists for this prestigious award,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “They all embody the qualities we want all of our teachers to exhibit, especially in how they ensure a strong, positive relationship with each and every student. Each finalist is very deserving of this recognition and I look forward to their continued excellence and leadership in our district.”
Congratulations, Staci Wells, BP Teacher of Excellence.

Celebrate Robanne Stading, 2018 Kenai BP Teacher of the Year

Kodiak, Alaska
“Every student can learn and learning looks different for every student, the way it should be! With this belief, I am always looking for the ways to help all students at Nikolaevsk learn. As the special education teacher at a K-12 school, every year is different as the students grow up, learn new skills, take on new interests, and create new goals. Our goal as a school is that every student will have success and be ready for whatever is next for them after high school, and we make this happen the power of IEPs, our PBIS program, and long-term relationships.” –Robanne Stading, 2018 Kenai BP Teacher of the Year
Robanne Stading
Congratulations to the 2018 Kenai Borough School District BP Teacher of the Year, Ms. Robanne Stading!
Mrs. Stading discovered she is the 2018 Kenai Teacher of the Year when Wendy Lindskoog, Vice President of Communications and External Affairs at BP Alaska, spoke to a crowded room during the BP Teachers of Excellence celebration:
This teacher has had uniquely effective success in reaching difficult-to-reach students. One coworker wrote, “This teacher is not only a wonderful teacher and colleague, but a true mentor for students.”
Parents agree. One wrote, “This teacher is an amazing person, who is caring, loving and truly loves the job. We constantly say how blessed we are to have this teacher.”
This teacher works hard to ensure the school is safe and accessible to every student who comes through its doors physically, emotionally and educationally. If a student has difficulties, like one recent student who had a rare form of muscular dystrophy and was bound to a wheelchair, this teacher works to make sure he can not only get into and around the school, but that the other students accept him, welcome him and help him. Today, rather than be awkward or alienated, that student is liked by all and included as a part of the school.
Whether it’s staying late to work with students, or giving up lunchtime to tutor, this teacher is always willing to put the children first.
When a fellow teacher contracted brain cancer, our BP Teacher of the Year stepped up and took over as lead instructor of her classes for a year and a half, in addition to this teacher’s regular workload.
This teacher believes her school is a community, and she works to instill that sense of belonging, compassion and responsibility in her students through every lesson she teaches. But far more important, she shows them what a good member of the community by example. And every day, she shows them what a great teacher is.
Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in congratulating the 2018 Kenai Borough School District BP Teacher of the Year… Ms. Robanne Stading.
 Robanne Stading teaches special education in kindergarten through grade twelve at Nikolaevsk School. She has been a teacher for 12 years, all in Alaska.
In April, one of the teachers at Nikolaevsk School heard a racket outside her classroom and opened the door to see what it was. She saw Ms. Stading’s junior high students running down the hallway doing a reenactment of a Civil War battle. That’s the kind of teacher she is. As a student writes, “Ms. Stading is a fun teacher who promotes personalized learning and creativity.”
When she assigns a poetry project, she’ll often write the rubric in the form of that type of poem. She introduces algebra concepts through games and teaches that it’s not about the formulas but the understanding that algebra is about balance and finding answers to the unknown. A skill her students will use in real life.
Ms. Stading urges her students to get out of their comfort zones and stretch to discover where they can go, and to reach their full potential. She teaches that struggle in the classroom is not a cause for giving up, but rather, means we should dig in and try harder, work to find a solution. She teaches that struggle is something we all deal with throughout life, and finding solutions is not just a classroom assignment but a life skill.
Ms. Stading teaches in a small school in rural Alaska. That means she has the wonderful advantage of teaching children in multiple grades as they grow older. She knows them, and their strengths and weaknesses. She is able to remind them of how far they’ve come and inspire them to develop their best selves. But working in a rural school means she also has to find or create opportunities for her students. She was an early adopter of active, innovative methods of instruction, such as Mystery Skype, which uses the internet to connect classrooms around the world to share geography, culture and social studies.
She was an early participant in Global Read Aloud, another multi-classroom project that brings students together through literature. Ms. Stading actively looks for ways to inspire her students to look beyond the classroom to the larger world.
But perhaps more than anything that stands out about Ms. Stading is her compassion and dedication to her students. A colleague writes: “She is a true mentor to her students. Children have listed Robanne in their web of support people. As a school counselor, I can tell you that when students list a teacher as someone they know will be their champion and safe adult during times of crisis speaks volumes about that teacher.”
Ms. Stading has multiple degrees. She earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Oklahoma Baptist University, and a Master of Education from University of Alaska Anchorage. She also earned a Master of Education in Early Childhood Education from U of A Southeast and a Master of Education in Educational Leadership from UAA.
One parent wrote, “My son has severe autism and is non-verbal. I always worry about him going to school, but with Robanne, I feel 100% comfortable. And that’s the best feeling, to know how much support my son has just from her alone.”
“It’s been my pleasure to work with Robanne for eleven years at Nikolaevsk school,” said Michael Sellers, principal. “I watched her develop into a true world-class educator. Robanne has never been satisfied with the status quo. She has developed a PLC with other highly effective and progressive educators from around the country and uses what she learns to improve her craft. She models lifelong learning for all students and staff. She was an early adopter of using technology in the classroom—not just as another way for students to make presentations or type up their papers—but to connect with students in authentic ways from around the world. She uses genius hour for students to dive deep into subjects they may not otherwise get to explore in a traditional setting. She has been true to the co-teaching model ensuring all students are learning at his or her potential. I look forward to working with Robanne into the future while preparing students for theirs.”
“I am very proud of all our finalists for this prestigious award,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “They all embody the qualities we want all of our teachers to exhibit, especially in how they ensure a strong, positive relationship with each and every student. Each finalist is very deserving of this recognition and I especially celebrate Ms. Robanne Stading for her excellence and leadership in our district.”

Kenai student honored for excellence in distance learning

USDLA Awards Natalie Marlowe with the USDLA Student Achievement Award For Excellence in Distance Learning in 2018

Kenai Central High School student Natalie Marlowe is honored by the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) with the world’s most prestigious distance learning award presented for excellence in distance learning.
“This year’s USDLA Award recipient Natalie Marlowe represents the finest examples of online courses, best practices, and leadership in our field. The depth and breadth of the USDLA membership allows us to engage with leaders from higher education, K-12, industry, military, and government who daily demonstrate the power of distance learning. We are so very proud and excited to be able to recognize this level of excellence,” said Mr. Pat Cassella, President of USDLA.
Natalie Barlowe

Natalie Marlowe, Kenai Central High School

In her words

“One of my favorite connections was when I was able to connect an Alaska and Texas elementary classroom to discuss back and forth. The amazement on the faces of Alaskan kids when the Texas students brought out their class pet, a snake, was priceless. The Texan students were equally impressed by the stories of the weather the Alaskan students considered typical on the playground.”


Be involved

“In the fall of 2015, I got involved in a video conferencing program offered at my high school. This program is team taught by a teacher at Kenai Central High School and a teacher at Soldotna Prep School and is designed to connect students around the world as it works to prepare them for the next generation workplace. Although I began the course looking for an extra social studies credit, as I learned more I began to realize how these global connections and networking skills would set me apart when I began applying to colleges and eventually entering the workforce.”



“My involvement over the past three years in this course has taught me a lot about video conferencing technology and the uses of distance education. However, it has also taught me a lot about myself as an individual. I have learned how to learn from my failures, sometimes more than from successes, and how to be flexible when things do not go as planned. I have learned how to be ready to stand up and participate in the discussion when put on the spot and how to be comfortable presenting in front my peers and large groups of adult professionals. I know the confidence and ease I have learned through these experiences will accompany me through life even outside of distance education and the use of video conferencing technology.”


Challenges and surprises

“Working with technology is always a gamble. There are so many things that can go wrong at any given point. I struggled especially when I was working with teachers because they looked to me to have answers when things went wrong and I didn’t always have them. Being involved in this program required me to grow in my flexibility and know when to admit I needed help and how to get that help. One key challenge I had was when I set up a conference for a teacher at an elementary school. I had gone in a few days before to make sure the technology was working but between that time and the conference date the equipment was moved and disconnected. I ended up having to cancel the conference that day and reschedule. Things like this have really taught me how to be flexible and communicate with people when things go wrong.”

Superintendent Sean Dusek said,

“I am very proud that Natalie Marlowe has earned this prestigious honor for her work with distance education as a student in our schools. She exemplifies the type of student we hope to have as KPBSD graduate. Natalie has demonstrated the highest levels of leadership and innovation in supporting staff and students to be successful in the world of online learning and I believe she will continue to make a huge impact with positively transforming education on a world-wide basis. Congratulations Natalie and I am so very proud to have you as one of our KPBSD graduates!”

KPBSD educator Rob Sparks said, “She has done an outstanding job of representing the KPBSD and has shown a high level of professionalism throughout her internship and is a super nice person on top of all her talents!”
“Natalie has been a part of our video conferencing program for three years at Kenai Central High School, and I truly appreciate all her efforts,” said Greg Zorbas, KCHS educator. “Natalie has gone above and beyond our expectations and is truly a deserving winner of the USDLA student achievement award. I am certain that her experience in the video conferencing program will help her succeed at whatever she chooses to do in the future.”
USDLA Media Release

USDLA awards Kenai student Natalie Marlowe top honors

USDLA Awards Natalie Marlowe with the USDLA Student Achievement Award For Excellence in Distance Learning in 2018

Kenai Central High School student Natalie Marlowe is honored by the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) with the world’s most prestigious distance learning award presented for excellence in distance learning.
Indianapolis, IN May 2, 2018 — The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) presented its 2018 International Distance Learning Awards to Natalie Marlowe in conjunction with the 2018 National Conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. USDLA is a 501(c) 3 non-profit association, founded in 1987, as the nation’s leading distance learning organization. The association reaches 20,000 people globally with sponsors and members operating in and influencing 46% of the $913 billion dollar U.S. education and training market.  
These prestigious International Awards are presented annually to organizations and individuals engaged in the development and delivery of distance learning programs. Included in the recognition ceremony were awards for 21st Century Distance Learning, Innovation, Excellence in Teaching/Training, Quality Research Paper, Student Achievement, and Eagle.
“As a premier organization for the entire distance learning profession, we are honoring Natalie Marlowe as a leader in the industry,” said Dr. John G. Flores, Executive Director of USDLA. Natalie has raised the bar of excellence and we are truly honored by Natalie’s contributions within all distance learning constituencies.
The USDLA Awards were created to acknowledge major accomplishments in distance learning and to highlight those distance learning instructors, programs, and professionals who have achieved and demonstrated extraordinary results through the use of online, videoconferencing, satellite and blended learning delivery technologies.
“This year’s USDLA Award recipient Natalie Marlowe represents the finest examples of online courses, best practices, and leadership in our field.  The depth and breadth of the USDLA membership allows us to engage with leaders from higher education, K-12, industry, military, and government who daily demonstrate the power of distance learning.  We are so very proud and excited to be able to recognize this level of excellence,” said Mr. Pat Cassella, President of USDLA.
Mr. Ken Conn, Chair of USDLA Board of Directors noted that, “This year’s award winner represent many of the most innovative leaders in the field of distance learning.” He continued, “I also look forward to seeing Natalie again during National Distance Learning Week, November 5-9, 2018.”
Superintendent Sean Dusek said, “I am very proud that Natalie Marlowe has earned this prestigious honor for her work with distance education as a student in our schools. She exemplifies the type of student we hope to have as KPBSD graduate. Natalie has demonstrated the highest levels of leadership and innovation in supporting staff and students to be successful in the world of online learning and I believe she will continue to make a huge impact with positively transforming education on a world-wide basis. I am so very proud Miss Marlowe is one of our KPBSD graduates!”
Natalie, a Senior at Kenai Central High School, was the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District intern working with i2iTechnologoes, Two Way Interactive Communication in Education and Collaborations Around The Planet (CAPspace)
About United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA)
The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) is a 501(c) 3 non-profit association formed in 1987 and is located in Boston, Massachusetts. The association reaches 20,000 people globally with sponsors and members operating in and influencing 46% of the $913 billion dollar U.S. education and training market.  USDLA promotes the development and application of distance learning for education and training and serves the needs of the distance learning community by providing advocacy, information, networking and opportunity. Distance learning and training constituencies served include pre-k-12 education, higher and continuing education, home schooling as well as business, corporate, military, government and telehealth markets. The USDLA trademarked logo is the recognized worldwide symbol of dedicated professionals committed to the distance learning industry. http://www.usdla.org
gng2 i2i tech

Do you know how to perceive sound waves? #scienceproject

Do you know how sound waves affect people’s lives? Homer Middle School 8th grade student Olivia Glasman does, and she signs you how (and typed in cc to assist!)


“Through a science research project on sound waves, I wanted to educate people on how hearing and deaf people perceive sound waves. I think this is an important topic because instead of not talking about disabilities we should educate people on them. I think by doing this it will benefit the deaf community and the hearing community.” – Olivia Glasman, 8th grade, Homer Middle School
HMS 2018 Olivia Glasman

New! Text Messaging Service Opt-In

New! Text Messaging Service for parents & guardiansKPBSD logo 4c no tag SMALL
A positive Opt-In is necessary to participate in this free service
Soldotna, Alaska—The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District can now utilize the SchoolMessenger system to deliver text messages, straight to a parent, guardian, or student mobile phone with important information about events, school closings, safety alerts and more. A positive opt-in text will be sent to current mobile contacts in PowerSchool on Thursday, May 17, 2018 from #67587.
To activate the new free Text Messaging Service, a positive opt-in is necessary from your mobile phone.
Parents, guardians, and students can participate in this free service by sending a text message of “Y” or “Yes” to our school district’s short code number, 67587 anytime, and making certain that your cellular contact is correct in PowerSchool.


Opt-In Graphic for HL story

QUICK CHECKLIST for Parents and Guardians

Do you have a cell phone registered in the KPBSD PowerSchool contact information?


  • NO?

    Contact the office at your child’s school to update PowerSchool with your preferred mobile phone contact in order to activate SMS text messages and alerts. Each student contact may include three numbers to receive SMS texts: two adult contacts, and the student SMS contact (if applicable).


  • YES?

    You will receive a legitimate (it’s not spam) text on Thursday, May 17, 2018, from 67587 that begins with, “Kenai Peninsula Borough School District alerts.” The text invites you to positively OPT-IN to receive future messages from your child’s school, or the main school district office. If your cellular number is activated in PowerSchool after May 17, you will receive the positive opt-in text within 24 hours. You can positively opt-in at any time.


Reply to the text you receive on or after May 17, 2018, with a Y or YES



Initiate your own text anytime to this number: 67587
With this message content: Y or YES

Questions? Review FAQs
SMS Information Flyer
The contact information for parents, guardians, and students is sourced from contact information in PowerSchool. To update or review your information in PowerSchool, contact your school secretary, go to PowerSchool via your computer, the PowerSchool app, or the Kenai Peninsula SD mobile app.
In ongoing efforts to increase campus safety and communication, the school district added SMS alert functionality to our existing communication alert system (School Messenger). For specific questions about safety protocols, please talk to your school principal.