Mrs. Sharon Hale awarded Golden Apple

Mrs. Sharon Hale, Redoubt Elementary School
Golden Apple Award | June 1, 2020
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District

“Mrs. Sharon Hale is an incomparable human who goes beyond her duties as if there were no other option,” said nominator Stephanie Belger. “She is the librarian aide at Redoubt Elementary, and the whole community knows her as much more. My own children remember Mrs. Hale as the one who ‘always made us tie our shoes and dresses up as Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat.’ She is known for many activities in our school that are developed, continued, and spearheaded by her. A part-time employee, she is constantly seen working over than weekend and later than many other staff because she cares about our school. She helps children connect with books so they can learn to love reading. She encourages every aspect of reading support—even with the teachers!”

Throughout the years Mrs. Hale has run the Scholastic Book Fair, the Sunshine Committee, the annual Walk Your Child to School activity, the school-wide fundraiser, the math and science night, family night activities throughout the year, the bike rodeo, and the Dr. Seuss and Love of Reading month.

This all is a tremendous feat but it is still shy of the whole picture. She reaches out to peers, students, and the community with even more passion. Mrs. Hale can always be found giving individuals what they need before they even know what they need! At every staff departure there is a special Mrs. Hale handmade gift. In addition, there is always one for new coming baby “Roadrunners” as well. She never misses an opportunity to help students with Forensics, Geo-Bee, Spelling Bee, and is known to spot children with books, games, and anything that will encourage them out of her own pocket. She is a substitute and jumps in for the other half of the day as much as possible when teachers are in need at a moment’s notice. Mrs. Hale loves helping others, even to helping student learn how to sew in Friday electives. Students can learn this wonderful trade and, staff call upon her on weekends to help with t-shirt quilts. She immediately gives of her time to assist with all the knowledge she has, and with her presence. Her outreach to the community is also long lasting. She has given decades to the CES fire family as a wife to a fire chief, stiches of love community projects, and Oiler’s baseball.

Mrs. Sharon Hale has been working in our school district since 1997, however she began volunteering at Redoubt Elementary in 1991. She has impacted the Redoubt community officially for 23 years and unofficially for 29. By the count, she has positively supported over thirteen thousand students, hundreds of teachers, and several administrators. Her leadership, service, and remarkable contributions to everyone will forever be remembered. In the words of the current administrator, Principal Bill Withrow, “When you look at the heartbeat and pulse of our school, Sharon Hale’s name is in all of it.”

The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education is proud to recognize Mrs. Sharon Hale for her dedication to the students of the school district, past, present, and future.

Celebrate Staci Wells, 2018 Kenai BP Teacher of Excellence

Staci Wells
“As educators, we meet truly outstanding professional who makes a difference in the lives of children. Staci Wells is just that person! She is willing to go above and beyond and plays a critical role in sparking a passion for learning while consistently challenging and engaging all of her students.” –Bill Withrow, Redoubt Elementary principal

Ms. Staci Wells teaches second grade at Redoubt Elementary School in Soldotna. She has been a teacher for 11 years, all in Alaska. “Teaching isn’t just my job,” Ms. Wells says, “it’s who I am.” Ms. Wells approaches teaching with a very personal tactic, what she calls “guided instruction in a central style.” She engages her young students in classroom instruction, of course, but as she says, “In order to see their lightbulbs go off, you need to get face-to-face.”
She believes the impact of teaching and learning is more powerful in a small-group setting, which allows her to catch students in a moment of difficulty and quickly redirect them to success. Similarly, she can immediately see who has already mastered a skill and help him or her to move on to the next step.
The parents of her students agree with her approach. One parent wrote, Ms. Wells teaches these kids some amazing things, and they get it! My child knows things I would not expect from a second-grader.”
Ms. Wells earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Western Oregon State College and an education degree from Kenai Peninsula College.
She devotes much of her energy to searching out activities that are more fun and engaging for her students. “If I don’t think a lesson is exciting and worthwhile,” she says, “how can my students?”
Ms. Wells has recently helped her school implement STEM learning and, Staci Wellssimultaneously, personalized learning, also known as “student choice.” Offering both programs together results in a room full of eight-year-olds with unbridled enthusiasm.
Ms. Wells says, “I believe I inspire students by stepping out of my comfort zone and offering them opportunities that allow them to think outside the box. I want them to realize their full potential.”
Under Ms. Wells’ passionate teaching, students gradually learn to set goals and review their progress. A teacher never knows what to expect when he or she is handed a class list at the beginning of the year. But, as she tells us, that list quickly becomes a family. She states: “Knowing that I am trusted with a parent’s greatest treasure is a high calling of honor.”
Every morning, Staci spends time in her classroom getting ready for the coming day, and former students stop by to say hello. They come by to determine if the room decorations have changed, or to quiz her about a specific memory or event. But mostly, they stop in to get a hug.
Ms. Wells admits, “There is nothing that makes me prouder than the relationships I’ve made with my students. When they stop in to say hello, I know I was successful in making an impact on them.”
“I am very proud of all our finalists for this prestigious award,” said Sean Dusek, superintendent. “They all embody the qualities we want all of our teachers to exhibit, especially in how they ensure a strong, positive relationship with each and every student. Each finalist is very deserving of this recognition and I look forward to their continued excellence and leadership in our district.”
Congratulations, Staci Wells, BP Teacher of Excellence.

Great Grocery Grab at Redoubt Elementary

Kids and adults raced Redoubt Elementary halls today…for a good cause!

Principal John Pothast competed against Superintendent Steve Atwater to see who could race the hallways, pushing grocery carts, fill them with cans of food donated by students, and get back to starting position, first.
Dr. Atwater won the blue ribbon for time, wearing his speedy sneakers and sporting a tie headband. Principal Podhast was slowed a bit by his hat of swinging eggs, and a wobbly cart wheel. In the end–everyone wins, as more than one thousand pounds of food is collected for the Food Bank.
The sound was deafening–truly–as children lined the hallways ready to hand off their cans. The littlest kids screamed the loudest in hallways where usually only soft whispers are heard. It’s a good cause to shout out for–providing canned food to the Kenai Peninsula Food Bank.
Thank you Redoubt Elementary! You bring fun and food to our community and help others.
Watch for a story in the local newspaper–last Friday Borough Mayor Mike Navarre competed with Soldotna Mayor Peter Micciche.
See more photos in the Redoubt Elementary photo album.