Skyview Middle School: Sources of Strength mentors and trusted adults

Be social: check your camera roll and share, or take a new photo if you can practice physical distancing! #sos #SourcesofStrength #SourcesatSkyview #SOSinvite #KPBSDStrongerTogether #WhatHelpsUs #SOSmentor #FamilyStrength

Skyview Middle School, Soldotna Alaska

Trusted Mentors

Mentor Mysteries “Wanted Posters” in a Month of Mentors!

To highlight Skyview Middle School mentors, the Sources of Strength team sent students on a mystery to determine the WHO in the wanted-poster mentors for the week!

The investigation and mystery encouraged students to connect with mentors, ask them questions about their likes and interests, and find similarities between themselves and Skyview Middle School mentors. Students who could figure out all three wanted-posters each week were entered into a raffle for prizes. This was our coolest #sos campaign we did this school year!

Family Support

Many of us feel stuck in problems and it is hard to see the solution. Sometimes getting unstuck is simple when we have some strategies, techniques, or help. During Covid19 we feel like we are “stuck” at home, when really, we can and have built on the strength of our Family Support! Skyview Middle School students learned the Yarn Knot Game this year, which can really assist especially now!

Connect with Skyview Middle School on Facebook or their new Instagram
Don’t miss the Quarantine Kindness Challenge Ideas!

Sources of Strength is in 12 KPBSD schools: eight high schools, three middle schools, and one K-12 school.

A strength-based comprehensive wellness program focusing on suicide prevention, Sources of Strength also addresses substance abuse, violence, resiliency, and relationships. Teams of peer leaders mentored by adult advisors change peer social norms about seeking help, and encourage students to individually assess and develop positive strengths in their life.