Volleyball will start Tuesday, January 4th. There will be a short meeting after school to collect sports packet and fees, and then practice will follow. Volleyball is open to 7th and 8th grade girls.
If you have already played a sport this school year, and have a sports packet at the office, please let the office know to move your packet to volleyball.
Practice is over at 4:30. The fee for volleyball is $60.
Wrestling will start with an informational meeting after school on Wednesday, January 5th. The meeting is after school and will run until 3:15. Wrestling is open to all students.
If you have already played a sport this school year, and have a sports packet at the office, please let the office know to move your packet to wrestling.
Practices will start afterschool January 6th. The fee is $60.
Cross Country Skiing will start on Wednesday, January 5th. Practice is after school and will run until 4:15. Cross Country Skiing is open to all students.
If you have already played a sport this school year, and have a sports packet at the office, please let the office know to move your packet to skiing.
The fee is $60. The wax room will be open Tuesday, for skiers to place their gear. PLEASE LABEL ALL GEAR!