Student Registration

The first day of school for the 2024/2024 school year is August 21! 

School starts at 7:40 am and ends at 2:15 pm.

Registration will be ONLINE for New and Returning Students.

Click here to begin the online registration process

New students!

Are you new to KPBSD? Start here to begin the enrollment process to register for school beginning August 16, 2022.

New to district: ALL Registration Paperwork should be done online at:

2023-2024 School Calendar

Returning Students:

All the necessary update information and paperwork is now a simplified online process!

It’s online, fast, easy, and safe!

KPBSD is able to offer you a simple electronic paperwork update for all students this year. The new electronic paperwork system simplifies the paperwork process for parents and guardians, allowing you to review, sign, and submit your child’s required forms directly online. This process is intended to make the new school year form updates fast, easy, and safe.

Ready to Begin?

The forms process works by either using an already existing PowerSchool parent account or creating a new one. If you already have a PowerSchool account with KPBSD, simply log into the forms portal using your account credentials. If you do not have an account or are new to KPBSD, you can register a new account here.

If your student has been with KPBSD before we will attempt to automatically match them to your account. You can easily add new-to-district students to your account as well.

Once your student list is finished, you can complete to new and back-to-school paperwork in an easy interface. 

Please contact the school secretary, Loretta Honebein with any questions at 224-9000 or Staff will be back in the building to help on August 1, 2024.