
Homer Flex High School is a school of choice for students who want an alternative to the traditional high school. Students have the opportunity to earn their high school diploma through individualized instruction and personalized learning. Flex courses are offered in intensive, nine-week rotations, allowing four rotations to occur during the school year. Students can earn two credits at the end of each of rotation. This provides students with a well-rounded knowledge base and a strong footing for the future. Both the students and staff at the school do their best to provide help to others in any way they can, and foster the best learning environment for all students.

Did you know?

Factoid One about your school here

Highlight about your community here

Staff feats, accomplishment

Why Students thrive at our school

About our Classrooms

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Principles of

Principles can be paragraph form

  • As a bulleted list

with headers to emphasize

each principle or main point


Here is the question?

And here is the answer.

School Enrollment Info

Please contact the office at 907-235-5558 to schedule a time for your student to come visit our building.
