Universal Masking beginning on Wednesday, Sept. 1

Dear Seward Middle School families and staff,

Seward Elementary and High School have had several positive COVID-19 cases in the last week with many people identified as close contacts. It’s important to keep as many people in school as possible, so as an added safety measure at our school on Wednesday our school will join Seward Elementary, Seward High School, and Moose Pass School to help slow in-school exposure to COVID-19, while community transmission remains high.

Seward Middle School will require face coverings for all students and staff while indoors at school, beginning Wednesday, September 1, 2021. This will reevaluated on Friday, September 10, 2021. Face coverings continue to be required for everyone who rides a bus.

I appreciate everyone’s cooperation in helping us keep as many students in the building as possible. While we have not had any positive cases in the middle school yet, we can ensure that by having everyone wear masks, students (and staff) are not considered close contacts and don’t have to stay home in quarantine. While this was a tough decision, our main goal is to see as many kids as possible in person and avoid the necessity for quarantine, or even the possibility of transitioning to remote school. If you have any questions please give me a call at (907) 224-9025. Thanks!

Mr. Potter, principal
Seward Middle School

PS: You can help protect your family and community: if you or someone you know has any symptoms of illness, stay home, and get a free COVID-19 test. Everyone 12 and older can receive a free vaccination to help prevent serious illness or death.

For more information about the KPBSD mitigation plan, close contact action steps, and symptom free school protocol visit the COVID-19 in KPBSD Hub. Please call your school nurse, or me, with questions

PEAKS Testing Results 2021

August 26, 2021

Dear Parent or Guardian,

In the spring of 2021, the PEAKS state summative assessment for English language arts (ELA), mathematics, and science was administered. PEAKS is short for the Performance Evaluation for Alaska’s Schools.  

Student reports are available through the Power School Parent Portal. If you would like a hard copy of the student report, you may request one from your school.

PEAKS is one part of the overall picture about how our students and schools succeed. KPBSD focuses on continual improvement, creating lifelong learners, and believes the emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking will make a significant, positive difference in students’ lives. I encourage you to talk with your student’s teacher about the results on these assessments, learn the overall picture about how your student is doing in school, and discover ways to help your student succeed.

Parents/guardians have the authority to object to any assessment that is used for accountability purposes, or tests required by the State. The Assessment Withdrawal form must be completed annually and submitted to the school. The form can be found at the following link: https://go.boarddocs.com/ak/kpbsd/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=B9ZSCY71D24A

You can find parent resources on the Alaska Department of Education PEAKS webpage: https://education.alaska.gov/assessments/peaks to assist you in understanding these state evaluations. You can find your school’s designation on the Department of Education’s website as well: https://education.alaska.gov/akaccountability

Students Working Remotely

Families if your student needs to stay home for any reason please have them check their classes on Canvas. They should be able to complete work online and submit on Canvas. Students can email their teachers easily from Canvas or Gmail with questions. Here is a basic tutorial to help with navigating Canvas. Remember we are here to help!!


If your child did not receive a Chromebook, please contact the school office at 2024-9000.