Throughout late Fall, local news sources have confirmed that we are
experiencing brown bear sightings later than usual. Bears have been
observed near the buses, on the playground, and even in the classrooms!
Players from Kenai’s very own Brown Bear hockey team are actively
volunteering in a variety of settings throughout Mountain View.
As an active part of our community, the Bears have a specific focus on
advancing learning and building connections with our students. They are
working diligently with our teachers and administrators to ensure that they are
supporting instruction where they can. The players are engaged with our
students on the playground in a “controlled fun atmosphere.” The most
popular activities include running around the playground, four square,
basketball, and hanging on the bars together. They are also seen during
lunch, in multiple classrooms teaching reading groups, working on persuasive
writing pieces, helping students sharpen their math skills, painting with Pre-K,
and learning about the brain with 3rd and 4th graders! Who knew that a four
square game at recess would involve conversations about geography and
how amazing our brain is? Notable quotes from students have included,
“Don’t let your amygdala take control! Your prefrontal cortex is in charge!” and
“If you’re from Canada, isn’t that the same as California?”
We would like to thank the Kenai River Brown Bears for spending time
within our school community. Go Bears! Aside from working in our building,
there are opportunities to see them out on the ice for the next several weeks:
November 14
Youth Night/Fill the Net-Everyone 12 and under get in free,
Adults get a $5 ticket with food shelf donation
November 21
Student ID Night- Get in free with your Student ID
December 6
Elementary Night- Elementary Students get in for free!
December 7
$1.00 ticket night!