Site Based Council

The Seward Schools Site-Based Council works together with parents and all three Seward schools.

The meeting dates for this 2022-2023 school year are:

Dec 1st

Feb 9th

April 13th

District Budget meeting February 22nd


Mission Statement:

Public school students in Seward area will matriculate in three schools before
graduation. As the site based council we believe unity in comprehensive
development of area school programs is essential. In that regard, the Seward
Schools Site Based Council recognizes the school in the Seward area as a single
site. We believe the strongest forum to best develop improvement plans for the
Seward Schools is one comprehensive council. We believe Seward schools
need to develop in a unilateral direction that promotes a continuum of
educational studies. We believe that our schools develop the strongest
programs and have the broadest consensus by having one site based council,
with fair representation from all schools, working as one decision making team.